Liao who?

Say it with me trappy-chan......


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these dubs declare that lu bombs tomorrow


Is Lu Xiaojun going to be on tomorrow?

What channel can I watch him on? I have Dish.

>these numbers

Lu and Tian the meme jerk gods confirmed they will be breaking the world records

What do you think of Fernando Reis?
I can train in his gym. Is it worth it?

[spoiler]pls respond[/spoiler]

Why do they let them do literally whatver jerk they want? Why are DPRK and PRC the top of weightlifting when their countries are 99.9% starving manlets? Why did they let that Turk get away with murder on both lifts?

>supporting commie gooks

gooks are korean, chinese are chinks, you fuckwit.

and fyi vietnamese are zipperheads.

when will they learn?

the absence of russians and kazakhs is shit

he has a 427kg total, I think that's all you really need to know.

Is this normal, or is this part of why my shoulders are fucked up?


like I told you in the other thread

not normal at all
you seem to be abnormally dyel


What about this though

yeah still dyel

But he got a gold medal in the last 2 Pan American games

you're just mad that both of us standing your mouth is at the perfect height for sucking my nipples.

beat it shorty.

Boy, you are fuckin stupid

that explains why you have such fantastic child bearing hips. Do you lactate too?

:::))) says the guy who posts user and doesnt want to be recognized for this talents

>he does it for free

where can I rewatch 69kg

How would you guys learn technique of you had no coach?

1.Do you learn controlled or do you do it very slow?

2.Does tempo matter right now or do you develop it with weight?

3. I can't physically slide my feet to the side and don't know why?

And finally, is there usually any clear cut reason why I can't receive a snatch or clean in time but can high pull a lot more weight or does that require a video?

he was implying the total is good not bad, yes train at his gym

When will the non-manlet categories start?

Your other shoulder and upper back is just a bit more tight. You probably sleep in a positions that makes it so. Happens to like 99% of the people, the rest stretch and do mobility shit like crazy.

I tried on my own for 1 month until i got frustrated because i understood it will take years that way.

I read few books, watched hours and hours of youtube videos, took recordings, asked online etc.

>Do you learn controlled or do you do it very slow?
I tried to do it very slow. Learned bad habits, didn't understand how to fire the hips. Coach said that you can't learn to explode if you don't fire the muscles at the same time like you should.

>Does tempo matter right now or do you develop it with weight?
It matters a lot. I never really did it that much by myself. With coach we did tempo stuff above knee, under knee, from floor like an hour every workout

>I can't physically slide my feet to the side and don't know why?
Plz don't watch klokov videos, its bad information for beginners / guys who wasn't picked to a china team when they were toddlers. Just focus on explosive triple extension and getting your feet through the floor like concrete sticks

And yeah, post videos. There could be so many things causing problems with the tech, not just one thing.


What the fuck makes you think you deserve a trip?

Thanks. I realize I can't fire hips either, I was coached for a couple months but stopped since I moved away. Even then, my coach always said hips and he made me do the movement very slow, I feel like it's made me pause mentally between each stage and I still don't understand how to fire hips without slamming the bar forward.

I'm having trouble finding a coach for the moment as the only time he coaches is during my work hours.

I really need to work on my extension and catch. There's like no power unless I extend for too long but then I can't get under.

Think it like jumping and getting under at the same time. You don't want to "jump", bit its a cue for beginners to use the muscles in the same rhythm and speed. You will not end up jumping in the air and lifting your center of mass when you start to pull yourself under at the same time. Beginners just don't understand things like "extension of the hip, knee and ankles blah blah" and lose lots of power by doing in a hard, manual way something that should come naturally.


You can try to "study" this power creation by yourself to understand it better. Stand in a power position, and try to "extend hip, knee and ankle blah blah" and then slide your feet. Okay, did it feel awkward? Yes?

