In a "last two digits determines days of nofap thread" I rolled 84. I decided to take it a step further and stack some more challenges because of the desperate situation I was in.
I have just achieved 1 month of >nofap >noPillow >cold showers 5 mornings per week >no cigs >no drinking to excess (3+ drinks in one sitting) >gym 4-5x per week >HIIT 3x per week >Intermittent Fasting >no junk food
Noticed huge changes in will power and improvement with general happiness levels. I have much higher energy levels now despite not waking up past 6:00am anymore (except weekends). Also, been noticing much more IOIs from girls lately. I struck up a conversation with a girl at the water fountain and got her number (first time in over a year) from the gym and after texting for a few days we are now going to get coffee or grab a bite to eat on Sunday.
general /nofap/ thread
Adam Morris
>noPillow hmm?
Adrian Hall
>cold showers in the mornings i have tried no fap, however this works better for will power
Brayden Perry
Rollin for nofap
Daniel Cox
Pillows are #1 gains killers.
Jason Watson
Roll for no fap
Brody Hernandez
Rolling for no fap
Jack Russell
ah man, I tried no pillow and had a great streak going but then i saw a man sleeping on a mighty comfy-looking pillow in a movie I was watching and I just gave in and dug my pillow out and took a nap. The shame afterwards was soul-wrenching.
Brayden Sanders
Hudson Russell
You're practicing self ABSTINENCE meanwhile CHAD is FUCKING the GIRL of your dreams
Josiah Ortiz
Sleeping with a pillow will cause turkey chin and mouth breathing.
I found that with noPillow I fall asleep much faster and wake up feeling much more well rested.
Cameron Gomez
>he doesn't normally take cold showers >he doesn't normally not smoke >he doesn't normally lift 4-5x a week >he doesn't normally do cardio every day >he doesn't normally not eat junk food If these are challenges for you I don't think lifting is for you
Matthew Anderson
R9k fuck off
Hudson Butler
>Sleeping with a pillow will cause turkey chin and mouth breathing if that was the case 99% of the western population of men would have weak jaws, I never mouth breathe with a pillow
Daniel Butler
What utter bullshit
Gavin Perez
I've been in a nofap for months and I was working out just great every day after work. I fapped three times in two days and I've been wasted for two days with no will to working out at all.
That's it. I quit fapping. I'm gonna erase those 300 gigas of porn right now.
Gavin Cooper
Aaron Long
They see me rolling
Jose Richardson
Samuel Torres
I cant do it
Nicholas Perry
rolling for nofap
Hunter Sanchez
Roll for nofap
John Cruz
wat te fuk is nopillow
Lucas Adams
Benjamin Cook
rolling for fap
Landon Howard
Parker Stewart
Nathan Collins
Dominic Gomez
Jordan Wilson
Chase White
Just nofap until you get a wet dream, shits good
Christopher Ross
Luis Wright
rolling for last digit
Daniel Anderson
sweet! *unzips*
Sebastian Butler
Aiden Price
Rolling for nofap
David King
Ian Powell
>99% of the western population of men would have weak jaws ...
Kevin Clark
>implying implications
this better be b8 m8 or i weep for your autismo
Henry Nelson
Andrew Bennett
Grayson Nguyen
Grayson Torres
Rolling for no fap
Luis Russell
Roll. I've been meaning to do nofap but always fold after a day.
Brandon Thompson
Rolling for nofap I nopillow anyway
Matthew Price
what benefits does nopillow have?
Adam Turner
Rolling for noFap
Anthony Bell
Increases your body's production of autismine
Jose Young
Not him but i sleep without a pillow once in a while. Its.... novel. Nothing good or bad just novel.
Dominic Nelson
Roll for 99
Luke Brooks
Nopillow roll
Bentley Garcia
been jerking off in bed before i fall asleep for as long as i can remember, but i'm determined to make this one work.
Michael Adams
William Powell
already 43 days in let's see how much more i add
Kevin Lee
alright rolling
Evan King
84+72 for double post
Jose White
Anthony Harris
Rolling for nofap.
Brayden Price
Nofap roll
Hunter Powell
Carson Torres
Ayden Gray
Alright August 29th, get ready for the biggest nut you've ever seen
Levi Murphy
Adrian Gomez
Tryna catch me rollin dirty
Matthew Garcia
I've achieved 21 minutes of nofap
Mason Fisher
I've done 3 months, no number can hurt me anymore. Rollin
Robert Jones
3 months again. God fucking damnit
Aiden Green
ima find her and kill her
Isaac Howard
Now try doing nochair for maximal health gains.
Luke Lopez
Half of these are memes, why do so many people here fall for them?
Anthony Allen
Daniel Russell
I might start some of those. >nofap I fapped last time on the 7th and I dont really feel the need to. I'm basically cocoon mode, the last few times I fapped I didnt enjoy the least, have been fapping less and less compared to some time ago when I went once a day at least >noPillow I actually got on my bed with no pillow and fell asleep super fast and felt really regenerated. Might explore it some more >cold showers I have come to the realization that while really hot showers feel great in the moment, they leave me feeling like shit, while cold ones make me feel great, started today with a colder than average shower
Michael Roberts
This is the dumbest shit i've ever heard. I'm going to start one of these stupid chainmail-esque "#1 GAINZ KILLERZ" bullshit willpower and watch it pop up a couple months later on Veeky Forums. Hope you fags don't like drinking 1% milk, because everyone knows that it kills gains 10x harder than nonfat and 100x faster than 2%
Elijah Adams
yeah colder showers make me feel energized but ill never understand the concept of it though
Jordan Sullivan
Only the first 3 are memes.
Luis Brown
No pillow is real. Pillows can be vad for your posture.
Colton Mitchell
>Be warm human >Get cold >Body adjusts so you can try to get warm again
That is my shitty reasoning. If you were a caveman and got really cold all the sudden, it would make sense that you would wake up so you can try to find somewhere warm again
Andrew Peterson
I agree. What about intermittent fasting though? How does that work?
Alexander Campbell
rolling for nofap
Caleb Carter
I fap 3-5 times a week and I still hit the gym x3 a week.
Carter Edwards
I haven't watched porn in three weeks. I fapped to my imagination about 4 times so far. I got really tempted to watch porn last night. I had the will power to just shut my phone off. The urge goes away after you say no to it long enough
Xavier Morgan
Bentley Thomas
Came here to post this.
Jonathan Watson
Not fapping for -- days
Evan Roberts
Roll! This should be intresting
Lucas Mitchell
I'm not fapping again until the 11th of October
Dominic Rivera
You spend most of your day not eating and then eat a shitload in the evening.
Lincoln Rivera
cold showers fucking suck ass i don't see how anyone does that shit
Jose Nguyen
Rolling for Nofap
Ryan Edwards
Eolling for de la nofapperino
Sebastian Rivera
Justin Hughes
Except you won't be able to fap then because of ED caused by nofap.
Aiden Morales
fuck her
Logan Carter
this is literally all I noticed from nofap
every morning I had to clean that shit up
also my boners were weaker from nofap
use it or lose it fellas, just like muscles.
James Stewart
Angel Thomas
Isaac Mitchell
Just make sure you edge to high test qt's asses and you will want to jump through the screen to lick her asshole.
No cumming tho
Landon Cox
>tfw I did no fap for 5 months then went straight to being a porn addict Help me pls
Evan Young
rolling rolling rolling
Parker Scott
>5 fucking months
holy shit brother, that's one big fall from grace. But you did it once, so do it again and better this time, bc u have experience.