Are there any benefits to doing nofap?
Are there any benefits to doing nofap?
You'll be so horny you'll try to fuck any female and get over your fear of speaking to them. Won't cure your autism though
Only if you have a crippling addiction to masturbation, or jerk off too much to get hard for pussy or asses. Otherwise, no.
NoEjac is what you want. I still fap but I hold my cum in.
No porn is best, it lowers your tollerance so now the smallest things get you horny.
No you don't.
You'll end up pissing your semen out when you go to the bathroom.
It also does a number on your prostate.
Edging is good for short periods and only for build up to really intense sex, so as to clean out the pipes completely.
If not, then you're going to fuck yourself up.
Don't care. I'll accept the risks. So far I've pissed out no semen at all.
Yes. If you need something to talk with other spergs about.
You don't know you're pissing out semen, it's just coming out.
made me laugh thanks
I do know because I've pissed it out before when I fapped normally. It's not happening this time around. The body will just reabsorb excess semen so it's no concern of mine.
>thicken neck muscles because of tension increase
>increase penis size due to vascularization and tissue destressing
>realign teeth and jaw thanks to greater uptake of orthobigbonehormone in osteon steward cells
that's a check
>>realign teeth and jaw thanks to greater uptake of orthobigbonehormone in osteon steward cells
but that's why I come here
Have fun not being able to pee out of benis
classic symptom of the sperg: thinking everyone else is exactly like you
your people are calling
Erectile dysfunction
It's all mental gains
The idea is proving to yourself that you have the self control to do it. The feelings spill over into other aspects of your life, the gains it has given me are amazing. That's just me though. Many know the path, few actually walk it. Do whatever the fuck makes you happy
I piss fine friend, if not better than I ever have in my life.
Fap once a week no porn for best mental/physical gains brah
>cmon brah
If I do drain the pipes it's usually once a month famalam.
Get on my level.
Wew lad
Not unless you enjoy having wet dreams and waking up with cum all over yourself sometime between day 10 and 18.
trolling is an art
I love wet dreams senpai.
wait OP...we're brothers
No it's a hoax
Letting a doctor put his finger inside your ass when you reach middleage.
>From my psychology professor
I've been on NoFap for two weeks at this point, NoPorn at the same time.
I haven't noticed anything except maybe collapsed libido and depression.
When I did it four years ago I noticed huge changes because I was young and NoFap was new and promising so I had an excellent placebo effect. Now that I have some experience I can say it doesn't really do anything. It won't significantly change your hormones, libido or sexual function in any way. The only noteworthy effect is that it raises your risk for prostate cancer in the long term.
NoFap is a meme
NoPorn is where it's at breh
>nofap doesnt work
>but noporn? totally legit brehs
NoPorn is a meme as well.
>not one credible citation
yup, a psychology prof wrote that
Why go NoFap? Are there any ACTUAL benefits from it, and if so, anything actually worth trying to stop fapping over?
Not watching porn is easy as fuck. Literally just imagine a girl you REALLY want to fuck that you know or some shit and sway your hips a bit while you jack off, bam, you're good
NoPorn makes you a lot hornier therefore more confident, which equals more women
Also, it'll keep you away from degenerate fetishes that'll fuck up your head and probably eventually turn you gay until you stop.
If doing nofap for an extended period doesn't change your libido or sexual function, you either have medically low test or are gay/beta male (you beta regardless)
Also, like most retards, I'm sure you just expected your life to change when you did nofap, and by the way, nofap for 2 weeks is not a fucking challenge. the purpose of nofap is to give you an itch to go out and get laid which if you didn't know if the purpose of being alive. you cant do nofap and sit in your room all day; that just leads to depression
tl;dr you're an idiot and didn't do nofap correctly.
and stop watching porn
Porn is not natural and is not healthy for your brain. You are so slaved by it that you cant help it. You are literally watching other men fuck women on your computer screen, doesn't get any more beta than that. I bet you literally can't go more than a month without watching porn. Try it. You'll fail.
no p300 eeg phenomena associated with anything related to sex means there's no such thing as porn or sex or masturbation addiction. worst case, you're high drive.
n=1 personal "experiences" is not data
>NoPorn makes you a lot hornier therefore more confident, which equals more women
[citation needed]
You may as well quit the internet. Replacing porn with shitposting is equally fucking dumb/if not worse.
