Is cocoa butter for stretch marks a meme?
I already drink a shit ton of water. Mine aren't as bad as dude in pic but they are annoying.
Is cocoa butter for stretch marks a meme?
I already drink a shit ton of water. Mine aren't as bad as dude in pic but they are annoying.
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Stretch marks are permanent.
The point of cocoa butter is to use is before you get stretch marks in the first place.
those are forever
learn the lesson fgt and get swole slower and or drink tons of water
Wait untill the redness goes away and get some sun. It helped mine.
That's what you get for skipping leg day
>muh bulking too fast
>muh quadruple scooping
>muh getting fit for the summer
You had to learn the hard way faggot, didn't you?
Nah dude mine went away, they were only one line but yeah they disappeared
I just use it everyday after shower in the arm pit area
Don't know what these anons talking about it doesn't work
Took about a month
Why dont you guys like them? I think they look sick
I don't think they look sick but I'm not bothered at all either, I have no clue what these little princesses are on about.
Have mine in same area.
Use Coco Butter nightly before bed and before workouts if you want.
Getting a tan makes mine almost invisible as well.
>tfw have them on the same area
>also more on chest
>and down the biceps
>and armpits and triceps
>and hips
>and hamstrings
>and inner thighs
Thinking about just getting tattoos over them or just saying fuck it
i got stretch marks too, and i didnt bulk quickly
i literally could see my abs during my entire bulk, until the end when it was only visible if 1) i hadnt eaten yet and 2) enough lighting
stretch marks dont only come from bulking too fast, that shit happens when you put on lean mass as well
>get swole slower
ain't nobody got time for that
Nah but if you're looking to reduce appearan cd e of scars, get a microneedle roller and start using those artificial skin patches
This. I had to get surgery to get mine removed.
100% not worth it. I would rather have my stretch marks and money back. Do not make the same mistake I did.
Are they always permanent? I swear I've had some on my shoulders and chest before but they're completely gone now. I've got a little one on my left bicep and some really faint ones my thighs that seem to be sticking around though
Stretch marks are your way of saying to the world "i worked out so hard my skin literally couldn't handle it anymore." unless you have it literally all over your body, embrace it
OK OK again, Get it color matched and tattooed out.
Tattoo Camouflages Scars and Burns
Why? Was the result not satisfactory? Were they still very apparent?
No, I just realized how much of a waste it was given how little I already cared about taking my shirt off. I look a lot better(I had a lot of them so it took multiple trips), but if I had the choice to not do it I would just keep the money and spend it on other shit.
When y'all say drink tons of water, do you mean before, after, or during the workout? Or all three?
All three, bro
Streched skin doesn't even tan. Only option is to hide them with tattoos. Or stop being little bitch and deal with it.
There's a limit to how vain you should be man. You never fucked a girl with stretch marks on her ass?
They're not permanent if you take care of them right away. It's a fucking damaged area of skin and if you keep fucking aggravating it then of course it's gonna stay fucked
"Six studies involving 800 participants found no statistically significant average differences in the development of stretch marks with the use of preparations such as Alphastria, Trofolastin, Verum, olive oil and cocoa butter, all of which contain vitamin E (Alphastria and Verum also contain hyaluronic acid).43"
"In studies of 300 and 175 women, application of a lotion containing cocoa butter did not appear to reduce the likelihood of developing stretch marks during pregnancy.27,52 "
>Is cocoa butter for stretch marks a meme?
yes, it appears to be, unless someone has some solid studies that suggests otherwise. I couldn't find any.
The study was for developing stretch marks you fucking retard. Read your own post.
Burn cream doesn't make you immune to fire
Bandaids don't make you immune to cuts
How fucking retarded are you?
> damage your fucking skin
> " Oh, I know. I'll put HEALING ointment on the effected area which makes me immune to further damage"
> do exact same exercise that damaged your skin in the first place thinking the wound would heal because fucking with wounds makes them HEAL faster
>white people
>using cocoa butter
top lmao
>do exact same exercise that damaged your skin in the first place thinking the wound would heal because fucking with wounds makes them HEAL faster
so what you're saying is that it does work, you just need to give up lifting?
it's fucking pointless
>tfw i have stretch marks all over my left side and lower back
knowing i can never be truly aesthetic is a curious feel
will never go away
enjoy them
>where left shoulder meets pec
>back of thighs
>even calves
my bicep ones are silver now but i'm so pale they're really noticable
Imagine being black with stretch marks.
Nobody says you have to give up lifting. Just ease the fuck up on overworking a part of your body that's trying to heal. You act like you can only makes gains once in your life and giving up any ground means you'll never get it back. It's healing cream, not prevention cream.
What do you think people even do when they finally make it?
Uh.. leave humanity behind?
How to tell a nigger has been in your bathroom... you don't remember buying cocoa butter and there is a rockfish floating in the bathtub.
I don't understand.
I gained 9 kilos in half a year and still dind't got them. you guys are doing some monstrous bulks.
