Food in USA

Guys I would like to ask you how do you deal with the shite you are served in USA? I am planning to go on a trip around the USA after uni, but I am litteraly scared to eat anything there that was not grown on a home farm. See here in Europe the european gov. regulates the cleanliness of food, e.g. protocol about cabbage produce has more words than holy bible :D :D

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>cabbage produce has more words than holy bible :D :D
Banana has more

What exactly are you afraid of?

GMO´s, Additives, chemicals that should not be in food, fertilizers used on crops. You can almost call me a food conspiracy guy :D

There are plenty of grocery stores that sell organic produce, as well as health food stores. If you go during summer and fall months, most respectable towns and cities have farmer's markets where a lot of smaller sustainable/non-gmo farmers sell their produce directly.

Are you traveling around and concerned about food? Look into the WWOOF program. I've done volunteering with it before and it's pretty sweet. You work a few hours on an organic farm per day in exchange for food and boarding. It's a very inexpensive way to travel.

Avoid bread in the US. One of the biggest shocks is that Europeans still make their own bread. Even little restaurants and cafe's. In the US most restaurants and cafe's order bread or make it from a pre-mix. Bread here is absolute shit, full of unnecessary added sugars, fillers, HFCS, and a bunch of bullshit.

The negative effects of these things are VASTLY over-exaggerated for profit. Using fear to sell food labeled "organic, natural, GMO free, etc. etc." for twice the price is BIG business in the US.

Just avoid things with lots of added sugar and you'll be fine.

>just ate a sandwich

What do you have against GMO's? Generally we rinse our food here.

>doesn't shop at the many local bakeries we have around here

I worked on an organic farm. The labeling is no joke. It's expensive, requires yearly inspections, and legally you cannot call your food organic or label it as so unless approved by the government. You can get into huge legal trouble if you do.

"Organic" and "Non-GMO" claims HAVE to be tested and verified.

"Natural" is a buzzword. Very very very very little limits are in place for "natural" claims.

Many fruits and vegetables absorb the pesticides and store it in the body of the food. Rinsing it won't help.

Not true. There is no evidence that pesticide applied on a skin are absorbed. All fruit and vegetables should be washed though.

Pesticides in the soil and water get absorbed. Bio101.

I worked on farms and grow my own food.

Okay, I'm just saying the actual health benefits thereof are negligible.

Added sugar leads to obesity, and obesity leads to vastly more substantial health problems than any GMO/non-organic food ever will. If people could just learn to avoid added sugar, all that other stuff wouldn't make much difference.

The point of pesticide-resistant GMOs is that the pesticides they are resistant to are considerably safer to humans than conventional pesticides. This is why they appeal so much to the producer, as they become safer to pick.

And also, just because the crops are not GMO doesn't mean a shitload of pesticides are not used on them.

Its been proven that even with less regulation, generic meats in usa wreck euro top quality. Dont worry op.

damn if i ever have a chance to visit USA i'd try to hit every fast food joint

Stay in Europe you little manbitch.
>M-m-m-muh perfect, no pesticide, non-gmo, gluten free, estrogen free, super diet.....
Being in murrica for more than 4 days would probably kill you.

Wow this isn't true at all. There is no "testing" for an organic certification. It is 100% process based.

>Its a subtle le enlightened European thread

Just trigger article 50 now, reeeeeee

>What do you have against GMO's? Generally we rinse our food here.

American ignorance at its finest.

Someone post the bread comic

Show me your peer-reviewed citations, tough guy.

dont worry, american food is 2x healthier and better tasting than your third world shithole food in europe

He right though. I had skinny genes, but I accidentally washed them off when showering and now I only have fat genes left. That's why I gain weight even when I exercise for five hours a day and only eat 300 calories.


How accurate is pic related?

Based on what I learned at Bro College, this would seem to imply that for cutting, spending the most amount of time possible in a day "hungry" is the best route to go, and that Intermittent Fasting would actually be more efficient for cutting than several small meals throughout the day, assuming that total calories were equal across the board.

It would also seem that "recomping" basically just consists of eating right at about maintenance, and that your body basically goes through several mini "bulks" and "cuts" throughout the day.

I meant any pesticides, retard.

Also, how exactly are GMOs relating to weight gain?

Ah yes. The same scientific community that claims
>Meat is worse than cigarettes
>Eggs are a super food, wait, actually they are extremely dangerous and will kill you. Oh wait, if you eat 3.5 eggs that have been hard boiled for ten minutes under the light of a blue moon, then they are healthy

Sciences inability to come to a consensus on what constitutes a safe healthy food completely undermines it's claim to be able to engineer new healthy and safe foods.

What sources do you trust, user?

i would say , stick to what you have in the pictue OP.
avoid fast food , and meat !!!

europe is forbidden to import there meat , bc of high dosis of shit they put in it . so dont eat the MEAT.

when TTIP becomes reality , we will ALL DIE of CANCER !!!!
fuck american food .

TTIP will force europe to downgrade in standard of living to that of america.

why cant america leave us alone , so that we can live a healty life .
can someone nuke america please.

>posts on /fit
>eats sandwiches

damn, I was under the impression we were all gonna make it. Guess I was wrong.