Rahimov edition, Kazakh on Kazakh.
Inb4 they take away his medal for doping
that pic reminded me of the shooped blaha one
So the legends are true...
Did anyone else get really interested in weightlifting after watching the Olympics?
Suddenly bodybuilding feels boring
>implying bodybuilding is ever fun or rewarding as a natty
its called growing up, son
I've always preferred strongman and always will but weightlifting is really impressive
It has a lot of interesting tactical aspects as well
It's not
Sadly I'm realising this after 3 years of lifting with high hopes
First of rahimov is not kazak he's adopted by kazaks after being refused by his slav durks i forgot what shithole he's originally from
Bodybuilding was my thing for 2 years but I always admired oly lifting but was too scared to try. I started this May and I wish I would have started sooner, I have a shot at qualifying for junior nationals. It is immensely more rewarding if you're into actual training.
That's great man.
Unfortunately I live in a shithole where no one takes weightlifting or lifting in general seriously.
big but not quite the biggest girls about to start
I go there every day and look for weightlifting streams
Firsrowsports or whatever the website is, just look in the archive you lazy faggot
>when you ask a guy at gym to spot you
The woman's bar looks tiny in front of that French lifter
Me, I prefer strongman but whatever can't do anything outside heavy compounds
no gym has a place to to olly or strongman stuff in my city or near it
Would be cool to try and be the best since there's no one representing my country
I was going to build a gym in my house but the place I have in my house has a low ceiling so I'm just gonna build a chill out room instead with snooker tables, tv, sofas, bar and stuff
Lidia incoming lads
original waifu
Thanks Uncle, I knew we could do it.
>tfw no thick uggo gook gf
who's the kid? I only recognize Ivan "knee pain? no problem" Abadjiev
Why would anyone do an olympic lift when powerlifting is superior in every way?
more money involved in oly lifting desu
How to pronounce Tian Tao? Srs
>tfw olympics
>see weightlifting
>oh fuck nice
>time to see heavy ass squats and deadlifts
>it's clean and jerk
well, I guess
was kinda boring outside that chinese on the 69kg category walking around with his jacket on top of him like he owned the damn thing, also almost beat the world record
I say it "Tea-An Ta-Ow"
How are you supposex to pronounce Xiaojun?
you must be new to life
Money is one thing, but think of the lost gains.
zyow zyoon
Heavy squats like the "olympic squats" not those half rep garbage
Hope he's prepared for his future multiple herniated discs when he deadlifts like that.
I hope one day I can look like that
Hope you got a shitload of money for the roids
>inb4 lol hes natty
was this at rio? i missed the entire 77kg groups...anyone have a re-stream?
tea en (First syllable is tea, second syllable is en, as the first syllable of entrance)
touw (Tao rhymes with ow)
she ow
I do but I only plan on running test once I get older and my natural T levels start to decrease, not interesed in full cycles
>202kg at 77kg bw
>other 69kg 36y old chinese guy almost did 198kg just a day or two ago
The fucking balls on people on this website. The dude just put 202 kg OVERHEAD, and the fucker on Veeky Forums has the nerve to try to call him out on his form.
holy shit the 77 group was epic as fuck.
i don't have a restream but you need to watch it.
clutch ending.
snibbity snap drama.
75kg women now. My dick is confused. Only by lack of a bulge you could say that they're not men.
>when he deadlifts like that.
He is not deadlifting faggot, deadlifts and cleanpulls have totally different techniques
"look /plg/ i did it again!!"
hes 22 you utter fucktard
Shitty form is shitty form, no matter the weight.
Seems like I have to use simple words here: When he picks something off the floor using that method he's going to fuck up his back.
North Korea destroyed everyone, wtf.
>shitty form is shitty form, no matter the weight
sure is summer in here
but it's not shitty form user stop trolling
A super hot girl was running a few hours ago in a dash and got first place. Her name was whitney or had the word whitney in it. It was in the heat group. She was running alongside that black woman with the excessive knee rap. Does anyone know who im talking about? The black woman got injured
Charlotte Wingfield?
My weightlifting waifu Lidia Valentin got the bronze
Omg yes! thank you so much, she is fucking GORGEOUS
actually it was me in a wig
>tfw no qt wl gf ;_;
Lu looks super dehydrated here. He cut a lot of weight
How long until lu xiaojun is awarded the gold medal. 1 months? 6 months? 8 years??
She will meet the great leader now.
Why is everybody so salty about rahimov winning?
Him and lu both arent natty so stop whining
So did anyone in the comp wear the new adidas in the olympics?
Holy fuck lmao.
Not that I have seen yet, kinda weird. Korea fell from the blue shoes meme hard. Also, that one girl in the 75's fell for the squat jerk meme, and failed her last two CJ's. Yudodis.
not a wler but dont you have to stand with the weight in control before dropping it? looks like he couldnt stand for another .1s
People are arguing over this.
Some people are saying it should have been red lighted, others are arguing againt it.
You can kind of see that Rahimov had no clue if they were going to give him the lift.
While I couldn't say I would personally have given him a white light (I might have), I'm happy he got the lift and I have no problem that he did.
Many people just wanted Lu to win.
i see, well close call either way
anyone has a livestream for the 85kg class which starts in 1 hour? I'm not American so nbc doesnt work for me
>Implying you know it better than the judges at the olympics
>Implying he wouldn't have done it in his 3rd attempt then
Stay mad
weightlifting streams from ifirstrow.eu
Enjoy your two months of inspiration before you drop it due to lack of flexibility
>mfw based Lydia actually won a medal
Same, weightlifting is awesome, but strongman is a tad more fun to watch.
thanks, but am i missing something ? there is no link for men's 85
dude his arms are bent that should have been a no lift