Questions that don't deserve their own thread, thread.
Last one almost dead.
I've somehow hurt what I think is probably a muscle in my obliques on my right side, so now I can't do any exercises that even remotely use my abs, or take too deep a breath without the pain flaring up.
What exercises can I still do in the gym so I don't lose my gains while I'm recovering?
I'm doing the greyskull LP routine. My gym doesn't gave micro weights so rather than going up in 1KG increments I've gone up in 5s and made sure I can go for reps on my last set. Is this optimal?
Adam Rogers
Buy microweights and take them with you. It's what I did when I was on a beginner routine.
Aiden Rivera
ayyy should i go to the gym every other day and cardio on off days?
when am I supposed to rest?
Also, how to get a fat ass?
Justin Torres
Inb4 gym asks him to stop stealing "their" weights.
Its not exactly optimal but I wouldn't worry too much about it, if you wanted the absolutely most optimal routine you'd be doing SS and then switching to a bodybuilding routine once you hit 1/2/3/4.
What are your goals besides getting a fat ass? If your trying to lose weight then I'd suggest doing cardio daily if you can stomach it (as long as its 4+ hours before or after a lifting session).
How about you just fucking go to a doctor, not diagnosing something thats wrong with your abs will hold you back WAYYY more.
Christian Hughes
I've been to a doctor faglord, as I originally thought it was kidney pain, but they said it's most likely a muscular problem.
That's why I'm asking what exercises I can still do that don't use my abdominal muscles at all.
Chase Kelly
I'm not the one leaving out information moron, and if your regular doctors don't know whats wrong then you should go to a sports doctor.
Cameron Price
Yeah, but you are the one trying to answer a question I didn't ask.
Daniel Collins
wrist weights r i s t
w e i g h t s
seriously, buy that shit and tie it up at the end of the barbell to match the weight specified in whatever routine your doing. You can even get them online.
Lincoln Edwards
I foam rolled using a barbell with 1kg on each side , is it safe for my spine ? Or should I invest ? I felt good and the tightness went away .
Jaxson Gomez
is SL good
Jace Lewis
SL is a crappy SS.
Jonathan Roberts
Why are people so against SS? SL is only good for getting your form down slightly faster than SS but that goes away after like fucking 2 weeks. Just do SS ffs.
Anthony Moore
Because idiots on Veeky Forums think SS is a meme
Luis Gomez
The memers pushing that SS is a meme have made a meme out of something that wasn't a meme originally
Eli Carter
Operating on 12 levels of meme right here
Kayden Reyes
It's true. "SS is a meme" is a meme in of itself.
Matthew Jackson
what's SS
Juan Taylor
How do I do weighted dips and chins? Do I need a special piece of equipment to hang weight off of me?
Isaiah Davis
Footwear in the gym showers. Yea or nay?
Also, how important is it to hit the gym around the same time every day? Is it going to fuck me up if I go at 20:00 some days, then 07:00 others?
James Reed
Guess I'll change to SS then.
Liam Martinez
I been thinking about using my fleep flops. good idea.
Also yes it's good to go at the same time. I always start my workout at 5:30am or so after morning routine and it works wonders.
Kayden Bailey
The only time it's acceptable to wear flip flops.
Leo Thompson
What is the sticky.
Elijah Torres
Yes. It's called a dip belt.
Brayden Sanchez
Simple: don't work out. You won't lose much and what you do lose will come back fast.
Alexander Jackson
where's the best place to get fractional plates? I just weighed my bar and it's only 39 lbs, which is really fucking with me
James Howard
An overrated beginner program that isn't as good as GSLP
Owen King
No need for a belt, you can just hold a dumbbell between your ankles.
Jace Perez
stop being so OCD
Andrew Jones
My cheeto fingers
Jose Barnes
How do I get JAHOOOOCEEEY delts?
Nathaniel Bell
Julian Ward
go to homedepot and buy some chain
Brandon Cooper
Your scales are juts as likely to be wrong
Chase Russell
>Also, how important is it to hit the gym around the same time every day? Is it going to fuck me up if I go at 20:00 some days, then 07:00 others? consistency is key. I mean, you can be the type that doesn't need a routine to stick with it, but if you get accustomed to hitting the gym the same time, it becomes hard for you to break that habit.
Christopher Price
OHP heavy
Hudson Carter
How can I accurately weigh myself? Last doctors visit I was weighed in at 3 lbs lighter than my home scales say, measured on same day
Daniel Scott
I want a thicc lower body so I've been eating a lot and doing deadlifts, squats, and glute bridges.
I don't want to get a fat, so if I end up cutting, will I lose my lower body gains if I still maintain the same weight, sets, and reps? Would cardio thin out the lower body?
Also do the oats really help? Or is squats and oats just a meme?
