Proteins from plants are way less effective in building muscles than protein from meat, milk and eggs.
Why do you fuckers even want to lift if you're vegan.
Proteins from plants are way less effective in building muscles than protein from meat, milk and eggs.
Why do you fuckers even want to lift if you're vegan.
Why would you care if someone else wants to stay dyel? One more person that you'll be bigger than.
Because those shits have to rub their veganism in our faces.
Thats a pretty ironic thing to say in a anti vegan thread friendo.
You could just say "I don't wanna look like a weak piece of shit like you" and laugh it off when they try to rub their shit in your face but you obviously can't since you're dyel.
Met my first vegan the other day
Its a girl i knew from nights out in the city, pretty normal looking. Doesn't do anything fitness related.
We bumb into each other, start talking, first thing she says
>oh im a vegan now, you know you have no idea how bad milk products are for you, i have to send you bunch of vids
"wow, no thx, ive been going in the gym for some time now and i like my meat and cheese"
>you have no idea how healthier you would be without those
"haha well tell me how it works out for you, have long have you been vegan?"
>since the start of this month ( 16 days), and i already feel best i ever felt
"nice, im happy you got something going on for you, i gtg now"
I was freaking shocked, people tthat just start being vegans really have to talk about it for some reason.
She can do whaterver she wants, i dont care, but it was still a shock to meet somebody like that
You don't need 200g of protein a day to build muscle.
I've actually never met a vegan that acts like how people describe on the internet.
The first girl I interacted with in burgerland was a vegan. She just casually mentioned it once; never said anything about meat/animal products, even bought pizza for everyone else once. Pretty cool.
Another girl never even brought it up. I only realized it when she ordered a vegan shake at a restaurant.
What I find interesting is that it's mostly only women.
That's more the person that simply veganism, like crossfitters who can't resist telling you they scored a PR on their AMRAP 20lbs snatches; they just want something to latch onto to and preach about because their lives are otherwise boring as fuck.
Wait what? How are plant proteins different from meat proteins? Isn't it the same shit?
I'm scared Veeky Forums
>at a house party
>as in a party inside of a house
>not house as in party with house music
>talking with people
>someone mentiones my lifting
>I'm like ayyy don't go there but people go there anyway
>mention some things when people ask, people seem responsive so fuck it I'll do what Veeky Forums didn't tell me to do and tell people about my lifting
>only answer what they ask tho
>at some point diet comes to point
>mention I eat roughly 400gr of chicken a day when asked about lifters eating a lot of chicken
>joke that I'm the sole reason biological or free-range meat supplies cannot meat the demand yet
>one grill starts ranting about veganism and animal cruelty
>tell her to hold that thought
>go outside and mingle with the people who are outside
>letting people rub their veganism in your face
lel ur a fegit
I never said that, don't assume. What's wrong with a vegan lifting, are they not allowed? Do you get upset whenever you read about or hear of athletes adhering to other specific diets that aren't vegan or similar to your own? Maybe people who don't know how to put together a car shouldn't ever drive one, we must consider this.
>what is irony
For real though I'm not even a green alien but I see way more hate for veganism that the purported moral superiority arguments
Less quality, less assimilation.
I'm no vegan, but going completely without meat is not good for you.
meat has some essential nutritions you can't have if you're living the vegan life.
I'm mostly a plant-eater, but gotta stack up on some steak once a week at least.
Different dietary proteins are structured from different aminos. Many of those on a strictly vegetarian/crab diet need a varied assortment of plant proteins to get essential aminos necessary to repair I the human body; this is less of a concern for those consuming animal products.
Typically plant proteins lack leucine and glutamine. Taurine as well but that's amino conjugate.
Soy is technically dense in leucine but it's MPS stimulating properties have been disputed. 10g of soy protein Iso vs 10g whey protein Iso stimulated similar amounts of MPS, however 10h of dietary leucine sense protein isn't enough for a major spike in a trained lifter (i.e. You or I). Comparing 30g soy protein iso vs 30g whey protein Iso saw whey protein spike MPS exponentially more than the soy and 30g soy vs 10g soy were comparable in MPS. Studies were conducted on obese individuals, type 2 diabetics or untrained college students.
Take these results with a grain of salt because nutrition science rarely examines the outliers (us).
>what this guy/woman/gender said
Which nutrients?
>I was freaking shocked, people tthat just start being vegans really have to talk about it for some reason.
Don't you talk about things that you've recently taken an interest in?
>meat has some essential nutritions you can't have if you're living the vegan life.
How are vegans alive then?
Seriously this. I know a vegan who has never taken any vitamins supplements, so there has to be enough vitamins in what they eat. Believe it or not, they don't look any less healthy than the average person.
you have to run 1000 miles a year to have the heart health of a sedentary vegan
how many miles have you run this year Veeky Forums?
What's this? Something positive about veganism, surely you must be trolling or are using untrustworthy sources for your propaganda!
Fucking die
How is the shit from my teeth getting into my arteries?
fucking vegans
In Germany it's called the biological value. It's one of the things we learned during nutrition science class.
The body has a certain % of each essential amino acid. By comparing these percentages to these of an animal/plant protein we can determine how much body protein the body can build out of that food protein.
As animal protein obviously is closer to ours, it's way better in the ranking than plants, which most of the time only give up to 40% of our amino acid needs.
I lack the scientific vocabulary but that's kinda how it works.
What the fuck are you even talking about, it was literally just a statement, nothing else.
How is that "something positive about veganism"?
If you come with such shitty sarcasm at least use it when appropriate.
>wanting to be a vegan so your body breaks down the second you leave the couch
>b-but my arteries are clean
BV is why whey protein only is completely retarded.
Whey is so overhyped in the fitness community it hurts.
Any multi component is better.
Pescatarian Master Race reporting in
Daily reminder you don't need meat to be a good bodybuilder, but youll probably need milk
the recently converted are the worse,
it's like all of a sudden their brain fills with bullshit & the spew forth ridiculous, unbacked claims into your face whilst shrieking "murderer" over & over in some banal attempt at justifying their delusion in their own head.
Mrs was vegan, gave her bacon.
said that there's no actual way her lifestyle would effect the balance of the world, so why not just enjoy life.
now we have a balanced diet of meat, veg, fish & she's put on some weight & feels healthier.
it's unfounded bullshit used to forge some argument against meat eaters.
vegan science tho
better than actual facts.
like faith
but for bigger dickheads
400 grains of chicken isn't a whole lot.
It is, and it's more than enough for a serious lifter.
But that's like 25 grams.
Go eat some nigger dick flavoured pudding
meat dairy and eggs makes u fat, gives u gyno and cancer. It contains antibiotics, growth hormones and the animals are fed GMO SOY.
If i eat meat, its from my brothers hunting team. Pure fresh wild caught.
enjoy ur gyno fat muricans