When did you realize that the US was the bad guy in the Cold War?

When did you realize that the US was the bad guy in the Cold War?

only one side had to build a wall to keep people in.

Do you want to live in the USSR?

No, they were a villainous hero.
Now they are just the villain.

There were no bad guys, only big guys.

When did you realize that all wars in the 20th century were a disgusting farce?

>slandering the Antifaschistischer Schutzwall in this manner
The Stasi will get you for this user!

was Erich Honecker the feels guy irl?

Pretty much.

Really now?
I wouldn't mind it.

False dichotomy derived from cold war propaganda.

Oh is it not a bad thing to have to build a wall to keep people in now?

>South Korea kills 100-300,000 commies
>has per capita GDP thirteen times that of its northern neighbor
>Indonesia kills 500,000 or so commies
>experiences modest 6% a year GDP growth until the nineties, followed by a transition to democracy

If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.

When I learned about stay behind organizations / Gladio and how they used terrorism to influence election outcomes

>spies weren't subverting East Germany from West Berlin
It was mostly West Berliners who cared about the wall coming down. It would have been wiser to never have partitioned Berlin in the first place but put it completely in the Soviet Sphere.

No, but I'll take its proxies over US proxies

>they're sending spies over!
>so let's build a wall with all its defenses focused inwards!

Soon after I realized that there was no good guys in the cold war, just bad guys and worse guys.

When I was old enough to know that the dictatorship my country had was manufactured by the US embassy.

And the cherry on top is that the school of the Americas is still active and keeps training police in torture tactics for all SA, with FBI offices in embassies still micromanaging. The only difference is that they recognize it now.

>Soon after I realized that there was no good guys in the cold war, just bad guys and worse guys.

>good guys and bad guys
Both were shit, the fact that the Soviets were more sitty doesn't mean we should root for the Americans.
The thing is, none of them wanted a second oppinion within what they thought was their sphere of influence.

Operation Condor killed no more than 20,000.

>Operation Condor killed no more than 20,000

>60,000–80,000 killed due to people demanding social reforms in their countries.

>400,000+ political prisoners (AKA: People who where either politician, union activist, and etc, who wanted to improve their fellow countrymen lives) killed

>Operation Condor killed no more than 20,000

>wanted social reforms
No you stupid idiot, not everyone killed by these regimes wanted your faggot reforms, some of them were murdered because they wanted to fill their kill quota for the day so they would sometimes randomly take people off the street and kill them.
