What's up with Jews?

How come they contributed so much to actual science while Achmeds have done little to zip since after the Dark Ages?

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(Ashkenazi) Jews evolved a high average IQ due to extreme eugenic pressures during the middle ages.

The White blood

Don't leave out the White Man's blood.


Jews are a perfect mix of east Asian IQ and European/American curiosity.

They're pound for pound the brightest people on the planet.

camel fuckers did jack all for science during the dark ages, jews did all the heavy lifting and craddle robbers took the credit

>brightest people on the planet
>got lured into cattle cars and taken to fake showers where they were gassed

Jews are actually the master race.


Reminder that the golden age of Judaism was only enabled under Muslim rule in Iberia

Incest, lead poisoning and a dumb religion.

Which part of "God's chosen" did you miss

All the gullible ones at least

Stolen ideas

why was their IQ so low in the US around the turn of the century? I believe it was for Ashkenazi too, but I would have to find sauce.

Isn't it mysterious how all the smart Jews lived in Western Europe where there were barely any Jews at all? Vast majority of Jews lived in Eastern Europe and those contributed nothing.

Eastern europe was always centuries behind the rest of europe in development due to geographic factors.

>be a smart person
>don't waste your life in underdeveloped regions

As simple as that

White people and shoahs just exist to artificially select Jews into being the master race.

Those were the dumb ones, leaving only the smart ones. Artificial selection at work. You know they do the same thing on farms, culling the weak.


>tfw hitler planned to lose from the beginning and his master plan was to help breed the true master race, the jews

Wasn't Tesla a Jew himself? Sure sounds jewish!

>Isn't it mysterious how all the smart Jews lived in Western Europe where there were barely any Jews at all?

Making shit up as you go along is cool.

Germany and Austria, barely any Jews at all. Yeah, nah yeah nah.


This plus extreme ethnic nepotism


But be more specific.
They have Nordic Aryan blood.