Who are you gonna vote for?
She just closed all the gyms in America
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Home gym masterrace.
Not voting for either of them. It's clear Shillary is going to win just based on the media alone. They're forcing her to win on top of all the women voting for her just because shes a woman.
Not only that, there is this mentality "it's her or trump" and everyone paints her as the lesser of two evils. Tons of cucks going "To all you people who wont vote you're just as bad! Hillary might not be perfect but shes better than trump!"
It's over. He also keeps fucking up during statements.
>It's clear Shillary is going to win
>So I'll make sure not to do anything to change that
>Not taking into account Shy Tory effect
>Not realizing if Hillary wins she'll likely get to appoint two Supreme Court justices who will assrape your rights so hard /k/ will go innawoods
Stay devoid of civic duty I guess.
I don't really give a fuck either way.
>lesser of two evils
>Clark county NV
>Turning 21 mid-september
>CCW paperwork takes 120 days to process and get your card out to you
>By the time I get my CCW there will be a nationwide gun ban for most firearms, a ban on concealed carry (thank the 9th circuit court of commiefornia for ruining the west on this one)
>Handguns will be limited to in-home only
>Her two justices will be so fucking powerful that everything in this country that I love is going to be taken away or changed
Everyone is going innawoods. That or Alaska. I have a strong feeling that Alaska will just erect its own wall and jump off the United States gravy train asap.
At least toss your vote to a third party. They won't win this time, but as long as there is some voter presence there will be some hope in the future.
I heard a news report the other day about people who voted for Jill Stein in 2012. They listed the number of people who voted for ber totaled across the country. That number would have been smaller and the effect of that report would have been lesser if I hadn't participated in that vote.
Vote Johnson, Stein, or some other person but don't just not vote.
I just hope someone assassinates her.
She'll be regarded as a martyr, but at least America won't turn into a police state.
>proven corrupt politician
>proven liar
>proven to cover-up multiple scandals
>deletes emails
>isn't even in good health, has seizures, absolutely deteriorates under any form of pressure
>b-b-but just because she crumbles under pressure from debates doesn't mean she will have panic attacks when making decisions as president of the most powerful country in the world!
>will even throw her own party under the bus for absolute power
>she has all but one major media outlets doing full damage control 24/7 365, liberal "comedy" propaganda shows on such as daily/nightly show, not safe with nikki whatever, etc.
>every liberal college campus in every major state is pressuring students to support her or potentially receive bad grades, bullying, etc.
>proven time and time again that she is behind numerous corruption scandals and yet liberals will still blindly support her more than conservatives do trump or liberals did with obama in the past
She is in no way the lesser of two evils.
>She is in no way the lesser of two evils.
I personally don't believe she is either, but that's what the common person believes.
Don't believe the (((media)))
Trump is going to win in a landslide.
I'm voting for Trump because I'm not a brainwashed commie traitor
No he isn't, because liberals are running the voting machines this year, and your vote will be counted for Hillary as will every electoral college member's.
$0.06 has been deposited into your account
>implying third party candidates have that kind of money
muhhh guns! lmao
>Handguns will be limited to in-home only
How is that even a bad thing? I don't want you mongoloids carrying firearms around town if I go to your country.
Yeah good point. I was going to vote for Hillary but now I think I'll vote for Jill Stein instead
Probably Jill Stein. Not perfect, but better that the corporatist war-lover or the racist who doesn't realize America can't just declare bankruptcy.
>implying your vote matters
>if I go to your country
Then don't come here, because that's the way it is now faggot. You have no say.
>Depending on other people for your protection.
Beta male detected, honestly just quit lifting.
Well I don't plan on going anyt--wait, are you one of those not-old-enough-to-vote /pol/tards from The_Donald who roleplays a 1950s family man and lives in some delusionally self-created nightmare version of America, by any chance?
>needing a gun to defend yourself
Honestly you should start lifting.
Exactly, people are also full of double standards
>want a president who is more straight forward and honest, doesn't play the usual political games and manipulations
>trump is just that
>Later say Trump is unfit to be president due to lack of political experience
>Shillery is more presidential despite being full of the usual rhetoric that people don't like in the first place
You are right. I forgot muscles deflect bullets and knives
That is oddly specific.
I think someone is projecting.
>Unironically using SJW epiphets like racist
You don't know much about business if you think a few bankruptcies mean shit when you have hundreds of successful companies.
Yours don't?
Is this poster joking or are lefties really this delusional?
I just thought that was on of Wax Fang's Album covers.
Oh yes, you must live in your fantasy dystopia where there are niggers and terrorists and mexicans around every corner waiting to murder you. As someone living in a country with stricter gun laws I guess I am just used to being safe everywhere I go and not having to worry about getting shot in the streets.
You'd be surprised how many of them there are these days. It's pretty easy to spot the kids who buy into fear mongering and blame all their problems on minorities and """degenerates"".
Dude, I understand that declaring bankruptcy can be a very good move FOR A PRIVATE COMPANY. Trump has suggested America reneging on it's debts, which would literally destroy the planet and kill everyone on it.
He thinks the debt is payable.
