Did Samurai ever get PTSD?

Did Samurai ever get PTSD?


Sure. A lot of people around the world did. They just didn't know what it was.

PTSD is in my opinion when you lead a comfortable life then see some heinous shit.

If your whole life has been nothing but heinous shit from youth, then you don't get PTSD.

>in my opinion
Into the trash it goes

PTSD didn't exist until the widespread usage of artillery, firearms and other explosives.

The context of warfare in the before 1800s makes it very unlikely that anyone had PTSD.

You just explained tolerance. Obviously people who are used to terrible shit are going to be the same when they face more terrible shit.
And as for OP's question, I'm pretty sure they had some sort of emotional stress from the amount of violence they witnessed. If they did, I doubt it was documented by anyone. But tolerance (like I said before) and training that Samurai received prepared them mentally for war.

PTSD/Emotional stress induced by combat has been recorded as far back as ancient Greece.

>PTSD/Emotional stress induced by combat has been recorded as far back as ancient Greece.
This is true, but the others kind of have a point. One of the biggest fears soldiers with PTSD cite is knowing that they could die at any time from some random event beyond their control: a sniper's bullet, an artillery round that hits its mark, a roadside mine, etc. In many cases this fear of knowing any moment could be your last is more traumatizing than actual combat. At least when the ancient Greeks were fighting each other, you knew who and where the enemy was, and if your friend died in combat, it was usually because he was in the front line and got stabbed by someone on the other side.

PTSD didn't really exist in the way we know it today until after the industrial revolution and the vast mechanization of warfare.
Not to say that soldiers before modern times didn't experience stress under and after extreme situations, they certainly did. I just don't think the levels of fatigue/exhausting along with the horrors and uncertainties of modern warfare were there.

Yes, but they found different ways to cope. Usually killing more people.

No. They were bred like war dogs.

>PTSD didn't really exist in the way we know it today until after the industrial revolution and the vast mechanization of warfare.

Because half you nerds think it's a good idea to draft normies instead of breeding a special class of warrior and expecting the same results.

>breeding a special class of warrior and expecting the same results.

Samurai was not a job, it was a caste. You didn't train to become a samurai, you were born one. Women and children were also samurai.

Kind of similar to what this guy said.

I think as we went more and more industriailised. And warfare became less and less intimate and more indirect. There was also beginning a divorce or separation of violence from the common folk.

the front lines of battle seemed so far away from the peasantry.
Peasants no longer had to take up swords everytime their lord called them to battle.
So you had some that went off to war and otehrs that stayed home.

So when the veterans came back from war, they found out that they were strangers in their societies. Could talk to others about the horrors of war. Fairy tales and nursurey rhymes not as vulgar or violent as before.
The solider becomes to feel more and more isolated, ultimately just leaving him to ruminate on the horrors of war.

PTSD wasn't as common because you usually didn't make it home wounded. PTSD skyrocketed once people stopped dying to a single wound and instead got treated and sent home.

No it's because wars are fought differently now. With extremely loud and traumatizing blasts and explosions which often lasts for hours at a time.

>implying the whole of psychology isn't just a bunch of rich people's opinions
If I see one more liberal cunthead respond to "transexuals are mentally ill" with "ACTUALLY A ROOM FULL OF LISPING FAGGOT DOCTORS SAY THAT MENTAL ILLNESS IS SUCH AND SUCH ARBITRARY ACADEMIC DEFINITION SO YOU JUST DENY ALL OF MODERN MEDICINE" i'm going to give you ptsd llke you wouldn't believe


>"breeding a class of warrior"
>you were born one.
Are you refuting his statement or confirming it?
Because it looks like you're trying to refute it but accidentally confirming it and I can't tell the difference between trolls and normal people anymore.

This is preposterous. Middle age warfare was undoubtedly more stressful than the modern age. Just imagine seeing your friends dismembered by some savages with axes. Even UFC fighters, the best fighters of our time, get PTSD quite often after having their asses kicked.

Horseshit. I read somewhere on this website a quote of some English medieval guy going into PTSD fits over the sound of clashing metal at home.
I can totally imagine watching your boys get impaled and blinded and stuff in the battlefield for days on end and then walking the fuck home leaving you messed up mentally.


In the bible, it was actually required for hebrew soldiers to cleanse themselves before returning to the tribe, by camping outside for... a month I think it was? They would also hotbox weed as a form of therapy

A week

>19 Then Moses said to the soldiers, “If you killed anyone or touched a dead body, you are unclean and have to stay outside the camp for seven days. On the third and seventh days, you must go through a ceremony to make yourselves and your captives clean. 20 Then wash your clothes and anything made from animal skin, goat’s hair, or wood.”

This. Call it the "Buddha Effect."

>guy leaves relatively comfortable life
>"wow wtf"
>goes nuts