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Fat Hate Thread
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>480 at 4'10"
>BMI of 100.3
Jesus Christ.
i wonder if she was wider than tall
she was a sofa, so yes
>no charges have been filed, but officials are looking into negligence issues.
did she have Alzheimers? why is he responsible for her?
>Well then I guess you could say she was... sofat
[spoiler]I live [/spoiler]
High score?
So sad.
that's beyond sad
thanks senpai
Dumping my massive fat hate folder
How the fuck do people let themselves get that goddamn fat?
Obesity is a fucking mental illness
He appears to be laughing, but I think he's crying inside. All the money in the world to buy a big sportscar, but no discipline to actually become something.
This is really sad, I don't know why but this one actually got me.....
Sit next to me and say we are cuddle buddies and I will stab you like the chocolate cake you went through the night before.
Fucking retard
It got me, too. I think its sad because its one of the few videos here, were the fat person really does something really normal (not just rage around or rub itself with nutella) - and utterly fails. It even lacks some comic relief like the fat girls trying to sit on a table and thereby breaking said table.
>Wear a body positive t-shirt
What's positive about wearing a t-shirt that basically says: I'm a fat fucking slob with no self respect?
Fuck I hate this day and age. I'm glad I live in the Netherlands and there's no vocal body positive movement here yet, but as soon as this shit becomes acceptable here, I'm moving to another planet.
Fuck fat people and fuck the SJW-movement.
I think you're right. I feel really sad for people like that. Not angry, just really, really sad
If a fat fuck on a plane said "Hope you like cuddling" I hope I would have the gall to say "No I will not like cuddling with someone who so obviously has lost all self respect"
>Thin Privilege is not having to worry about your front driver's side tire wearing out before the other three.
>Passed out from dancing
>"Oh i just gotta drink more water and sleep more"
I hope she dies on camera next season
God, the delusion is real
How the fuck do people consume that much food? I couldn't eat some of those things in a whole day.
thx mr skeletal
How? Even at my biggest I wasn't doing shit like this.
>CAPTCHA pick all the food
fat weebs are double disgusting
She talking about yogurt?
I feel nothing but rage
I have spoken with God, and he has abandoned us.
You know what upsets me the most. You look up thin on tumblr and it ask if you have an eating disorder but look up fat and it give you this shit.
>mfw attempting to take a shit after umbilical hernia surgery on Tuesday so I can start doing abdominal work six more weeks till lifts, but I finally just took a shit.
i want to see the post when she says the doctors are going to have to take the leg
I think we've been watching this show wrong.
It shouldn't be called 'My Fat Fabulous Life', or whatever it is. That title is misleading.
Here we have a relatively attractive-faced girl. Yes, her hair is thinning due to PCOS, but this can be cured. And it's not to a harsh extremity yet. It's somewhat clear she has the potential to be attractive, regardless.
And yet, she is what we would instantly deem on this site (after an admittedly short debate): 'a hamplanet'. She has supposedly shed 100 pounds, but she still has the figure of about 2000 bagels stacked on top of each other. Yet, she shows that she has the ability to lose weight. She is able to better herself, and yet refuses.
No sane, self-respecting person does this.
She sobs to her trainer about not wanting to exercise, then is found to have fast food wrappers in her car. She blames the trainer about him letting her down after he drops her as a client, but the only person who let her down is herself. She is the reason she looks like she is, and she knows it. That's why she's ashamed to have people looking at her in a St. Patty's parade... A -parade-, mind you, that she is taking a part of... The most likely event where people are supposed to be watching. Yet she hides her embarrassment under the bags of marshmallows she calls cheeks, as well as the guise of the people engaging in 'bodyshaming'. It's not them. The only one with any body shame is this saggy Ziploc full of mayonnaise.
This is no longer about obesity. This is about a woman who is so mentally broken that she can no longer cope in society... A society that seems at least semi-willing to accept her, and yet she turns on them in a heartbeat. An admittedly slow, irregular heartbeat, but you get the idea. She is ostracizing herself from having any normal interaction because of the choices she has made. TLC would have you believe otherwise, throwing a few 'body shaming comedian' episodes in there every now and then. Remember the woman who was reminiscent of Nicole Arbor? The pudgy duchess herself responded to questions about her health with:
"Why do you -care- about my health?"
