I attached pic. Is this low enough decent squat? It's real hard to go lower
Am I squatting low enough?
you could afford like 3 more inches but so long as you're hitting parallel you're good.
just a teeny bit lower & ur good
Yes however your stance and lean indicate a low bar squat but the bar is pretty high on your back. But as I say if its comfortable do it.
Isn't that from an elliot hulse video. Some kid had a video reply.
OK thanks for the feedback
Hip past the knees and you are good. So like a couple inches lower.
No. Move your feet closer together and get shoes with heels, you leggy fuck.
Maybe a tad high. Hard to tell with your shorts bunching up like that. Repeat in the nude
>or wearing tights
and report back.
Not OP but
Is it bad to go all the way down?
My gook blood makes me take my ass to the ground but I'm approaching 200 in my 3 x 5 and I just wanted to check if it's going to be a problem.
Depends on your goals, depends on your anthropometry, depends on your injury history.
Yes. As a taller guy, going below parallel may be counterproductive and lead to buttwink and low back pain. Switching from atg to parallel was a great decision for me
weight dependent like going ATG on a 600lb squat for instance is too much pressure on knee joint
>Try to squat low
>My gut literally hits my knees and prevents me from going lower
Is this ok?
If I had a nickel for everytime I heard that...
Widen your stance a tad and remember to shove your knees out hard, assuming you're doing low bar your gut would be able to sit in between your legs when you're at parallel
>what is oly lifting
Half squat
It might not hurt if you just did the full ROM.
my wrists hurt
Why is your stance so ridiculously wide?
is this deep enough?
>ass not touching the floor
try again famalam
That would more likely than not get red lighted in the IPF, hip crease has to be lower than the knee cap.
Try harder then faggot
Oh yeah, what olympics are you competing in? 2020?
Haha fat manlet
Bruh you need to stretch
Your feet are too far apart, your knees are too far in, they need to be out over your ankles. Also feet angled too far out.
Take off the crocs and go barefoot.
Try all that and you'll go lower. Though honestly that's about low enough to be a legit squat. Parallel is good, but just below parallel is great. ATG is excessive and not for most people.
Drop weight and go lower. Hamstring to calves.
That's a gigantic 5kg plate
What is this? We're halfway through summer you new fags should have learned something by now.
Youre more likely to hurt your knee hiking you dipshits.
Youll have arthritis in your knees when youre 80 years old either way until we commercialize bionic legs
It's low bar so it doesn't matter
High. Your stance is so wide that you would need impressive hip mobility to hit depth. Have you tried narrowing your setup?
if your calfs touch your hamstrings its low enough
they obviously dont in your case
That baby wouldn't be able to hold that position without his arms out in front of him for balance. In a conventional squat the weight is on your back. This pic is dumb
They're bumper plates. Used for crossfit and such mainly, where you do infinity cleans.
You can sacrifice development for weight if you're an ego lifting normie and not hit depth. But if you don't care about weight on the bar and want to develop all the muscle a squat is supposed to hit then you will go lower. Going lower will make your glutes much more active in the lift and give your quads a greater ROM
Why are your hands so wide apart? Try holding the bar lower down on your back.
Honest advice incoming so I'm sure I'll get flamed.
Getting lower is better but what is more important is gettin down to what is comfortable (injuries, stance etc.) determine how far down you go.
The more important thing to focus on is not locking your legs at the top of the rep IOT keep tension on the muscles.
Take it or leave it man but the fact you are even squatting is better than the majority of men.