
> treatment for depression finally starts working
> all of my social anxieties and issues melt away
> start making closer friends
> go out partying almost every night of the week
> love eating healthy and lifting weights
> but you will never unsee harambe futa-on-trap furry vore

what's the point, Veeky Forums? how do I undo the damage the internet's degeneracy has done to me?

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I just posted this stupid quote on a fake fitness grill instagram page. it hasn't even been a half hour and i already have 40 likes.

da fuqqqq

give me more ideas for stupid quotes lilke this

Never stop because stopping is bad mmmmkay

Do it because the way humans are made is to do it.

What was your treatment tho ?

t.Depressed fag.

'Things are possible'


I attempted suicide and was hospitalized for a month, during which they pumped me through 4-5 medications until I finally landed on ones that seemed to start working.

~4 months later, almost all my symptoms are gone. not even memeing: it gets better, anons. there's just a shit ton of medicines you have to try.

1/10 would not reccomend

*would not recommend suicide attempt

"They say the first step is the easiest, make it true, make that happen."

Not to be an edgy dick, but how come you failed? It seems like a lot of people fail, and I feel that it shouldn't be so hard to do. Besides, failing suicide seems horrific.

I'm glad you're better user. I'm going to my psychitrist tomorrow morning due to suicidal panic attacks. I hope we both make it.

Which medications did you find help?

no medicine has worked nearly as much as getting my life together.

>tfw depressed
>tfw not sure whether I should see a psychiatrist and get on antidepressant pills, or go to a hormonal clinic.and get on TRT since I literally have all the syndromes of low test

Or then again, perhaps I should stop drinking 10 beers each evening while browsing Veeky Forums

>go out partying almost every night of the week
Good for you if you like it.
But can you please explain the appeal of parties for me?
It seems to me that the only way in which an incredibly high density of sweaty people dancing to pop-EDM à la David Guetta at a way too high volume could be a pleasant experience is with a significant amount of intoxication in which every civilized part of the human brain is turned off to allow for the most primal of mating rituals. I have not heard one story about parties that made me go "Huh, this party thing sounds nice". It's always either girls being disgusting sluts, men being primitive creeps or someone throwing up or passing out in a spectacular fashion.
Is there something I'm missing or is it just something I'm not able to appreciate because of my disgust for hook-up culture?

It's just your autism, don't worry about it.

>> treatment for depression finally starts working
How long did it take?

what's autistic about that? I feel like not actively looking to get poon doesn't qualify for autism.

Other people fap to that kinda stuff to cope with depression, OP.

I also remember seeing another study saying that most attempts are by poisoning/OD. Couldn't find it tho

>but you will never unsee Harambe porn
Why else would I have my dick out tho

Eh... parties/clubs aren't the great. It has to do with your taste. Some people love dancing and yelling into their friends' ears and some hate dancing and not beong able to talk easily. It comes down to personal preference.
I personally dislike most clubs and parties. I'm more of a sit-down-and-chat-in-a-pub guy and i'm cool with that

>tfw all my bros were always great at anything they tried, even the first time
>including suicide attempts

"the wolf and the gazelle aren't born with their place in the forest, they learn it!"

>unironically using antidepressants

what medication
