Vegan Thread

This man is 62 years old and is a vegan. Why again did you not become vegan?

Don't give me you're bullshit science either. Real facts, also if you have question go ahead and ask.



Meat tastes good

this. vegans cannot refute this argument

Ruining meat with toppings like vegetables.

Then eat it unseasoned with plants. No buns, no condiments, no seasoning. Just salt and meat.

From Barnard's own study.


With Haimoto's data (top red) and Nielsen and Joensson's data (lower red) for low carb diets.

The Haimoto line starts at 10.9%

>not knowing about the linear relationship between hba1c and all cause mortality in all populations

Why do you even care OP?

tastes fucking amazing


because, ayy lmao, veganism is a religion. you have to convert others to validate your world view.

just like libertarians.

i eat meat but that looks godawful

murifat detected

>slow-cooked barbecue

son, you don't have a fucking clue

I bet you think that meat is burnt

thats what i usually do. have you ever eaten a quality steak?



ayy lmao

Why do vegan trolls come through in waves like invading Mongols. It wasn't all that bad last week but Christ the past couple days have been full vetard.

btfo'd in the first post

I came a little.

I am fatter than I have ever been. I'm going vegan as of right now so I can lose weight and troll Veeky Forums at the same time.

Why is that bad? I'm sorry but I'm fucking clueless, would you mind explaining it, please?


>Why again did you not become vegan?
Because I'm not stupid.

I as vegan back in high school and lost 60lbs. I was around 165lbs



This shit doesn't even look like land animal anymore. Shit, it looks like what humans would eat on Mars in like 2400.