Fat People Hate

No FPH thread? We can do better. Tell us about the fat cunts who grab your ass and your pecs, bros.

I hate fat people but fuck you too.


Post moar

>this triggers the italian

Dumping some images I have saved on my phone.


This happened a while ago

>be me, not relevant to this story
>walk into class
>first round of self-produced infomercial presentations
>two fat grills are made one about the importance of well-fitted bra
>they're both fat with big guts, small tits, and sad asses
>don't expect much
>informerical on screen, nothing weird at first
>wait, is that a nipple?
>Fatty one was wearing a sort of bra contraption, but ill fitting around her tubby body and left one nipple visible under lace contraption shit
>pretend not to notice
>whole class pretends not to notice
>they do their spiel about band sizes, cups sizes
>view of the floor in their room
>used menstrual pads, at least four of them, bloody throughout mess of clothes and junk on the floor
>whole class is wtf
>pretend not to notice
>Fatty2 bends over in front of the camera
>not even wearing a bra
>free titting sad pancakes in a presentation about importance of bra fitting
>video ends
>whole class speechless
>teacher pretends to be distracted
>raise hand
>ask: Is hygiene important when bra fitting?



Fresh from the Twitter-verse. I capped these all for you, fit.


It's the little things.

I was hungry before seeing this pic. Now I'm fine



at first i thought this was about a fat girl losing weight and cutting out other people in her pictures because of it


i don't think maw tia is fat

I bet they get an A because,

>muh feminism

This made me upsetti and I'm not even italian

are these ww1 mines or something? Because a big guy™ with equipment could easily weigh about 100kg

these people are worthless.


>google it
>it's not even the whole post

It's cool she doesn't care what others think, but once it starts affecting the people around her, e.g. costing the government money, taking up unnecessary space, complaining about health problems. that's when she needs to shut the fuck up.

is there a place where these land whales get together online?

I never noticed the bar under those trinkets before.
I bet she's a raging alcoholic that goes around saying:
>honestly, I don't eat that much.
>I'm fat from genetics, not food
then proceeds to drink enough to knock out a camel just to feel something again.

Fatties rooms always look lke this. Literal pig stys.

at some point, fat people would get so fat they can't even masturbate right?
That's sad.

Tubblr and thisisthinprivilege.

They can always use a vibrator on a stick.

wow wat

i dont understand how people can be okay living like that
maybe for a weekend after a hard party or youre moving but jesus christ

Fatties are not just raging at thin women, they are also raging because gay men won't fuck them. They are so entitled they think they should be able to have gay men's dicks. As if gay men's dicks are cookies or some shit.

>used to be 202lbs
>would take 4-5 shots to get anywhere
>weigh 170 now
>a single tame 10-12 oz Bloody Mary and a 12oz beer get me tipsy drank over the course of 2 hours

putting yourself at a disadvantage =/= the other person having an actual advantage
fucking hell
do these people not realize that we all (more or less) start with the same anatomy?


>long arm
>not because the fat around her stomach makes it a farther distance to her hip
They're all delusional

Had a fat friend like that. She'd tease me about ordering a bourbon-diet when we went out drinking, or if I was only drinking a little and ordering waters too.
Meanwhile she's downing 2000 liquid calories, eating a bunch of greasy hangover food, then posting fat acceptance crap on facebook about how some people just can't lose weight.

Never fails to deliver that chuckle.

Switching from beer to straight whiskey is one of the best diet choices I've made. ALthough even straight liquor has a lot more calories than people realize.

If you're looking for a buzz, liquor is better. A shot of standard liquids is easily under 70 calories and does more than a 150 calorie beer

I bet she cried when he snatched that cookie.

>BMI = general clasification system for fat opression.

i hate fat people but this is bullshit what vehicle weighs less then 100kg

beat me to it

Just the fact that they made one of those "inspirational" things with the word retarder in it says a lot. Can we make retarder a meme?

>croptop and shorts when fat
Fucking why

>spend 20 years hating herself
>4 years cutting herself
not a single year losing weight


its not that everyone else is stopping here from all these things then herself

Letting your child be fat, let alone obese, is child abuse.

That kinda sucks because the combat load for an Army infantryman is 45 pounds. Your average joe ways around 175 if he's been hitting the gym a little bit. Not 220 but damn that's close.

