Anyone else thought for the longest time that creatine is a meme?

anyone else thought for the longest time that creatine is a meme?
I felt stupid when I started taking it and realized it actually works and because it's dirt cheap there's no reason not to take it

Does it add fat?

Does it add water fat?

Does it make you look heavier?

Then you are part of the lucky ones. I use it too and i didn't notice any difference what so ever.

I'd just feel stupid taking it when I don't even bench 1plate for reps. Tryhard, or whatever. Plus, I don't think I stay hydrated enough as it is.

>I felt stupid when I started taking it and realized it actually works and because it's dirt cheap there's no reason not to take it.

10/10 Polleosport employer.

>Does it add fat?
>Does it add water fat?
>Does it make you look heavier?

it made me like at least 6lbs heavier, which is a lot for a manlet like me
most noticeably bigger in the upper body
"max low rep" strength didn't go up that much, if it all, but I definitely notice I can do more sets and reps

>I use it too and i didn't notice any difference what so ever.
were you already lifting near you limit? the difference with taking creatine is usually 1-2 reps in a set of 5. if you take it without knowing exactly how many reps you can do with a particular weight then you won't be able to tell. in my opinion it doesn't make much sense to take creatine until you've followed a structured training program for a while and getting near a plateau. if you're still getting noob gains then you're improving rapidly without being near your limit anyway, so what's the point?

what does creatine do is the benefit purely aesthetic and no strength is gained?

it makes you bald faster
no thanks

enjoy balding

I know exactly how many reps i can do with what weight. I have had a structured training program for a long time and i didn't even notice one or two reps. But then again about 30% i believe are non responders to creatine so the chances are quite high that i am one of them.

It makes your muscles be able to store more energy to be used when pushing yourself hard. It basically makes you be able to use what muscle mass you already have a little more, while also bloating them a little due to water retention (and you need to drink lots and lots of it).

oh i've been lifting for 3 years but never paid attention to creatine and know nothing about it other than the memes about people snorting it. i guess i'll stick to pre-workout stims like caffeine for the extra push. don't wanna get premature balding from creatine.

the body has 3 energy systems: ATP-CP, glycolytic and oxidative. these provide energy for your muscles during physical activity. the oxidative is the slowest and requires oxygen, but you can go almost forever (think running long distances etc). glycolytic is in the middle and is used for moderately intense, short duration (~less than 2 minutes) activity like running a 400m. the fastest is ATP-CP. this is what powers your muscles while you lift heavy. your muscles have a limited amount of "fuel" (ATP) which is converted into ADP. in the ATP-CP energy system you quickly convert ADP back into ATP by the use use creatine phosphate. creatine supplementation stores more creatine phosphate in your muscles, which allows your ATP-CP system to work longer, which translates into more reps before you run out of gas, which translates into harder workouts and more gains in the long run.

It helps with recovery between sets because there's more floating phosphate molecules floating around in your system for Adenosinediphosphate to convert to ATP.

Creatine is a meme, you have high chances to not respond to it and if you do you will go up by 5% at best.


>Creatine is a meme, you have high chances to not respond to it and if you do you will go up by 5% at best.
few people are non-responders, and 5% is for 1RM. for multiple reps it's more like 5-15%. there absolutely no reason not to take creatine unless you're a non-responder. it's cheap, legal, safe and actually works. if you care at all about your training then ignoring something that gives a 5-15% increase in performance with barely any cost/side effects is ridiculous.

Side effects include kidney damage and balding.

whatever it takes goddamnit
5% increase in performance speaks for itself