Extremely uncomfortable

>extremely uncomfortable
>has more harmful effects on the body than good
>over focuses surface muscle
>can cause spine injuries
>create poor posture
>can hurt upper body
>super boring
>everyone gathers around in the gym to do them
>so many better exercises

pic unrelated, why do so many people do crunches?

Taking a shit is actually more dangerous and ppl do it every day. Sack up you pussy fuck


Just because you suck at it doesnt make it bad

It's a great exercise, but also a total dickwag contest that people have their egos tied up in. Also depending on how you are built, you might be good at it and perfectly safe, or you might be prone to injury (particularly rotator cuffs).

Meathead Veeky Forums and gym culture pretty much does not care about safety. A lot of people get fucked up by the bench press.

The press is a better indication of overall strength in every way. Even Rip says OHP > Bench.

I can't read: the post

Scooby doesn't bench at all and his chest is pretty big. Bench press is an ego lift, simple as that really.

Kinda new here, started like 8 months ago and I'm doing only crunches as ab exercise.
Any bettter workout?

Do planks and thank me later


I'll try that, thanks man.

OP trolls subliterate Veeky Forumsizens: the thread

I can't believe it's working

I dont like it because I can never give 100% because you need a spotter, and that's a whole other hassle.
Also it's not even the best exercise for the pecs, flies and dips are way better.
Still a decent strength movement thou

Ab wheel rollout is fun.

I didn't realize how many people don't even read the post before commenting.

Tried it once and it destroyed me.
Procrastinating on buying it since I'm not currently doing ab work so it would be overkill

What am I supposed to do for my abs otherwise? I can't do weighted planks, since I have nobody to put weight on my back. Hanging leg raises are good, but you can't add weight to them, so eventually they become kind of useless.

Nice troll but crunches are objectively shit for several reasons

pls learn to fucking read

Fill up a backpack famalam

So smooth man
Im Loving it

damn it user, you can do better than that

Everyone look at these faggots. They don't bother to fully read before they fire off that shitpost. Faggots like this need to be banned.

shit thread
op is the biggest fag

flutter kicks for dem lower abs too. superset with planks

Crunches are about as useful as pushups

Lay down with the plate in front of you and raise it over your head onto your back like a skullcrusher. I haven't figured out how to add more than one plate by myself though.

planks suck, they dont do shit for my abs. I do what I call cockroaches. lay flat on back, strech arms out above head, lift shoulder blades and legs up so they are hovering just over the ground, and curl into a ball, bringing legs up to chest and chest and arms still straight out up to legs. they meet in the middle and then you flatten back out again, never letting your legs or shoulder blades touch the ground and keeping your arms streched out above your head at all times.

all you have to do after that is obliques and your entire core is shot for 2 days.

Fucking kek

Wtf bench is awesome, seriously results in massive aesthetic gains.
Only fags hate bench
seriously kys
rant unrelated, yeah crunches suck bro good thread

I did weighted push ups similar to what the other user is saying. I had plates next to me and would place them on my back. It's a little uncomfortable getting them there. But definitely worth it.

Planks make my lower pack sore long before my abs, what the fuck do I do to improve my shitty lower back

Veeky Forums needs readsx 5

The one shitposting is OP, aka yourself, you fucking dyel waste of air fucking cunt.

weighted w/ at least 90 pounds

Congrats, you fell for "lol jokes on him, im playing retarded" posts

This you guys? How about you stop posting and KYS, you millennial pieces of shit.

You're doing em wrong then. If your back gives out before your abs then you're not working your abs like you should.


sick optical illusion OP

Keep your bone structure straight, not the outline of you body. You'll look like your ass is too high but your body will be straight.

Best fucking reply, nice one. Insecure faggot cant read a post and move on with his life and had to reply with the most wackass macro kek

>The press
The bench is a press.

Crunches are ok, but i genuinely dont like bench.

I feel nothing in my chest or triceps at all. Only the elbows.

I don't even understand the point of it. Dumbbells and cablecross are superior.

They are called v-situps

>extremely uncomfortable
For you.

V situps.

Those leg raise from the pull up bar things.

>I feel nothing in my chest or triceps at all. Only the elbows.
You're benching wrong

>Insecure faggot cant read a post and move on with his life and had to reply with the most wackass macro kek

weighted decline situps GOAT

Use one of those decline sit up benches and hold a plate over your chest and use a plate. Since you've been working out for 8 months I suggest get a 45lb or as heavy as they come in your gym. But don't do what other people do and hold it to their chest then proceed to do situps -this is incorrect form. What you should do is hold the plate firmly in your hands, extend your elbows so that the plate is overhead. Depending on how your body is built you should be holding it exactly above your head or above the neck since you are in a decline sit up bench, it is also the most mechanically efficient position to be holding it in and you don't waste extra energy holding it too far forward or backward. This does not only give isometric exercise for the core but for your arms and shoulders as well. Once you're in that position and with good form, let go of the plate and sit up explosively, as fast as you can.

You're a dumb ass

>decline sit ups
>do crunches instead

Read the post before your shit thoughts become shit posts