From previous threads I think the conclusion was that when the mine is buried under ground, it doesn't feel all the weight so it takes more than 220 pounds to trigger it. But if you had the naked mine and stepped on it just right, then 220 would trigger it.
Or it could all be bullshit

This edit was done by an user like you.

I mix a single whiskey or rum with a pint of water (inb4 lightweight). It makes it last longer and stops me from getting smashed too quickly, it also means I stay around about the same level as my (pint of) beer-drinking friends

...but that actually is an unhealthy weight for a female that height. or borderline at the very least.

fucking kek. They wouldn't have let me in the building 3 years ago.
>22 years old
>110 lbs

I was a walking trigger machine.

Yeah but it depends on frame. Asians tend to have smaller frames and less fat in the chest and ass so I suspect that is a regular weight.

>16% body fat

You're an idiot

She's slightly underweight, although for an Asian grill it might be different too.
But the bigger point is, they've got 250 pound landwhales walking around campus and I guarantee none of them were ever told to lose weight or be expelled.

yeah I suppose, and regardless attempting to force-feed her fast food was too far, underweight or not.

I'm assuming you spent the last three years on SS+GOMAD though. How are your gainz? Can you crush a watermelon with your thighs?

how do you know her bodyfat?

She should have sued their ass. Cause..she could have won.
Not only that, but the net and celebs would have an absolute fucking field day with that shit.

>what is BMI

Love these two

>what is BMI
not bodyfat percentage

She probably would have if they didn't back down. I think once it hit the media Yale realized how retarded they were being

Who is this high test semond demon?

>body mass index
>calculates body fat %
>"not body fat"

You're joking, right?

LOLOLOL ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THIS RETARDED? Not the guy you just replied to.

>I'm totally not samefagging to save face or anything guys!

Kys my dude

Can someone please explain this, I've been seeing this so much and everyone seems to get it.


Let me explain:

Look at the picture. That's BMI. If you were not a DYEL and actually lifted and was 200 lbs at 8% bodyfat at 6'0", you would have a BMI of 27.1.

Conversely, if you were a fatasafatass with 20% BF at 6'0" and practically no muscle you would be.... 27.1 BMI.

QED, you're a fucking retard.

Just stop, you are so wrong it hurts me.

BMI does not calculate BF%, mate. In fact, you shouldn't even use it on an individual. It's a statistical tool.

Yes, everyone and their mom knows BMI stops being useful when you lift. Guess what? A 5'2 92lbs Asian chick doesn't lift, so her BMI is going to be accurate to body fat.

You're a retard

Not the retard from before but cbf math

1.77m)^2= 3.1329

= 31.28 Is that win or lose?


are we being trolled?

the two pictures seem like it's the same girl but she lost weight
it's actually 2 different girls

First panel shows the man with fat gf with blonde hair.
Second panel is thin gf with blond hair.
Red man say: wow, your gf so thin in second picture! She look like totally diff gf!
Green man say: She IS totally diff gf!

>She literally dumped the fat gf and got a new one.

Many keks.

>things that didn't happen for 400 Chris

No, that's fucking retarder

>well if it didn't cost me 39£ a month
Bodyweight exercises are always free


I fail to see anything worth hating here.

You're stupid af m8


captcha: select all images with candy

and eating less literally saves money

Nope. Asians are overweight at bmi 23, obese at bmi 27 or 28. For whites it's 25 and 30 respectively. Asians can look perfectly fine to us, and be technically obese and at high risk for diabetes. That's why this fat acceptance push, mainly perpetrated by flabby white tubblrinas, is racist as fuck.

in military school

every time i go off base to a store or something, fat people just really stick out to me. being on base with people who are fit and toned makes me think negatively of fat people.

its for pitying more than anything

I got one of those indoor pull up frames because I used to be skinny fat, bunch of dumbbells and kettlebells. Cheaper than a gym membership for a year, no lunk alarms, no bitching because I'm triggering fat bitches with my thin privilege.

It's like fatties can't do basic math and realize that if they passed up on just two pizza deliveries or mcbeetus runs, they could already get a home gym starter pack from Craig's List.

fucking hell this is so true

But what about the depandapotami, bro? Used to visit the PX a lot, my fat whore of a mom was serially fucking military contractors, and it was like visiting a zoo. My fat mom looked thin in comparison.

I think most of these are more tongue-in-cheek self depreciating humor from not actually fat people. Some of them are pretty bad though.

To be fair, saying "that's your third cookie stop eating them" and grabbing it is a turbo-dick move by that guy