How Useful is Reading?

How important is reading? If I devote a lot of my time to mental gains, will I end up sacrificing time to make social gains (I'm a introvert but I want to be more extroverted).

I'm currently reading Models by Mark Manson in hopes to gain both mental and social gains at the same time.

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Consider acting like you're buying a book at Barnes and Noble, talk to the chicks at the coffee stand and pretend you know George RR Martin

I buy books offline and I'm in University.

Mental gains is just a buzzword meme
but to answer your questions some self-help books can point out things you never realized. but you still need to go out and apply them and fail. to really understand them

you could read models cover to cover but in real time you'll probably fail the first couple times applying what you learn

so just like lifting "mental" gains will take time and won't be an instant fix.if you're genetical a dumb person best you can do is memorize alot and just repeat it too other people until it becomes natural

Audiobooks exist user. I listen to audiobooks and interesting podcasts when I run and lift.

>self-help books

Yep. Self-help in particular is pretty eh as far as I'm concerned.

But it's fun learning things and knowing random shit, so that's cool.

>Mental gains is just a buzzword meme
but that one image where the swole dude asks the big headed bad guy where he works out at...

Reading is pretty useless in this modern age, at least reading of classical works

>the things of the past that worked, are now science fact, part of our world, like the scientific principles, sample sizes, double blind studies, laws around physics etc.
>the ones who didnt become part of this modern world, were deemed as unworthy, functional wise and thus forgotten
>a person who wants to be a functional as possible for the modern world stands to gain much more from reading a scientific journal, or direct scientific research publication than a book
>because that scientific publication was build upon the things that work as well
>alongside modern external tools like MRI machines, all sorts of sensors and meters that measure the human condition 1000x times better than the ramblings of some pre-advanced science era, which were basically third world countries.

special bonus points go to things that the jews do not like us to read however. Volkish lore, racial research and theory. But anti leftist lore is the only thing that is really suppressed. The rest kinda got ignored because of its unfunctionality.

Just to add to this, mental gains are good/fine/important but social gains are nearly 100% not tied to them. Getting social gains involves ripping off a bandage that no amount of literature will prepare you for.


You can read in your free time or before sleeping. You don't need to sacrifice anything really. Self help books can mostly be read in a day or two at max since they are simple as fuck. If you want to get 'le life gainz' stop browsing Veeky Forums reddit and other bullshit websites

>historic fallacy

No really, most thoughts that you find in books are long ramblings that are not established in science, and thus in reality.

The only thoughts that you are supposed to construct are those which are closest to reality. Thus only research and evidence.

The thoughts of men often wander, often find dead ends in endless theorizing without a limit. That is why philosophy is so useless, why it was replaced by science.

Because it could find no solution to anything.

People realized that philosophy is just endless fields of fantasy.

All thoughts are supposed to be anchored by reality. Unless you have too few IQ points and think that (shared/limited) solipsism is somehow a cool state to be in.

>All thoughts are supposed to be anchored by reality. Unless you have too few IQ points and think that (shared/limited) solipsism is somehow a cool state to be in.

>tips fedora

>has too few IQ points
>initiates too few IQ points defense strategy #1




>will I end up sacrificing time to make social gains (I'm a introvert but I want to be more extroverted).
That depends doesn't it?

you guys are retarded

>sits on a device constructed by super science
>wears clothes that were made by industrial science
>eats food that was made by industrial science and old type artificial selection
>all kinds of logistics that supply him with these things work on math principles and advanced economics
>uses time keeping based on reason and science
>calenders based on the same realistic principles that are outside of him
>time span of himself, food and other stuff which he barely understands, which are based on modern science he most likely tries to use as well (since hes on Veeky Forums)

>"but no, I need to grasp back at the old and irrelevant who history has mostly ejected into the void"

>tfw too fit to read

science wouldn't exist without thousands of years of western philosophy laying the groundwork for a culture that prized rationality and empiricism

have some respect boy

People like this OP are terrifying, trying to approach self improvement like a numbers game. So you not have some kinda identity, soul, emotions? You should do what seems right to do, achieve what seems good to achieve

Sounds like you are just making excuses.