>when you put on lean mass as well
A buddy of mine weighs 110kg and he still thinks all he got was lean gains. Still he got stronger in the same period of time that I did. I bench 110, he benches 110 for reps. With his max being 125kg guesstimating.
stretch marks will eventually fade, and when they're the same colour as the rest of your skin they don't look so bad, it's just the contrasting pink/purple lines that look fucking horrible and stand out like a sore thumb.
Loose skin, now that's where you're truly fucked. Parents should have their fucking kids taken off them and be locked up when they raise them to be obese so when they eventually grow up and want to be a healthy weight they end up having permanent loose skin.
i went from being chubby to being slightly built (still pretty dyel) and STILL got them on my biceps
ie, i leaned out, didn't gain weight
Different skin types get them really easily. I got my first armpit stretch marks just doing bodyweight and going from 135-145lbs in about a year.
Took my progress slow and lean and got up to 190 over the course of several years. Not really a lot on my pecs, but my armpits are a warzone now.
Got lazy and chubby and swelled up to like 215 and noticed a single short stretch mark on my oblique and freaked. Immediately started cutting. Are you fucking kidding me, I'd hate to imagine if I went full blown fatty.
It's scarred tissue, you can't get rid of them. They only become less prominent with time, quit spreading memes from female health magazines.
This exactly.
I was worried having some stretch marks would mean I'd have loose skin guaranteed. But I leaned out just fine and they faded real well.
I feel so bad for those dudes that were fat as fuck growing up, then put in the work to shed 100+ lbs, and still have to deal with all that loose skin. There's just nothing you can do to get that skin back when its been stretched out for so many years. Except surgery I guess.
Cocoa butter works, Had stretch marks for years on my shoulders. You need to apply daily though, I gave up caring enough, it isn't a permenant fix but lightens it so it blends fine,.
>Butter up before bed and your boyfriend will love slipping into you
They are permanent but fade over time.
This goddammit, buncha fucking broscientists regarding stretch marks everywhere I look, same regarding loose skin.
I was quite fat growing up and i can't explain how mad i am at my parents because i'm gonna have to deal with this loose skin for the rest of my life and will never be an aesthetic sick cunt, feelsbadman
How about you embrace them and stop being a whiny little bitch faggot
I've gained 7KG since June and my skin is fine
>I already drink a shit ton of water.
No. You didn't. The research is pretty clear that stretch marks rarely occur if you're well hydrated.
You forgot to mention it also needs to be filtered through pink organic sand from the Gobi desert.
Surgery is an option if you can convince your doctor that you're gonna off yourself if it's not dealt with.
The elasticity of the skin will come back, never to what it was, but it'll do it.
I gotta ask the ex-fatties
D you have loose skin? Did it go away? I was 100kg but I'm 82kg now and my goal is 70kg. I'm scared of loose skin
>sad man deflecting from the fact that his stretch marks are the result of his own stupidity
If you can't already see it you're fine.
Take it slow and your body will adjust.
I was 121kg, i'm down to about 100kg atm and aiming to lose another 10kg by the end of the year, I don't have a wealth of loose skin, not any that makes me uncomfortable anyway.
I can but my hair hides it lol
When I pull my skin on the upper arm its really fucking elastic. You experienced that? Why is it so?
Tricep or bicep?
The tricep area is pretty elastic, the bicep area not so much. It used to be worse before I started lifting though, I mean it used to be really stretchy.
use bio-oil.
I read something that said to pull your skin on your hand. That's what true loose skin is. If what you pull is thicker then there is some fat in it and more weight to lose
Yes and no. It depends on whether or not you actually scarred the skin or if it's just a little hurt.
Either way, overtime it'll become less and less apparent, so if it was small it might even look like it's gone.
I was gonna type out a long explanation as to why bio-oil doesn't work and is about as effective as praying each night that your stretch marks will go away, but as soon as I clicked your post number the quick reply box popped up with what you see above.
Have a good day.
What do you mean convince your doctor? You just go to the plastic surgeon?
>paying for medical treatments you can get for free
I didn't think any Americans would be awake just now.
Or in other words you're full of shit.
I used bio oil for a year. Daily. I paid a fucking ton for it. I got ZERO results, they didn't look any better, they didn't reduce in size.
Bio oil is bullshit.
What, I don't have stretch marks or was ever fat, I'm just making fun of your beliefs.
Not that guy but.
>thinks drinking tons of water prevents dehydrated skin
>calls others stupid
Water intake only affects skin if you're getting less than 4-5 glasses a day. You can't just swallow a bathtub of water and expect to have hydrated skin.
Dehydrated skin is much more heavily induced by humidity, climate, washing habits, products used, etc.
Dude could've been drinking shittons of water and still had dehydrated skin.
OP fucking said he wasn't the guy in the pic. Do you always try this hard to put people down? And like
Said, chugging water isn't going to get you hydrated skin. Learn to skincare.
I-It's not feminine, it's fucking self-improvement! S-shut up!
Chugging water won't get your a hydrated epidermis, because stretch marks occur in the dermis, which isn't going to get dried out like your outer skin.
Seriously, you guys are spreading misinformation. Topical treatments have been shown to be fully ineffective. Fully hydrating by drinking lots of water has been shown to prevent stretch marks because the water keeps the collagen elastic. That's the only thing you can do.