Michael Perez
go to homedepot, buy some foam tube (like the kind for pools, they also sell it as a door insulator or some shit), buy some chain, buy a carabiner, and presto, you got a cheap dip belt.
William Cook
google "fractional plates" and enjoy paying at least $50
Carter Cooper
Gym timing doesn't matter, as long as you manage to get a meal in you within a few hours after you go. The most important thing is accumulating weekly lifting volume.
Ian Hall
kill yourself
Kayden Ross
your weight fluctuates throughout the day m8. You can buy a better scale (pay more) if you really care that much about a few pounds, but the most important thing you want from a scale is consistency. If the scale you have now gives you consistent values, it's good enough to track change over time.
Jonathan Flores
Does anyone believe the have acquired homosexual tendencies? If you have, would you attribute it to lifting or posting on Veeky Forums?
Dominic Adams
define homosexual tendencies
Nathaniel Martin
Are you the guy who I made eye contact with today at the gym and then had a brief moment of sexual tension?
>n-no homo
Jordan Morales
Someone from a prior thread said I should not take my fish oil capsules (EPA 225mg/DHA 315mg) with my Vitamin C supplement (1000mg)
They never explained why.
Should I continue taking them at the same time, space the dosage out, or not take the 2 alltogether?
Matthew Jenkins
something tells me it doesn't matter
Thomas Reyes
my stomache has been upset all day, feels horrible and like im gonna throw up. I've also had horrible diarrhea all day.
I would skip the workout today just because you probably won't give 100% and you most likely will end up shitting your pants.
Mason King
>Also do the oats really help
The fuck you mean by 'really help'?
Leo Nelson
>i feel like shit >I have been having horrible shitting problems
unless you want to drip out goo while you squat I would not recommend lifting.
Nathan Gutierrez
I stayed up until 4 am last night playing Love Live
Will this effect the gains from my workout today if I am still able to do all my exercises, and if so how much?
Xavier James
I have started lifted at a new gym and have been wearing sweatpants and a hoodie to workout is it acceptable to put the hoodie up or does that make me look like a tool?
Caleb Morgan
yeah i was thinking that maybe just once i shouldnt go even though im not feeling like it.
Joshua Taylor
yes, and you won't be able to do all your exercises. High chance you'll bail out on the work out or do your lifts at lower weight.
you asking about this makes you a tool
Eli Stewart
mfw today was supposed to be the first day of my cut mfw 4500 calories mfw I'm also on an appetite suppressant
I guess I'll start tomorrow.
Gavin Robinson
Okay, what the fuck is happening here
>Eat mostly carbs, high intensity cardio, lose weight
>Eat an almost even split of protein carbs and fat (35 35 30), do no HIIT, lose weight
>Eat even split of protein carbs and fat, do HIIT, don't lose any weight
What the fuck is going on here?
Ayden Sanchez
you're never gonna make it.
Justin Johnson
You do know that consuming less calories than you burn off is what causes you to lose weight, not whatever macros you are eating, or exercises you are doing?
Parker Adams
When is a good time to branch off from linear progression and focus on hypertrophy? Currently doing starting strength for around 3 months now and have had some great gains on my lifts.
Michael Gutierrez
Should I fap before my workout or should I wait til after when I get high and use my onahole
Owen Perry
When you literally cannot progress in a linear manner anymore. Do not sabotage your gains by leaving the train early. You will never gain strength or muscle like you will when you're still getting noob gains.
Brody Mitchell
When is someone off DYEL mode? Is it a specific measurement or something more vague based entirely on appearance/proportions?
Kevin Brown
Should I just wait for tomorrow and do tuesday/thursday/saturday for this week then?
I got tier two at least though
William Young
A better question should be: How do you know when you can't progress in a linear manner anymore? Stalling is probably a bad indicator because you can just de-load.
Landon Flores
when you stop progressing on SS.
Mason Harris
If you read the SS book or online, it'll tell you when you should stop doing it.
Chase Anderson
Shit, forgot to mention, the even macro split day, I'm eating twice as many calories as I did on the mostly carbs days.
That was probably important.
Carson Evans
>varying diet by day
never going to make it
Juan Rogers
So I asked it in a different thread and have questions: I'm stalling st a relatively low Brnch weight of 115lbs. The response I got was basically to eat more. Wel, I'm still on my cut with only 15lbs more to go until I will consider it "done". Should I just stick it out until then and start to improve my numbers afterwards, or reduce my cut so that I can eat more and improve?
Mason Reed
No, not anymore.
Alright, I fucked this up, lemme try again.
What the fuck is going on here.
