ITT: your favorite historians


Other urls found in this thread:

David Irving


gib historian mommy

>favorite historian
Herodotus, of course

Um, sweetie.

John green is really good.

This, so much this. A different approach but I kike him as much as I do Applebaum.



Not funny.

>using rationalwiki as a credible source
This shit is like using some fucking middle schoolers paper lmao.


the guy from extra history lmao



Serious answer here.

Steven Runciman

Best ever historian of the crusades. Sparked my interest in the period and I've read every book he's written.

Mike Duncan

I like John Keegan and Tom Holland

Magnus Maggnuson.
Arnold J Toynbee.


A.H.M. Jones. Was a huge figure in the study of late antiquity.

Richard Holmes

Bettany Hughes for two main reasons.


He may be a homo but it's gotta be based David Starky.

Based man of comfy learning


Oh God not this bitch. she needs to stick with being a historian and not some crappy journalist that works for the Washington Post that laminates about the fact that we have freedom of speech and we can say whatever we want. Memes all aside you know she is a good historian and the stuff she says it's right in a historical perspective but as a journalist she is complete garbage.



Dan carlin is just, the best.

>i'm not a historian, but........

I've read a handful of books he's owned :D
They're in the library at St. Andrews if you want to read what he read.

don't you mean
>QUOTE I'm not a historian but... END QUOTE

He always says that when he knows he's about to say some dumb shit


>this far in
>no one has mentioned Fredrik Logevall

>tfw love this magnificent bastard's books so much that I gave him a cameo in a pregnant Anne Frank fanfic





Came here to post this

Peter "The Lat Antiquity Daddy" Brown

He's gonna do I alive.

Eric Hobsbawm
Walter LaFeber

His rate of output is ridiculous, can't decide if he's a hack or not