Man you're retarded without philosophy theres no science

god i love this shitposting hellhole.

Things that work were selected from what basically amounts to a brute force approach to life, that is evolution.

That does not mean that the things that did not work, are good. There are literally millions of them.

Millions of irrelevant variables, like time, speed, cycles, power levels, goals/virtues, archetypes (zeus, gods) and much...much more.

Philosophy is basically the unfounded and nearly random collisions between these many variables. Most of which were deemed to be non functional, as our internal world is much more imaginative than reality (and also different)

To become more efficient in life, we have to weight the anchor of life on our necks and to step out from these things that will not lead us to anything. Assuming that you wish to keep on existing (in the form of your children).

Everything else is literally wishing for suicide tier.

>tfw so shredded I couldn't read this post

I'm not sure what you're rambling about, but if you want a picture of a society that progresses without 'useless' western philosophy, you just need to look to africa or the middle east.

I didnt expect much from a low IQ tard in the first place bro.

But perhaps you should stick to your books. They will ease your tiny mind, shelter it from the complicated world outside.

Read if you like to.

Find shit that you enjoy reading, and read it. I read instead of watching TV, and have two 4 shelf book cases nearly full after 2 years. People see that shit, and think I'm some serious intellectual.

The one thing I would recommend is to not read books because of how you think it'll make you be perceived intellectually. I remember I got a few books off of Bill Gates reading list a few years ago, and I just hated them. That's not to say there's anything wrong with Bill Gates reading tastes. They're just different from mine. He likes reading about business-related/self-help things it seems, and I like reading histories, fantasy, and miscellaneous nonfiction.

you should probably go back to le reddit (you)


>People like this OP are terrifying, trying to approach self improvement like a numbers game. So you not have some kinda identity, soul, emotions? You should do what seems right to do, achieve what seems good to achieve

This is actually my problem, I attribute it to being young, but I feel like I have no personality or soul. The only emotions I "feel" are anger and jealousy. I haven't felt genuine consistent happiness since I was a child. I don't feel authentic talking or being with others and i don't feel like I belong.

I'm hoping I can find the answer to my problems in literature, or at least drown myself in so much knowledge I leave humanity behind and the pain goes away.

It hurts not being able to connect with your friends and feel for them the way they feel for you, and watching them drift away because you seem like a callous boring asshole, when in reality I've forgetten how to feel...but I want to.

>people think that there is a soul
>they cannot grasp the thought that we are a biological computer
>as your own desktop computer buzzes, beeps and has cycles, so does your biological computer has trademarks
>your heartbeat delivers blood to your eyes, gives pressure to your body, which you can feel
>you are watching through formed cells, which are not perfect and sometimes have weird ways in which they are formed
>just as you can get used to the "hum" of modern electronics, you can get used to the "hum" of your own body

Though it makes me wonder on the soul. If I can grasp these bio chemical systems, does that mean that I am above them somewhere?

If not edgelord talk to a therapist or google lifetraps and get the book etc

>If I can grasp these bio chemical systems, does that mean that I am above them somewhere?
no. you're just the operating system and the registry observing the automatic processes.

>people think that there is a soul
The people talkibg about souls in - this thread at least - are using it as a way to define identity, not to imply some spirit or magic

its quite spooky though, isnt it? If you dont understand something in real life, or are confused by it, you can escape from it by going somewhere else.

But with your mind there is no such thing. Going that deep just creates panic with me.

Just as Windows 98 cannot fathom Windows 10 applications today, our brains cannot fathom what better structured brains could.

Once I read a post saying "How many books should I read to be better than 99% of people ?"
Jesus no matter why you people are sad losers

>doesn't read
What a big surprise!

what would an introvert do if he didn't read? holy shit do you stare at the wall in your free time?

>tfw can't read a book without thinking of all the bullshit assignments that came from reading in high school or the books you were forced to read

>liberalfag reads old and irrelevant literature instead of modern scientific journals
>is completely not up to date with racial science, statistics about countries and more worldly things that actually matter, which are derived from refined tools

What a big surprise!


>still being this much of a pleb