And I didn't put anyone down. Unless you're one of those people who is insulted by reality.
>I suffer from gainz stretch marks
No you fucking faggots you don't know suffering. I still have stretch marks across my back because of ONE TIME I tried to give myself a blowjob 4 YEARS AGO
I don't even know how it happened really. I was stick thin at the time so they aren't fat marks. I've never been fat
every time I see them I am reminded of how desperately I tried to suck a dick
It was way harder than I thought it would be to take this
They can leave with time, happened to me
>only tried once
What a faggot, I successfully got the whole head of my cock into my mouth several times, you've just got to persevere.
I got some on the inside of my thighs, they just randomly appeared during a growth spurt. Nothing much you can do about it.
Heard pic related should work back then but I didn't notice much of a difference.
umm it could be from growing too fast... A lot of skinny kids get them on their back.
Nigga looks like a zebra
When I'm benching lmao4pl8 for reps people don't normally point out my stretch marks. They normally point out that I'm repping lmao4pl8.
>real bad loose skin
>get fur suit
>problem mostly solved
>have to have sex in my fursuit for the rest of my life
It could be worse I guess
I basically have the exact same marks. Can confirm its from growth and not stretching one time. Nice meme kiddo. Although I did (successfully) try and suck my dick one time I can guarantee that's not what caused either of our stretch marks.
lost 40 kg in a couple of months
a recipe for stretch marks
got them over all those places
I'm really built now so I get tons of fuck me eyes from girls but I would never dare taking my clothes in front of them
I tried:
derma roller
bio oil
olive oil
vitamin e lotion
a custom lotion made up of tons of other ones
salicylic acid peel
it works stretch marks cream
palmers cocoa butter
the stretch marks are much fainter than they used to be
but none of them completely disappeared and they are still quite visible
I have stretch marks on my ass from RDLs and squads
Kill me
Just because it happened to you that way doesn't mean it happened to me that way
When they appeared they were bright red and all happened at the same time, after that incident and I never got any others anywhere else
Bio-oil is meant for prevention not cure. You can't cure it other than by expensive laser treatments like this guy did.
How'd using a dermal roller go? I'm considering getting on because I don't want to waste money on pastes and oils. Also how do you sanitize it?
me too, bro, 40kg in five months
Coca butter is real, myself and my brother both used it for our stretch marks. They faded a lot. but it does take a long fucking time for them to go away or to fade.
got 1.5 mm one
I already did it more than ten times
I would lie if I'll say it didn't do a thing
it did plenty
but it's still not that much
thing is to "cure" stretch marks you need to injure the place where it is and supply the body with an incentive create new collagen in the injure spot.
I forgot to mention I also use retin a cream a lot
the thing I think did the most to me in 1 try was when I did a 20% salicylic acid peel for half a hour and then for 2-3 days applied retin a twice a day and then did a salicylic acid peel again for 10 minutes.
my skin fell off in pieces for the weeks that followed. I shed a ton of skin that time.
and I think it really was the thing that made the most substantial difference in 1 go.
1)retin a makes the skin really sensitive so the second peel hurt like a bitch.
2) I just tried to replicate that exact treatment but none of mu skin fell off like the last time, I got a few minor skin peels at best.
I'll take a second and then write exactly what I did this time
me too in the same span
got a crush on a girl and starved myself to lose weight
what got you?
Check out PurCellin Oil, it's sold as Bio-Oil in South Africa, don't know if it's overseas as well. Anyway, lots of womyn use it after pregnancy to get rid of stretch marks during/after pregnancy. Worked like a charm on my triceps/rear delts. Get some if you can, don't expect it to work rapidly though.
When I drink alcohol my stretchmarks on my shoulders turn blood red.
breddy badass man
90 kg
I did a derma roller over all my body on Saturday
followed be a week of applying retin a over all my body
followed by 2 30% salicylic acid peels one day after the other (because too much at once can be dangerous or so I read)
I think that when i shower I scrub my sides the least so I think that is the reason they became the most affected by the retin a - I just didn't remove it as well as in the other places.
so when I did the peel those places hurt real bad for a couple of minutes like a real burn.
they were the places that were the most affected by the peeling - they shed the most skin (which still wasn't that much).
downside is I couldn't sleep on my sides for 2 days because it really hurt.
I followed by a week of doing nothing and then started applying bio oil
overall affect is there is some minor improvement but barely noticeable
it's nothing like the last time where it hurt less and did more.
Same, bro. She left me two months ago, but somehow I'm still making it
my girl got a boyfriend for a year then she broke up with him and a couple of months after that asked me out but I refused because of stretch marks
>I refused
I know those look bad, but she can understand that they are a sign of your progress. I don't like to have them, but I'm not gonna feel embarrased. Everytime somebody ask I say "I lost a lot of weight woriking out and eating healthy" and they show respect for that. Get some confidence.
I know there is no reason for you to believe me but I get looks from tons of girls and some actively try to get me but I refuse and run away from them each time.
I know it sounds fucked up or some fat guy wet dream but for me it's a sad reality
no way I'm getting confident with those around.