You faggots want the secret to easy wealth?

The normie life is where it's at. I used to be a former neet/shit coiner like you autists but forget bitcoin. I'm a busser at a 5 star restaurant making 100k a year. I work 25 hours a week and make roughly 45-50 dollars an hour on average. The only way this doesn't work is if your autistic so at least half of you are gonna want to stick with shit coins. If you are in the non autistic half, proceed:

The restaurant industry is a gold mine. Bartenders and servers make around 100k a year as well.

Start yourself off in a shitty restaurant to get experience if you don't know anyone. Then after a couple years experience doing either bussing or serving tables, walk into a 5 star restaurant and talk to the manager. This part is very important, make sure you INSIST he sit down and chat with you. Have confidence, a nice smile, and act like you don't even know what Veeky Forums is.

Congratulations on your new job. Now you can make friends with your co-workers and join them for happy hour at TGI fridays on the weekend and maybe get yourself a girlfriend and live a normal life instead of slobbering on yourself.

Well you fucking suck at math, by your numbers, before taxes you make 60k a year

>I'm a busser at a 5 star restaurant making 100k a year
Where the FUCK do you live? How much is rent?

Pittsburgh, i live 25 miles away from the city so my rent is only 500/month

i say 45-50 an hour because during the summer that's the average. it's about 100k a year because the fall, winter, and spring seasons i make a lot more.

I'm gonna rape your boi pucci, user.

Hmm, may have to drop my software dev gig. This cubicle life is fucking killing me. St Louis here, so similar cost of living.

This is why i don't tip ever, over paid maids

You're at the bottom of your tax bracket buddy. And you're doing work that requires more strain than most desk jobs will ever be. You hardly have any money leftover to invest after rent, necessities, AND TGI Fridays with those coworkers you won't know in 5 years time.

Getting rich isn't difficult. The discipline to be cost-effective and time for your investments to mature are all it takes. Instead of judging between NEET and normalfag lifestyles, judge by their networth and investment choices.

Theres lots id hit chicks in industry too right


what taxes? 90% of my money is untaxed. and this work is easy, actually most of it is food running and helping with drink orders, bussing in between.

you don't come to these restaurants we don't worry about losers like you

you should.

you have fun wagecucking how can you even call yourself a proper man while you slave away for someone else benefit.

you say that till shit coins crash and your broke. my income is steady and guaranteed in cranberry. What's up neighbor.

wagecuck cope thread #1506

How long did it take you to acquire enough experience to get the gig at the 5 star restaurant?

How did you get your first job?

Do they check references?

This isn't actually completely wrong. In the right places you can pull down 6 figures 10 months out of the year all while you basically get drunk on the job and steal from your employer. Such is the degenerate life of a bartender.

idk what it took but i had 3 and a half experience doing all kinds of jobs in the restaurant business

got my first job through family connections at a casual sports bar and made horrible money, not even 10k a year.

depends on the restaurant. the higher you go up dining the higher chance they check.

>couple years

yep. bartenders and servers do pretty good in most places. other on-the-floor type jobs do well only in higher tier restaurants and in my opinion is better than serving and bartending cause its simpler and less responsibility

lol 100k a year is chump change. Crypto is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more lucrative if you're good at it

that's all you really need if you are just going to be a server assistant/food runner/busser type position

but you have no social life

>act like you don't even know what Veeky Forums is

Also, there's no way you're making that kind of money. They can pay an illegal 15k a year to do what you're doing.
Nice roleplay mate, you made me respond.

That's fine, a social life is overrated if you could net 2+ million in the next 18 months. You can get drunk and chase pussy anytime later.

Also, once you make your first 100k it becomes much easier, I became a lot less fixated on my positions and started going out more.

He's laughing at you because the food service industry is practically slavery.

Are you larping?
Because I'm considering doing crypto full-time.

>practically slavery

for who me or the customers? i don't think 100k/yr constitutes slavery

Breaking your back, working shitty hours, being treated like a servant, and--lying about your pay--is slavery.
We all know you're not clearing 100k with a shitty busboy job. I don't know why I'm responding to this.