>Porn is not natural and is not healthy for your brain.
Neither is Veeky Forums, yet here we are. Can you go a month without being on here?
>not natural
not a valid argument
>not healthy for your brain
no empirical evidence behind this claim
Not an argument
Burden of proof
NoFap is a hoax, but if you wanna keep believing that not masturbating will make you alpha and some fucking sex god then you go ahead and believe that.
Have you ever stopped watching porn? The slightest shit will turn you on. I've gotten 10x more confident since I gave up masturbating to girls I see on my computer screen.
Get on the NoPorn train breh, it feels way better if you mash all of your ideal fetishes into your imagination while masturbating
>no porn
>it'll keep you away from degenerate fetishes that'll fuck up your head and probably eventually turn you gay until you stop.
What if it happens to a gay?
>burden of proof
Absence of evidence = / = evidence of absence. Until studies come out undeniably debunking NoFap, I'm calling bullshit on it being a hoax. That psychology professor debunked nothing.
It was the direct opposite for me when I did Nofap.
>Have you ever stopped watching porn?
Yes, actually. NoInternet was infinitely more effective.
You do you then familia.
>What if it happens to a gay?
You post your boipussy
should spill it out every 3 days though. You shouldnt hold it too long in your balls.
Not him but for how long
"absence of evidence" doesn't mean you didn't go looking for any, dumbass. that's an unstudied phenomenon or an absence of effort.
Not long, a couple consecutive days. Felt infinitely better.
It's a great tool don't get me wrong, but I'm more addicted to the internet in general than I ever was to just porn.
Oh right, they went out looking for people who practice strict semen retention. Fucking retard.
Wake me when there's been at least a clinical trial. Science, not "evidence"-based medicine.
Anyone elses orgasms while not watching porn 100x better than while watching porn?
>Science, not "evidence"-based
Wow, I had to read that twice to make sure that's what you said. It's not surprise that someone like you is not only addicted to porn, but is defending it on Veeky Forums. Why don't you try actually reading the article before you say something stupid because you clearly could not have read the entire thing in 1.34 minutes.
And next time, quote something from the article that you believe isn't evidence based so we can have an actual discussion.
I've been on nofap for a while. I wake up with erections leaking precum every morning. When I strain to take a shit, thick fluid comes out of my dick. I think sexual thoughts about my GF before I sleep. The leakage used to happen when I first started nofap, but it stopped until recently. Is this an issue? I basically leak precum throughout the day if I've gotten aroused at all and the viscous fluid comes out when I use the restroom.
I also feel like this is making my hair or body odor smell like chlorine/cum. What can I do to stop this?
My genitals are very sensitive and I get erections easily. I also feel like I am going to cum just thinking sexual thoughts and am suffer from premature ejaculation.
t. did nofap for 30 days
I like myself on noporn. I did nofap for at least 12 days I remember. Legit discomfort in groin area, literally more horny than I wanted to be. Without porn I'd say I masturbate once every couple days or so.
Don't do it user. I went 9 months nofap and almost gave in to fucking some pretty hideous females. More than I'd like to admit
>Are there any benefits to doing nofap?
For you? No.
For the trolls that talk you into it? Lulz.
>didn't do nofap correctly
am i supposed to let my wife's boyfriend fuck me in the ass
i didn't expect my life to change i just quit fapping for the last two weeks.
also, i've got facial hair, chest hair, nice big dick, good muscle development, high libido, low depression
could it just be that nofap is broscience?