Top kek
good, kids need to learn they dont get to have all the toys they want
I could go on the same way about trump but I realize there is a word limit on here
Haha the funny part is that if no one had guns the alpha males would dominate. Having a gun is actually a way for betas to defend themselves because a true alpha doesn't need a gun to defend himself.
Unfortunately now you have these betas that think they're alpha cuz they can point and shoot at something.
Before guns it was strength, now it's only about who has a gun.
I don't need to carry a gun around because I'm confident that if someone approached me with ill intentions I could fuck them up.
Obviously if they had a gun though there's nothing I can do. They'd be too much of a pussy to put their guns down and fight me.
What world do you live in? Nigs and muslims are murdering people all the time.
It's idiots like you who find themselves in the bataclan
hey now i am ex commie and even i am not stupid enough to vote for hillary
You make an excellent case for being armed.
DYEL detected
I imagine you bleeding to death on a side walk after some nigger shot you saying to yourself "at least I'm not a beta enough to use a gun! "
I live in the capital city of your friendly neighbours to the north. We had like single-digit shooting incidents here last year. There is absolutely no reason for anyone here to carry a gun around with them (and a big part of that is probably because, shockingly, no one else carries guns around with them!).
Hell, unless you live in Detroit or somewhere similar your desire to carry a firearm on your person everywhere for "protection" just sounds like total paranoid delusion.
>Nigs and muslims are murdering people all the time.
If Europe falls to Islam (which it is currently doing) it will need to be saved. Trump will save Europe like America saved it during WW2. Hillary will call Islamification "progress" and "diversity".
Vote for Trump or say goodbye to western civilization
>Before guns it was strength
No it wasn't you fucking mongoloid retard
>not manipulative
My sides
This. I'm voting third party because I feel it's my civic duty to pick SOMEBODY. If I just don't vote they'll assume I'm just a lazy millennial. I want it known that I had a choice and I used it to tell them both to fuck off. Even if that choice won't win.
Gun sales broke records again last month in murka, shillary will only burry the country into deeper shithole it's already is to the point of no return.
People like you are why I hate my fellow canadians. You literally brag about being disarmed as though being incapale of defending yourself is something to be proud of, it is pathetic honestly. I have been attacked by a pack of nigs before and I was lucky to get away with my life, I'm not naive enough to think there's no way it could happen again.
Lmao in what city?
I've never seen "packs of nigs" roaming around looking for unarmed punchmeat.
he probably lives around wholefoods and never leave his area so life seem peechy from that side
Not the guy ur replying to but certain parts of ottawa have real probs, im pretty broke and there are packs of nogs
Makes more sense. Sorry that happened to you. But the argument is still retarded and lacks any critical thought.
>We all need guns because violent crime exists!
>Well, would giving everyone guns reduce or increase violent crime?
This isn't Fitness related. This is a /pol/ thread posted by a lost trump shill. /pol/ is thataway my shill friend--------->
>he thinks debt is bad
A lot of our debt is held by American banks. Those banks collect on the interest of that debt. The revenue of that debt collection is taxes by the federal government.
It's literally printing money.
Political threads belong in /pol/
Fuck off, shills.
>It's literally printing money.
yeah printing money for the Rothschild family
Debt means you are someone else's bitch.
A debt based economy is the most horrible thing I can think of.
Right now we are okay because no one has decided to collect, but if that changes. We're fucked. The only thing keeping that from happening, is the fact that the american military is so strong and we're more then willing to whore it out for tiny horrible little skirmishes and strong arming people in parts of the world. That and a shitload of media being pumped out.
I'd assume you live in the East end?
I almost got robbed by nigs one had a gun two with knives and sheit. I pack a knife with me every now and then also getting a collapsible baton in the near future. I suggest you do too. If you get pulled over and searched by cops claim the knife is a tool and not for self defence.
You're so close to being right, yet so far off, in your understanding of monetary operations that I want to find you a larger brain so it finally clicks.
You're so fucking stupid I don't understand how you haven't drowned in a 2-liter of Mountain Dew.
Our national debt isn't the same as personal debt. It's mostly US treasury bonds that have low interest. People buy them because they know the country is good to keep paying out the interest. But like I said, that interest is taxable so really it's just a giant scheme to generate bigger numbers.
I don't see how allowing peaceful people the means to defend their life and property will do anything bad for society. Hopefully it would result in a lot of dead criminals.
Explain the gap economist friendo.
>babbys first intro to business class
You can't run a country the way you run a company. Profit as a motivator is shit at meeting the needs of the people
There was an article, I forget where, I think Michael Moore wrote it, that predicted that Hillary would lead in the polls but that Trump would win.
See, lots of non-republicans who don't lik Trump would never say that they'd vote for him when asked. Not even on an anonymous poll. But people are frustrated as HELL about American politics, and inside each of us lives a tiny anarchist - when it's time to actually vote, when people are alone in that booth and NO-ONE will even know what they voted? Lots of people are gonna vote Trump just for the hell of it. I know I would and I'm a lifelong socialist. Why? Because fuck you, that's why. I'm sick of chosing between the plague and cholera, fuck politics. Burn it all down.
>I live in a nice area so no one in the country should be allowed to own a gun.