Now, try to jump explosively, and at the same time slam your feet back into the ground (don't slide, just try to do it fast). You can have a mental cue of gettind your knees to your chin because you slam them back to the floor so fast (your feet move faster than your body in the air). Now, did it feel more powerful?

Where can I stream the 77kg competition?

Feels good actually, I'll have to try it with a bar though tomorrow. I notice that when I do this I also get a bounce right out of the hole.

Just remember that once you add speed to your second pull and pull under, something else might lack behind. This is mostly arms. I have usually hard time keeping my arms in control when going heavy. Be sure that your arms are close tot he body, and not "swinging" but pulling the weight up (pulling you down), small rotation and pushing the weight up (and pushing you down)


Where can I stream this??????????????????????????????

lu gonna bomb. called here it first

fuck u

Thanks for the tips. I do have a hard time with my arms and I think having extra long arms for a manlet (6'4 reach at like 5'9) doesn't help my clean or snatch.

I like the ears to knees cue a lot and it actually seems very helpful since I can't visualize myself getting under anyway with such a low contact during clean and the large amount of elbow bend during my snatch receive.

My high pulls are massively ahead of my classics and even my muscle snatch is much more since I can't even receive a snatch fast enough.

I'll try to jump and also keep ears to knees and remember to have fast elbows. Thanks. I'll get a video in a few days.

it will actually help your snatch

pls respond

uh oh, that's not looking good buddy. I'd lay off lifting for a couple months and focus on recovery.

Nooo where can i watch mens 77kg? PLZ. Searching streams like crazy but can't find

I'm watching the 77kg stream on nbcolympics, maybe they have a rewind there

Oh how does it? Just wondering.


bbc stream anyone?

is the glorious one in grp B?

My proper stream hasn't even started yet.

hey fuck you buddy

this is crap, wont load anything

need good stream for us in EU!

>this one guy who's 69.3kg and everyone else is 76.5kg

Working fine for me lad.

I know. Fuck.


If Africa had the proper infrastructure they would dominate this sport hard



fuck, ignore this one. apparently you have to sign up

Gooks are also Viets. Zipperheads are the Japanese.

German, but at least it works and streams all events

the indonesian

The same could be said about any continent/country.

i thought Veeky Forums were professional racists. you guys really need to step up your game


Long Dong Ching Chong Wins Again

>that poo's hair

ok, thanks

>tfw streams aren't working on my phone

Here's to missing Lu ;_;


Where's my boy Lu?

i'm pretty sure viets are called fucking shits.

what brand of thumbtape is that german using?

>not intentionally mixing up asian ethnicities to trigger them even more
fucking plebs

i'm guessing he didn't make the cut. too bad, he had decent total.

this was group B

group a

I'm gonna miss group a because of work familia

Lad that was called straight after worlds get out of here with called it first lol

He's on the start list as a 69 but in the 77 and Interestingly there's a guy from Indonesia also on start list as a 77 who lifted as a 69 but didn't post a total



even the 105s are like 5'11-6'1

literally every category is a manlet category except for 105+

are group B always the weaker ones? or is this arbitratry? how is the winner determined?! I don't get it.

Pls halp!

Nope, black people have more fast twisting muscle fibers then other races

Lower entry total so weaker generally but some do big things and there's been medalist out b groups in the past

That isn't as important for wl as you think it mainly influences the way you lift rather than how good you are

It's pretty important, but it's more important in som other sports (sprinting is a big one).

But it's still pretty important.

so it could be that group B finishes, then someone in group A gets gold, the first one in group B gets silver and the second one in group A gets bronze??

That would be super lame actually...

What happened to polska waifu? I was waiting with bated breath thinking she hasn't lifted yet because she was going to do the heaviest C&J out of the group

>who is Om Yun-chol in 2012

tfw internet is shit and I lost the stream and I can't watch Polska waifu


forgot trip

DQ'd because coach made her drink something from a vial.

Poland got DQ

Are you fucking kidding me, is there a real saying you can't eat/drink inbetween attempts or something.


Gooks are gooks desu