>Eat mostly carbs, do HIIT cardio, lose weight
>Realize i'm not getting enough fat or protein, re tool diet
>Eat even macro split, eat TWICE as many daily calories as old mostly carb diet, do not do HIIT cardio, lose weight
>Eat even macro split, eat twice as many calories as old mostly carbs diet, do HIIT cardio, don't lose weight
What the fuck is going on.
Adrian Green
Doea anyone have any tips for relieving the nausea when starting a bulk? I get naseous when I eat as much as I have to for a bulk, and while it's simple to just will through it, is there anyway to get some relief of that feeling?
Ethan Flores
That's your stomach adjusting to having more contents. Pepto Bismal is your friend in this case
Lincoln Howard
>Should I just stick it out until then and start to improve my numbers afterwards, or reduce my cut so that I can eat more and improve? do whatever the fuck you want to do, don't ask us to live your life.
Carter Hill
I'm asking what is better for improving my numbers asshat.
Angel Ramirez
don't call others asshats when you answer the question you're asking in the question.
Parker Anderson
The question is what is better for improving numbers: finishing the cut or reducing the cut?
Jonathan Rogers
serious question: are you retarded?
Gavin Jenkins
Serious question: why do you continue breathing?
Carson Sanchez
Being rude in QTDDTOT is never a good idea, faggot. Especially when you literally answer your own question when asking it.
Camden Watson
It was literally not answered faggot. The question is which is more beneifixlabeneificial to improve numbers. Jesus you're dumb
Oliver Garcia
Not him, but the answer is blatant as fuck. Also, you're asking for an answer yet you continue to make yourself look like a fuckin faggot. You need to work on your socializing skills. You're failing miserably.
Christopher Collins
I've been doing stretching and flexibility work for a week and there seems to be improvement only when I do it, then it all comes back to 0. My shoulders actually gained a bit of flexibility bnut my hamstrings always come back to being tight
also, my rotator cuff seems to be hurting when I do some rotator cuff stretchign exercises or movements, am I fucked? I do not feel it on lifting
Hudson Reyes
How about you learn to read instead of making assumptions, cunt
Justin James
so you are retarded
Christian Myers
At least pretend that you have a 3-digit IQ
Landon Price
I've been reading your little convo from the start. I didn't even bother answering your retarded ass question.
Ian Jones
Because you couldn't even decipher it you literal nigger. Not my problem, however.
Thomas Lopez
Spread out your food as best you can, big breakfast
Fix your technique Work harder on pinching your shoulder blades back Get your lats involved Use the correct bar path that is more of an arc than a straight line Also, fix any shortcomings in routine
Other than that, eat and sleep better
If you're asking this, your understanding of what linear progression is is probably lacking
Counting is hard Also, water weight is a hell of a drug
>literally leaking shit >'should I go workout?' Are you retarded too?
The sticky has been halfway fucked for a long time, mods don't give a shit
Are you the guy who I fucked in the ass today at the gym at then had a brief moment of sexual tension?
Get a decent scale Weigh yourself upon waking when your stomach is empty
Why not buy a real bar?
People move on to harder objects over time (foam > PVC, etc) Using a barbell isn't ideal, but it works
But not knowing how to roll properly and fucking your shit up will fuck your shit up faster with a barbell
Read the fucking sticky
>inb4 hernia
Levi Hill
It's not even a problem. You're the one asking for advice you fucking dumbass. I did decipher it and, like I said, I didn't even bother answering your retarded ass question.
Jordan Gray
are mud races something fit people do? have you ever participated in one?
how should i prepare?
im doing tough mudder in october.
Jace Lewis
Because you couldn't even read at a 3rd grade level to find the question. Dude, you're an embarrassment
Joseph Scott
Just as a warning, you should already know this, you should not stretch cold muscles
I don't understand how you can expect to magically be flexible after 1 week. It takes longer than that to learn how to even stretch yourself properly
Charles Anderson
Didn't I just say I knew what your question was? Aren't you the one reading a 3rd grade level?
James Johnson
Need some advice with a grill brehs: >have a thing with a gurl >lasts about threr months >she tells me, "i have alot going on in life right no" and withdrawals >i was dumb and kept trying to initiate contact >it was obvious she was just being nice and replying / talking >ffwd to now >i stopped initiating contact >now she gets ahold of me once a week >she always asks, "how are you really doing?"
Is this b8? Should i lie and tell her life's been fucking awesome, or does she want me to cave and tell her that i miss her?
Thx brehs, have some test (pic related)
Jacob Richardson
If you knew the question then you wouldn't be straining your pea brain attempting to save face by saying that it was answered. You're the retard people talk about when eugenics is mentioned.
Bentley Clark
Your sentence structure is terrible and makes absolutely no sense. Apparently you're the one with the pea brain if you don't know the blatant answer to your retarded ass question.
Anthony Sanchez
>you are the retard people talk about when kek my sides