You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole lifting thing".

Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME.

Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?




A Chad goes to the gym tho


25%. The "at least one of the hits is a crit" doesn't actually affect the chances of both hits being crits.

First hit: not a crit (50% chance): fail (both hits cannot be a crit now)

Second hit: crit (50% chance):
The "at least one hit is a crit" criteria is already satisfied so it doesn't matter.
50%chance the second hit is a crit, 50% chance it's not. Therefore 25% chance both hits are crits.

Let's analyze this
1st hit is critical yes or yes
2nd hit can be critical or not
So there is 2 possibilities depending on the second hit cuz the first hit Will be always crit





i mean 1/3

>25%. The "at least one of the hits is a crit" doesn't actually affect the chances of both hits being crits.

It does though because it guarantees one of those hits was a crit, making that 100% chance. The second hit is what's left to probability, so with a 50% chance that the other hit was a crit, the chance of them both being crits is also 50%

nap well, neko

>You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

Jokes on you i don't even lift

i just shitpost here, i'm a fucking neet lmao. i give advice yet ive never benched over 80lbs in my life

cute pic

i bawwed hard at the picture

Fucking CHAD

The first hit is random. Either it's a hit or not, 50-50

If the first hit misses, then that statement: "at least one hit is a crit" comes into play. But it doesn't matter, because the first hit was already a miss. You've already failed the goal: both hits being crits. So, 50% of the time, it's a fail.

Now, the other 50% of the time the first hit is a crit. In this case the statement "at least one hit is a crit" still doesn't matter; because already one of the hits is a crit. So for the second hit, it comes down to chance. 50% chance of hit, 50% chance of miss. Therefore there's a 50%*50% chance = 25% chance of both hits being crits.

25% if we're talking about overall, 50% if we're talking about the next crit.

>You hit an enemy twice
>Not miss, hit

There are 4 possible outcomes when you attack twice; Fail Fail, Crit Fail, Fail Crit, and Crit Crit
Since we only want one of the outcomes (Crit Crit), the chances are 1/4 = 25%

Girls do not act like this unless they're teenagers.

Not quite. You forgot the condition.
There are four equally possible outcomes: NN, NC, CN, CC, where C=crit, N=not crit. "At least one of the hits is a crit", so we discard any outcomes that have no crits. Among the remaining outcomes, there's one that satisfies our question, so the probability is 1/3.