Nope, here is one of my accounts on Bittrex.

What's your trick?

>it's another chapter of he's never worked in any restaurant let alone a fine dine one

we make a percentage of the total sales from the time we clock in until when we clock out.

I started trading last year and have participated in many pumps. My best coin was XEM which went from 550 to 11000 sats when I cashed out

oh, and

>back breaking work

i carry maybe 25-30 lb worth of shit and im not a manlet like you so it's a breeze

I worked in a restaurant for 3 years.
It was some of the worst times in my life.
Also, you're lying.
There's no way the servers would let the busboy get a cut of their take. Servers are cunts.

>There's no way the servers would let the busboy get a cut of their take

every single restaurant i worked at, that's how it goes down. at the end of the night you either get money from the cash register as a tip or from the servers or both.

where the hell did you work, chuckee cheese?

>living off rich people's tips
you're so fucked if the economy ever slips

we're all fucked if the economy slips

and no, i live off the percentage of the total of sales, the servers live off the tips.

I worked at a classy italian joint, the servers each tipped the busboy spic at the end of the night a (((percentage))) of their tips.
They usually jewed the fuck out of him, and the most a server would leave with on a Friday night would be 150-200.

That's the thing about the economy, rich people still exist and still spend money on food and booze.

I've worked in hospitality before, but now do crypto fulltime. It's hella lonely. Thinking about getting a job again just to meet some new people. My social circle at the moment is about 6 people wide.

Would probably go for a job in hospitality as well seeing as they are normally the funnest people/biggest partiers/pretty attractive

>mom, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, yourself?
That's more than I can say about myself.

>excuse me sir may I help you
>s-sorry sir, I'll fix that right away...
>would you like me to suck your dick sir

Mom, dad, bro, sis and 2 friends lol

dude my social circle is 2 people. lol and only one of them I see regularly, the other one I only see once every couple months.

I used to be 12 too

>Mom, dad, bro, sis and 2 friends lol

My 2 friends are:
A girl I'm friendzoned with
A girl my brother is fucking

I don't have any friends.

>A girl I'm friendzoned with
>friendzoned with
>A girl my brother is fucking
>brother is fucking

you need a restaurant job even at a casual place just a few days a week to make friends

>wanting degenerate restaurant friends with sexual problems and substance addictions
for what purpose?

>wanting to shit hide in your room alone all day

virgin detected


To fuck and get fucked up with.

>thinking drunks and druggies are friends

enjoy talking to your gold fish for the rest of your life

quads = virgin confirmed

get back to cleaning dishes, you larping faggot.

lonely crypto nights spend profit at strip that ez omg cake up

Even if you get 100k a year you're still only a busboy lol any retard could replace you

sounds terrible

this for real I'm only 22 but I've seen older guys and girls get fucked over friend-wise, I can say for certain but if your friendship with these people revolves around getting fucked up, their probably not really your friends.

I very much doubt you're a former neet.
Some of us hate social contact and the job you describe sounds like torture
>making money is so easy, just be extroverted as hell and acquire the top 0.1% of restaurant gigs

Weren't you a carpenter last month?


It's not hard to sit at a desktop for 3-4 hours a day and then go out for drinks after

>tfw certified bartender
>tfw never hired because no connections or experience

Wh-who wants a mai thai ;_;

You are seriously shilling a wagecuck life on a neet board
Gtfo slave fag, your income is the product of the pity and compassion that people see in your face when they see you and tip you, how can you even call youself a man, youre figurative sucking dicks for money, wont be long untill you'll start to literally sucks dicks for money

I make an easy $150-200 a night when its dead on a weekday. A busy night is $250-400. Bartending not bussing though, and at a pub. I know many people whove worked in expensive clubs where they clear $800 a night.

Ive made $850 in a single day working about 12 hours. I make a mean yearly average of about $1750 a week. Really want to hit 2k a week so i can make that nice 100k