Distilled water

does anyone know if drinking distilled water is safe for the health?

Most say no(studies and smart ppl), but fuck them, better than drinking heaps of fluoride infested water

eh, don't know how to take that

thing is I got a big bottle for reasons irrelevant to the thread and I'm not sure if it should be put away from children's reach

I drink it. All the minerals have been pretty much elmininated though distillation. It wont kill you. Better than fluoride that's for sure

Most distilled water sold in stores still has flouride in it, since it isn't actually distilled.

what's this paranoia with fluoride?

I'm not american by the way

I've just checked and my country doesn't put fluoride in tap or bottled water

but even if it did, you guys sound like you have some unhealthy obsession with it

Do not drink distilled water, it wil fuck up your permeable membrane balance.

i've been drinking only distilled for years and i'm fine. tap water tastes disgusting

They're concerned with their precious bodily fluids.

Distilled or demineralised? Dunno if they are different, but I buy demineralised water for my car battery and I'm pretty sure if you drink that it fucks you up.

I did a test. Maybe you can do the same. I drank different types of water for period of time and this is how I felt

Filtered tap water
>Quenches my thirst, okay taste, maybe not the best but its fine for most

Bottled Water
>It's usually tap water with a plastic taste. Quenches thirst but not very tasty, maybe questionable.

pH Balanced Water
>Bought test strips for this one. The brands I drank were correctly balanced from 9-10ph. Taste was okay but it was GODLY with quenching thirst, and it even made my stomach feel more settled after meals. Convinced its not a meme.

Distilled Water
>A different taste but not bad. I felt like I could not drink enough to quench thirst. It left me feeling thirsty.

dont drink distilled water

It's because it's leaching all the ions from your cells

I think you're thinking of deionized or DI water. Don't drink DI water

>A different taste but not bad. I felt like I could not drink enough to quench thirst. It left me feeling thirsty.
How? Did they put salt in it?

its not THAT unhealthy. i drank half a gallon in one sitting once because it was the only water available to me (we had a bunch for a humidifier so i drank from a newly opened bottle then put it in the humidifier) and i didnt notice anything negative.
what they say is that its not safe to drink if its the only thing you drink every day for months because theres shit in the water that you need. so its not unhealthy technically its just less good for you

wheres your tap located you filthy plen

Out of a plastic jug full of xenoestrogens? What's the point?

Doesn't it kill you. Pretty sure it says 'not for human consumption' on it.

Distilled water is literally just water.

Like literally. Just. Water.

It's worse for you since it doesn't contain the benefits of flouridation nor any naturally occuring minerals but it literally can't hurt you.

Distilled water tends to be acidic and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, the continued drinking of distilled water is a bad idea. Water filtered through reverse osmosis tends to be neutral and is acceptable for regular use provided minerals are supplemented.


Anyone try alkalized water? Is that the same as ph balanced?

Well you see in burgerland every state has fluoridated tap and bottled water. The best you can do is run it through a good filter to remove the waste

Tastes best with activated almonds and cheeky milky bars


I've drank lab grade miliQ filtered distilled water. literally no difference other than taste.

As a lab pleb from the studies thats been done, don't drink distilled water but it won't harm you either. I don't know about pH balanced water but it might neutralize and buffer your stomach acid pH

No, doesn't de-ionised water kill you. I've drank distilled water plenty.

i only drink gluten free and vegan water

Distilled water takes way the salts in your body.
That's why most drinking water has "minerals for taste"

>current year
>Not drinking Milli-Q water from your laboratory

>what is osmotic balance?
it is not safe, no

don't get it wrong. distilled water cannot kill you as long as you consume minerals. Distilled water will leech minerals from your body and that is why you DON'T drink it
A.) exercising
B.) as your only source of water
C.) the first thing you drink after coming out of a survival situation

as long as you eat food like grains and stuff, distilled water cannot and will not kill you. That said, distilled water is godly for making pure teas and coffee