Alpha Thread General

Hey bros, when I ask out a grill and get rejected (in person) what is something I can say in response that would be alpha as I walk away? I was thinking "Ok, well let me know when you change your mind" but idk

Alpha behavior general

I seriously say 'Your loss' but in a funny way.

Why say anything? Do you really need to protect your ego?

>Asking girls for sex

Acting alpha makes you feel more alpha and builds confidence. ie.fake it til you make it

This. Its true

Or it just makes you look like a mega-autist.

There's really no inbewteen.

Before the explosion of the "alpha" meme, people referred to this as being "cool." E.g. "How do you be cool?" The general response back in the day was, "Well if you have to ask..."

It still applies today.

this is gay.

honestly the best way to look at it and that you can't really fuck up is to just walk away. she rejected you so there's no reason to talk to her anymore.

as soon as she rejects you you should just turn and walk. don't hesitate.

usually i dont give a fuck. just wish'em a good week / party whatever and keep on with whatever i was doing.
being alpha isn't about repeating phrases you learned on internet, its about being confident and not double guessing yourself.

There's nothing much to say really. The only way to recover from it is if you're an experienced pick-up artist, which I doubt you are considering you even thought of saying
"Ok, well let me know when you change your mind"

Really, just move on and remember that she did not reject you; she rejected your approach.
So keep approaching because you will get better. It's impossible that you won't get better if you keep at it

What's gay about it ? Stop being an autistic sperg

you right homies, the girls I'd ask out are ones I'll probably never see again anyways so fug it

Just smile, say "ok", and walk away. Probably the most alpha thing you can do.

Being nasty to a girl just because she doesn't want to date you is petty.

just do this. Gives a smile, don't be afraid to show you are very slightly embarrassed/disappointed, but that you have not a shred of ill will and just say OK. Have a good sense of humor.

holy shit how many fedoras do you own dude

There's no point in saying anything.

Just walk away.

Dont be pathetic. You're not convincing anyone you're alpha after getting rejected. You can only come off 2 ways:

As a grown man, who can deal with it becuz more fishes await.


Insecure child who cannot.

You should however cut the contact with the girl completely, including saying hello etc. if you are in same social circles.
Unless she is your friend from before. But if you just see her here and there ignore unless she greets you first.

>and get rejected


None... why?
Are you suggesting one can't improve his interactions skills with women?

HAHAHAHAHAHA pick up artist

you guys are fucking stupid as shit, talking to women isn't an art; it's a natural part of life, get off the internet you fucking dweebs.

Who is this fluid druid?

You ARE going to get rejected; in fact if you are doing it right you will be rejected more times than you are accepted.

The very fact that you are trying makes you alpha.

Being Alpha is about being a leader and to be a leader you have to be willing to put yourself in vulnerable situations and taking ownership of your actions.

Just act like you don't give a fuck, "oh okay well enjoy the rest of your night, take care" have a cute smile on your face and walk away.

Nothing is more beta than getting angry or looking for a phrase you memorized to put them down, I've been at clubs early in the night where a chick has "rejected me" and then actually tried to come talk to me later in the night because I just shrugged it off, kept good charisma up and continued being social with other people/girls, girls find that a lot more attractive than someone who acts like a child when faced with rejection, it makes you look not confident with not a lot of options, if you have to think hard about what to say and are worried how they will respond then you've already lost, best of luck hope this helps.

Pick-up artist, Chad, ladie's man...whatever you wanna call it.
Someone that sleeps with new women on a weekly basis.

That person might me able to salvage a rejection


Burst into tears and full force punch her in the face

it works! She is passively letting me fuck her!

Sod that, go for the Falcon Punch!!!!!