>doesn't change your libido or sexual function
i still want to fuck every day. it doesn't matter if i watch porn or masturbate or not. i still talk to qt grills, still think about pussy, still get chubs.
i feel like nofap doesn't work for me because i was a kv starting out. i don't have autism, i have a gf, nice job, i don't feel awkward in public, i'm pretty good looking.
nofap worked a lot better when i was a gullible beta bitch (implying)
*wasn't a kv starting out
there's also an association between drinking water and all cause mortality you fucking mouthbreather.
That means he sucks dick.
take this as you will OP
>be me
>date asexual girl
>fap once a day, everyday to mitigate horniness
>becoming increasingly warped (need more wild content to get aroused, think about publicly masturbating, ect.)
>have fear of monster i'm becoming, assume porn is part of the issue
>slowly phase it out, down to almost no porn
>has helped with strange thoughts and arousal, also makes me feel frustrated, irritable, and desparate
>sexual desire manifests itself in weird ways such as wet dreams, ect.
>not sure if tradeoff is better as i was at least enjoying myself before, even if i was heading in a weird direction
tl;dr: there's a happy median, and it's different for every person. probably don't excessively watch porn or fap except when you're really horny and need a release
Why the FUCK would you date an "asexual" girl? There's no such thing as asexual, you're dating a mentally ill person.
jesus christ. 9 months?
dunno, just really like her i guess. we're compatible in every other area, so i guess that's what helps me justify it. starting to think it isn't worth it though
dude this is one of the funniest threads ive ever seen on Veeky Forums and ive been here 8 years
>psychology prof writing about biology
I'm on day 5 of no fap, I plan on only doing 7 days at a time. I'm much less depressed while on nofap, I get angry a lot and act recklessly it's pretty fun
>muh opinion matters more than science!
Typical psychology retards.
similar libido is important in a relationship. you may very well be better off finding someone else, for her sake as well
8 years is a hell of a long time to be a newfag
lol faggot your dick's going to implode in on itself by doing that, enjoy being a subhuman manlet who has to compensate for their short height by doing these ridiculous things to their dicks, feels good to be 6'3 and aesthetic
Yeah, even if she isn't 'sexual' I don't see why you shouldn't get her to recognize you have needs and at the very least want to get off on her soemhow, even if she doesn't reciprocate in any other way.
sounds like a fucking boring sex life
I personally find I'm a lot hornier when I wank regularly. When I did no fap I just lost my libido and became anxious, and what felt like sexually frustrated all the time. My issue wasn't frequency, it was porn.
No Porn > No Fap - google it kids
Except when you don't get it anyway your sex drive will adjust and reduce to that of a 70 year old.
Do noporn. No fap cold turkey just fucks up your hormones.
i wanna do nofap but i also want to jelq 4-5 times a week. i get too erect to jelq properly if i havent fapped for 24 hours
how do I look like her if I'm a guy?
I don't understand why people have to take this NoFap business to the extreme.
You don't need to remove it entirely from your life. Just cut it down to say once or twice a week. If you're doing for the test of self-control then I suppose it's fine, but don't do it forever.
And I also agree that NoPorn > NoFap
You will have more time to do the important shit in your life.
>Like post on 4chinz
>how do I change my face frame and height
you do not
Please tyere must be a secret technique, I'm willing to sacrifice part of my lifespan
mental clarity
I'm gonna go monk mode
may the lord shine his light upon me
It will increase your risk of prostate cancer.
>Nofap for 3 weeks
>grind a girl on the dance floor
>get precum in my pants
You have no clue how much biology you have to learn for psychology.
As if the people, who studied how the mind works, ignored the very thing that made the mind work. Damn you are retarded.
I nofapped for 5 days and made a whore cry when I finally got to fucking
yes, there are benefits! don't listen to those haters.
just google no fap benefits. there are tons of reports. it literally changed my life.
Haven't fapped in 8 days, only benefit will be that when I cum it will be like cumming 10 times at once
nofap makes me feel superior because I am fat, socially inept and can't grow a beard
Nice b8 m8