Did Russia contribute much to science and technology...

Did Russia contribute much to science and technology? It seems like most scientific and technological progress was brought about by western europeans. When studying chemistry and physics, all the names I come across are germanic in origin. I don't think I remember a single russian name other than Mendelov who just made a table. As someone of russian heritage, I find this perturbing. Did Russia have a non-negligible role in the progress of mankind? How am I supposed to join in on the "the white race invented everything" circlejerk if I'm not even part of the whites who did it?

Other urls found in this thread:


>mentions chemistry
>can't even remember Mendeleyev
A thread died for this

>le "a thread died for this" meme
This is better than 90 percent of the race baiting threads that get posted on this """""""history""""""" (&humanities) board.


2 seconds in google

No, it's shit. Most renowned physicists weren't even Europeans but Jews.

There were many, MANY scientific contributions from Russians during the time of the USSR.

And far more from during the Empire. But you could argue Russia was a western country under Romanov rule.

All so called "Russian" contributions to science and technology actually come from the stolen ideas of Polish intellectuals.

>Polish intellectuals

Remediated for the betterment of this thread (and humanity).

They contributed a fair bit, but their biggest contributions are to literature and music.

Fuck off Anglo

Next time you broke your leg, don't stuff it into Ilizarov apparatus.

>Polish intellectuals


he's not wrong. if you look at the surnames of the famous russian inventors, scientists, generals etc etc, then you can trace them back to the Polish nobles.

A large chunk of all big name scientists and mathematicians starting in the mid 19th century are Russians.

they contributed in that they acted as a force that science needed to strive and innovate against in order to overcome

I don't know, look for yourself:

So who contributed more, western europe or eastern europe?

Western europe of course.

So in the grand scheme of things eastern europe wasn't really that significant, like 1-5 percent of all scientific progress.

this graphs are just bullshit.

Because Russia was a peasant shithole with 80% illiteracy rate until Stalin came along

I hope you're kidding, Russian made significative impact on mathematics, way more than any nation on earth.
And that's coming from a french.

Stalin himself was illiterate

gee... I wonder who could be behind these posts...

Sławek, please! We are already called Mexico of Europe, no need to upgrade us to Niggers of Europe.

I'm pretty sure the state of public education in the US is so perilous they teach children that Sputnik was made by NASA and Gagarain was a red-blooded Texan. Assuming children is US are even taught those names at all.

That's one hell of a terrible way of trying to measure "human accomplishment"

At least Russians are killing it at the International Collegiate Programming Contest.

>this graphs are
ask how I know you're a gopnik.

Elaborate pls.

> As someone of russian heritage
>the white race
don't delude yourself, you're not russian. you're a terminally retarded amerimutt subhuman. this is why you feel deficient, this is why you have to identify with something as ludicrous as your skin pigment, or a country from where your grandparents emigrated 100 years ago. because america is not a nation, but a collection of angry minorities trapped together in a country with no history, culture, or language of its own

Actually I'm a second gen russian. Sorry you're so ass blasted that there are actual european people left, you fucking amerimutt.

Name at least 51% of Russian scientists with polish roots.

>When studying chemistry and physics, all the names I come across are germanic in origin

Yeah, common western chauvinism.
Just look up the Cauchy-Schwartschild-Bunyakovski inequality, commonly known as the Cauchy-Schwartschild inequality :^)



A Russian invented Lamboland

>Polish intellectuals


None of these guys were jews.

they listed motherfucking Euler there, wtf lol.

Galilei and Kepler are hardly physicists.

>Literally the inventor of modern physics isn't a physicist

those green implications are literally false

What's the point in having an illiterate secretary?

>stolen ideas
>of Polish intellectuals.
mediocre but still funny bait.

Akschually, it was 70% illiterate

Russians are always like
>we did this first but we had no money and nobody cared to publish this in english but still REEE

>first to launch an animal in space
>first to launch a human in space
>first (and the only ones to this day) to land a probe on Venus.
>Basically invented modern cosmonautics and rocketry (Konstantin Tsiolkovsky)
On top of my head.

*off the top of my head

What book did this come from. Link it so I can laugh at it.
The numbers should be adjusted per capita as well.
Also 'significant figures' is a terrible metric. If you have a lot of British intellectuals it's no wonder they'd each other jack off in their writings.

When it comes to soil science they did some big contributions, for example they were a major contributor to the world soil classification system.

You don't have anything to worry about.
I don't think anyone here looks down on Russia's scientific and artistic contributions to mankind.
Also the names in chemistry and physics don't really mean anything, it just means whoever got their name officially attached to certain principles by a royal institution first, rather than say anything about the real actual contributions of any given race to the science.
And 'germanic in origin' is pretty vague too as usually if you look closer the people weren't German but Austrian, Dutch, Italian, French, Polish, Jewish, or some other European country/ethnicity. And it's possible that in the same way names get 'anglicized' so too do they become 'germanized'.
People also changed their names too to find wider public acceptance.


he lived in russia for a while

saving my thread