Indeed, you tumescent, cling-wrapped sausage, that childish reply is expected of someone who is dripping with both the meat sweats and denial. She doesn't want anyone to care about her, because she doesn't care about herself. It's not pride or arrogance. It's child-like fear, running down the ripples in her neck in salty, briny sweat.
This is self-sabotage. This is emotional, social suicide. She is ruining any chance she may have to not only be a healthy role model to those who are obese and trying to lose weight, but she is denying herself the chance to be beautiful. Yes, it would be a long journey, but it would be a journey well-traveled. Instead, this lazy seacow refuses to pursue her self-improvement, and it is hurting no one but herself.
It is not hurting the people she claims are 'body shamers'. It is not hurting people who are thin, athletic, fit, etc... It's not hurting any of the commenters in the YouTube section, and it's definitely not hurting TLC. The only person she is hurting is herself.
This is more than just a series about the Micheline Tire Man's porky sister going on adventures and wearing wigs. This is the collapse of one's internal, mental structure, the collapse of her physical health as she terrorizes her own self-image, and it is the collapse of a human being's sanity.
This is: The Destruction of Ms. Thore
Not this little girls fault. I feel so bad for kids who are that big. That's just lazy parenting.
I don't understand. I just don't. Gender is not a flowchart. It is not a recursive function. It does not need pointers that are stored in an arcane proto-datBase structure. Gender is:
1. I feel like a boy.
2. I feel like a girl.
3. I'm not sure.
That's it. That everything. What in the actual fuck are these assholes doing?!
I hope she got permanently injured
actually gender is:
1. i'm a male
2. i'm a female
that's it, and it's entirely based on biology
She's a legit con-artist though (if there is such a thing). Faked degree and everthing.
That's physical sex. Gender is how you "feel" about your sex. Some people don't have their mental stuff in order so their feelings are "uncertain".
You mispelled sex*
Gender is about the mind and sex is about what you were born as, not a tumblr faggot, just someone who respects defintions
She thinks people actually care about her opinion now so never shuts up. Hearing her opinion on every little 'cause' is like being stabbed in the ear repeatedly with a pearing knife
that doesn't change their gender, it just means they're mentally unstable. it's not a social construct like they want you to believe
I don't mind if you make up a gender for yourself as long as you don't act obnoxious about it and make me use awkward pronouns
she bends the bar
I've legit read this like 10 times, only to realise now that cycle path was used to sound like psychopath... god damn it.
It's trigglypuff
You keep using that word like you know what it means
>synonyms: sex
so what you are saying is
either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
"adults of both sexes"
synonyms: gender
"adults of both sexes"
Still as long as they don't do some crazy shit and it's not having a negative effect on anything it doesn't matter what gender you make up for yourself
Maybe it is a mental disorder but if it's not gonna impact your life in a bad way it doesn't matter
>implying such a definition of gender isn't incredibly modern and only defined as such to please the tranny lovers
You see that second definition about grammatical gender? That's what the word gender is actually in reference to until it was hijacked to refer to special snowflakes.
>random sjw faggot justifying mental illness with his gender pronouns argument
Ready to leave this planet any time.
You forgot something on your way back from your computer
>Still as long as they don't do some crazy shit and it's not having a negative effect on anything it doesn't matter what gender you make up for yourself
>'Doctor, please put me on irreversible hormone treatment and then turn my dick inside out to form an inferior makeshift vagina'
>implying it effects you
>the Netherlands
Me too, I was in Copenhagen recently and the majority of people were gross, overweight and riddled with tattoos. Denmark is essentially the Netherlands except the people are shorter and fatter. I guess that could have to do with Danish people cycling less than the Dutch.
>can't refute an argument
>clearly a conspiracy!!!!
Kys in the morning
I mean if they can still function normally in society and can live happily with the decision it's not that crazy
i heard you like them thicc
You mean like when the APA removed honosexuality from the DSM for no other reason than political correctness?
You are either tranny-chan sans trip or one of his fetishist groupies.
Whatever your opinion, at least use words correctly, even with their modern definitions, that's all I ask