Skin health

Does Veeky Forums have any advice on maintaining healthy looking facial skin?

I recently finished up an accutane script about a month ago, so I have minor blemishes and scars. I also find I have dark circles under my eyes, and I've been told I look tired.

Any routines or advice?

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Wake up

get in shower
use exfoliator (if it doesn't feel rough it isn't doing shit)
use cleanser
exit shower

shave now if you must

apply astringent (aka toner) and let dry
apply moisturizer with included UVA/UVB sunblock (aka Full Spectrum Sunblock)

None of these products may contain alcohol of any type in the ingredients

That's the minimum morning routine, four things









Witch hazel is ok

Been fighting my skin for years now.

I supplement ZMA, D vitamin and Omega-3 - all of which might help slightly, but what really changed the game was vitamin E oil. Cleared up my face in a couple of days.

vitamin-e oil for skin care?

>enlighten me

what product will stop my eyes looking like a sith lord?

a bed (tm)

A proper sleep pattern

Ghrp + ghrh. Improves collagen production and the elasticity of skin. Given me gains in muscle, fat loss and improved skin texture. Start injecting peptides faggot.

Cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer. Use cleanser in morning and night. Use moisturizer before you leave, when you get home and at night.

Scars will go away naturally, nothing you can really do but moisturize. If you have dark circles you need to sleep more or use make up, or stop straining their eyes. For some people no matter how much they sleep they will still have circles.

Don't use fucking physical exfoliators if they feel rough. All it does it damage your skin. If you feel the need to use a physical exfoliator get a Konjac Sponge and only use it once or twice a week. Softer is better. Chemical exfoliators are better, but can still damage the skin.

My current routine is:
AM: Rinse with water, moisturizer with sunblock (Cerave AM SPF 30)
PM: Wash (with facial soap), moisturize (Cerave "in the tub")

If I see zits coming in I will apply BHA (Stridex) to the area, but no where else. BHA dries out and ages my skin so I use it sparingly. Also remember that moisturizer can be used for other dry areas like your hands, forearms, elbows, knees or what-have-you.

Also; collagen. I take Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen for my knees and skin.

Diet, exercise and sleep play huge roles in your skin as well. If I start eating poorly and don't get enough sleep, zits are guaranteed to come back.

Wash your face with cold water in the morning and evening.

Wash your hair once a week with shampoo. Shower before bed.

Also drink lots of water and eat healthy. Skin should be moistened from the inside, not the outside.

I had perfect skin until 19. I'm 32 now and my face is finally starting to clear up. Not sure if it's just an age thing or because I went from drinking a lot of milk to none.

My back and shoulders are still fucked tho

Where do I get those from?

A Walmart bathroom

I really haven't done any reading at all about it. Don't remember where I found out about it either, but I bookmarked the page where I could order it. Bought it for the first time a couple of weeks back, and my skin has never felt better.

I use it once in the morning and once in the evening, just spread out a thin layer, let it absorb for 10 minutes and then apply moisturizer on top of it.

No clue what's going on but it's working

>Wash your hair once a week with shampoo
Yeah that's not going to happen, for those of us who work you're asking for grease hair and acne.
Just don't use actual shampoo, switch over to an oil with epsom salt.
No proven effect on skin. It's likely that before you were not paying any attention to your skin, now you're moisturizing 2x daioy. The vitE may (read: isnt) not be doing anything

Can't rule it out senpai, but it's the only thing I've changed in my regimen for months. If it's placebo fixing my skin I'll gladly take that, too.

Actually, also started taking ashwaganda KSM-66 about the same time, but as far as I know that has no effect on skin.

Vitamin E was proven to only be beneficial when taken orally from a food source, something about the digestion process causes VIT-E to be absorbed.
Applied to skin or taken in pill form causes nothing to happen other than possible moisturizer since it is a liquid oil.

For anyone with acne this shit is amazing

Ive tried a bunch of stuff and it never really worked and I felt like a fucking girl putting so much effort into my face

Just get this bar of soap and wash your back and face it with

Its cheap, simple and fucking works

Sulfur is good for oily skin. Acts as antiberial, antiseptic, and dries your skin out. If your skin is already dry, avoid. Either way, make sure to moisturize.

Where are you from? I live in the UK and order from a site called Relatively cheap compared to growth hormone but not as dangerous. No side effects except a slight headache when I take them.

get a good facial moisturizer, use it after you shave. (Kiehl's or Nivea)

eat healthy, take a multivitamin, wash your pillowcases once a week or more. Try not to sleep on your face.

>wash your pillowcases once a week or more
don't forget to vacuum your mattress once a week or more

I've done this once. I'm not convinced my vacuum is powerful enough to serve any purpose. I try not to think about the creepy crawlies

>not using a Mattress Roomba