Islamic Golden Age

Is it a myth?

yes, they just copied from persians and byzantines, the idea that it is characteristically Islamic is wrong

the islamic world was powerful at the time. things were quite uniform in arabic culture. massive amounts of capital were held within the caliphate and it helped foster an environment of learning and growth. nothing about that is a myth. however to say things were perfect at the time is a myth.

Nope things were pretty swell.

It's called Islamic because the Caliphates created a Pax Islamica of sorts in the Middle East allowing those people to resume learning in peace after a century's worth of Byzantine/Sassanid shit flinging and the chaos of Sassanid decline.

In addition to Abbasid Caliphs being great sponsors of learning.

Technically, the Islamic Golden Age did happened. But it only occurred through conquest.


White persans were the brains behind that golden age and they entered the islamic dark age when they racemixed too much with arabs.


Islam is a fucking religion; It's islamic in the sense that all the scholars were muslims.
Why do people get s touchy whenever this simple, well-documented period gets discussed?
Muslims conquered the Sassanids who had super magic scrolls from the greeks which the muslim scholars who were paid by the nobility decided to study and expand upon them.
A bunch of them, like Alkhawarizmi did more than well, and we ended up having a new fucking branch of math called "al"gebra, they started using a unified decimal numerical system which later the venetians adopted because it was more useful.
Literally 2/3 of visible stars were named by the fuckers and all the names were documented and they survive until today.
It's a very long study on a lot of autistic BS the muslims did from between 800 to 1100 if I remember correctly, it was going swell until some ISIS-tier scholars started calling math the language of the devil and you know, mongols.

Egyptian here, it's mostly a myth, but Islamic territories were actually in better shape scientifically and culturally than Europe from 8th to 11th centuries but not that much. Much of the progress was thanks to Persians. Ar*bs were as just ignorant arrogant barbarians as they are now. If you see the large space and time period of which "Islamic" empire stretched you will find that the result is very disappointing compared to smaller and short lived empires. Also most Umayyad caliphs weren't even that religious because islam wasn't considered a total religion back then. It's funny when we see now all this misery to restore a calihpate that never happened

was the Christian Moon Landing a myth?

>islam preserving roman and persian contributions is bad
>but romans copying greeks is fine, they wuz great inventors

Europe also preserved much of the antiquity legacy, there were many old literature saved in monasteries and cathedrals libraries

Basically the same as Holy Roman Empire


It was literally shut down because some guy thought people should not try to uncover the mysteries of Allah (do science)

True but when people talk about "Islamic" science it annoys me as much as it would if people called European science Christian science just because the scientists were Christian.

It's a form of Islamic propaganda to associate science with Islam when the truth is that no religions are scientific.

>when the truth is that no religions are scientific.
Now that's cringe

All the world should basically bow down to the Persians, Greeks and Han Chinese.

The rest of the brainlet """""civilizations""""" should just stop doing philosophy and just leave it to the pros, you just get confused and come up with things like Kantianism lol

>no religions are scientific
"Science" is literally treated like a religion by modern people, everything comes from it becomes "absolutely truth" in most people's eyes, furthermore, there is even a modern religion literally name on it.

It's too hard to to classify muslims, there are too many races, persians, Egyptians, Berber tribes, Nubian tribes, Numidian tribes, (As)Syrians, Pheonicians, semites etc.

It's all known in the muslim world that through-out history, Arabs, much like the mongols are good at conquest but they are shit at maintaining and commandeering a country towards success, the Umayyad caliphate was shite, because it was basically Arab supremacy, then the Abbassid one was great because they absorbed the more superior cultures around it, hellenic, persian, even the newly conquered berbers had irrigation technology, public (moorish) baths and plumbing.
Considering how well they were doing, it's amazing they dropped this low, tells you much about islam and it's "peaceful" preachers at the frontiers.

Do you mean jihad?


pick one

>"Science" is literally treated like a religion by modern people, everything comes from it becomes "absolutely truth" in most people's eyes
top kek

Muslim---------------------- | --------------------- Muslin

The Romans Improved upon the Greeks. The Muslims failed to improve upon the Romans.


the romans were shit at everything but architecture and warfare. They were too autistic to realize that debasement of their own currency would lead to the end of their empire, because they didnt understand that because one thing is valuable in one part of the world it doesnt mean it will be the same value elsewhere. in that respect muslims were 100x smarter and could actually understand abstract concepts.

>The Muslims failed to improve upon the Romans.
that is because they improved upon iranians and not romans/greeks

why westerners believe that arabs only got knowledge from roman/greeks?


name one scientificly leaning religion.

Mysteriously enough Islamic golden age of discovery ended when the conquered areas were islamified and Muslims in charge had no reason to be tolerant anymore.

I have never read/heard a history book or professor ever use the words Muslim and Golden age in the same sentence.


the "Islamic Golden Age" implies that it was Islam that somehow "enlightned" the muslim empire, when in fact it was just the Caliphate gorging on the plunder of Byzantium and Persia
when the plunder ran out all the muslims dominion reverted back to the shitholes that are their natural state
also, funny that we don't call the time since the Renaissance to today the "christian golden age"

a complete myth yeah

there was peace so in that way it was a golden age but there was no advancement of science/mathematics/philosophy

>itt: anons with little understanding of the islamic golden age, its contributions, and its end either try to claim it actually didnt exist at all or that they didn't really contribute anything

It began when Caliph Harun al-Rashid inaugurated the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, and it ended arguably when the Mongols sacked and burned Baghdad.

Although it is true the Persians contributed greatly to the advancement of Islamic civilization, to say that they did all the work or some shit like that is absurd

Here is a list of notable NON persian scholars that contributed to the Golden Age:
>Ibn al-Haytham
>Ibn al-Nafis
>Ibn Khaldun, who actually wrote in the Muqaddimah that humans arose from a higher order of apes
>Ibn Rushd

But that would be completely missing the point, because the success of the Golden Age was based on the contribution of many people of different ethnicity or nationality, from Andalusians to Berbers to Egyptians to Iraqis and especially Persians.

To say the Muslims used and translated the contributions of previous civilizations is true, (and there were many: Greek, Indian, Chinese, Persian, Egyptian, and Phoenician civilizations) but to say they didn't expand on any of it at all and didnt make any kind of advancements is literally denying historical fact.


>The muslims failed to improve upon the romans
>Muslim scholars actually focused on astronomy, architecture and mathematics instead of art, and autistic improvement in warefare and social reforms
>Most of the references the muslims used were of Sassanid origin, but they also had many greek texts, the first person to make comprehensive commentaries on Artistoles' works was Averroes, a muslim philosopher, and the first philosopher to coin the word existentialism was Mulla Sadra
>Muslim scholars took completely different approach from the greeks, taking the sciences (and alchemy lol) to the test, with Avicenna and Jabbir using research rooms, essentially simple laboratories.
>Extensive push in Medicine, Baghdad at 900 had the most advanced medical facilities at the time, finally surpassing the Romans and the Greeks
>They were shit at plumbing but still better than Europe at the time
>Muslims failed to improve upon the Romans
>pic related

Jihad is not conquest

both christians and muslims have invented many things and have done a lot for humanity in terms of progress.

However this happened in spite of these religions not because of.

>the first person to make comprehensive commentaries on Artistoles' works was Averroes


There was a plethora of Aristotelian commentators far before Averroes, Achmed