chinks blown the fuck out
meme jerk blown the fuck out
if you seriously defend the squat jerk over the objectively superior split jerk you are retarded edition
chinks blown the fuck out
meme jerk blown the fuck out
if you seriously defend the squat jerk over the objectively superior split jerk you are retarded edition
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Your argument is invalid though because China succeeded the 217kg C&J
jesus who the fuck is this tryhard fag
nah meme jerk matched. Also since Tian did it first he gets his name here-
Rostami should try some front squats
he power jerked it. because squat jerk is for autistic faggots
The reason he won is because he was guided by Allah.
He had everyone checkmate before the game even began
which one of you guys put rostami there
not me. I would think tian should be there since he did it first
>Tian Tao
lol people fighting over the edits
>wasting peoples time by talking to a space ghost
Who the fuck let him do his little moon god ritual? Just fucking push him along and get the next participant.
Shit, i'm surprised he didn'r blown himself up after shouthing allahu akbar.
stream on firstrow died
someone help
why someone always asks about a stream when the competition has ended 15 mins ago
Can anyone make a webm/gif of the kazakhstan coach throwing water in Ulanovs face?
What a bitch, Muslims destroyed Persia and it will always be shit.
lol that was hilarious
Tian pls go and stay go
I didnt see it pls someone do this.
>worshiping some Arab peasant and not your own gods
Tian is GOAT desu
How many other guys can fucking pull off the shit he did?
lol @ everyone circlejerking about the "meme jerk."
The squat jerk allows you to lift more weight. Just takes more practice and balance.
He's only 22, so we'll definitely see him in the future
The amount of people that just went >Tian cucked proves the predictable, smart ass nature of this board.
All of you try and impress each other with these funny green text comments, from someone who doesn't spend all their life online, it looks ridiculous.
Fuck this I'm off, don't wanna waste my life on "addictive and funny" Veeky Forums.
hought there'd be more lifting today
When is america's last hope coming up?
It failed yesterday and failed today as well
better luck next time Tian
>Tian is GOAT
China fanboys everyone!
posting lolis now
> Last Hope
> Implying Kendrick is a good lifter
>New natty prince of Veeky Forums is a jihottie
Great time for it
many snails
very exciting 85 session
ready for deload to end tomorrow
and you?
was thinking about adding a extra day to sheiko but last week i went and strained my neck so ill probably wait untill i get used to the volume before adding that extra day.
or maybe i will go tommorow ;^)
Do you roll your back and traps out well?
commie i was doing jerks from the rack and on my last set i did 116x2. when my feet landed on the last jerk my patellar tendon in my back leg hurt like fuck
has this ever happened to you/ do you have any guesses why?
You're not going to get a meaningful answer with this kind of question.
how come?
doesnt sound like a real problem especially if it doesnt hurt now
Maybe it's caused by straight/not bent enough back leg in split and too much weight on back leg
your split should be really stable like something you can stay in with weight overhead easily
and also it's hard to actually say without a video or a history of injury
commie it zlatan here im at 73/100 @69kg front squat 107 back squat 125
>still never posts vids
>tfw could jump over and cj 250
In my experience, I get patellar tendon pain when I get sloppy with my balance and have my weight slightly more forward than it should be.
Try paying attention to keeping your feet completely balanced. It becomes effortless after a little whilr.
You lads reckon that guy from Kazahkstan who outlifted Lu was doping?
yeah and lu wasnt #justiceinrio
fuck off cunt
Lu was doping
someone post the webm of the guy snapping his arm please
Lack of information.
i should probably stretch more. but i am lazy :3
m8, you just won a gold medal and broke a world record, shouldn't you be off doing your weird chest puff dance or something?
I should rephrase. Do you think he will be stripped of his medal for doping like the countless other Kazahks in the past ten years?
the chinese are clearly paying off wada people. the khazaks will do that too
Eventually, yes.
Lu was caught in London. And now he not only broke the record he set when he was doping, but he matched the all around world record. And this is him not on drugs when he was weaker whole he was on them?
They'll probably find a way to test for whatever theyre taking at some point
>I should rephrase. Do you think he will be stripped of his medal for doping like the countless other Kazahks in the past ten years?
i think it could go either way for this one
stretching is gud
Fucker's aesthetic as all fuck though, so I'm tempted to give him a pass even if he was caught doping.
Everyone's praising Rippetoe, but he's been praising Allah for years.
stretching is boring and not very fun ;(
stretching is relaxing
its scientifically proven that only pervs enjoy stretching
I'd like to read sources for this
you can trust me. why would i lie to someone on the internet for no reason?
well for one you wont add me on any chatting service
Lots of people come in second place
but i dunt have wechat :x
I cant wait for season 2. Fucking loved this shit.
Animo nameo?
what planet are you from? lu never got caught for doping.
better lifter than you'll ever be faggot, something makes me think you're nowhere near 168/211.
thread reeks of chink shills
>complaining about animeposting in a website that was created to discuss anime
wew lad
I haven't been watching the Olympics, did the Chinese really get BTFO? What about other asian contestants? I'm partially rooting for the Nork
I don't get it, you guys saying Rippetoe is allah?
better chinks than snackbars
>No Ilya
>No Russia
>Chinese superstars place second
>/owg/ in the shitter for months
Is this why my snatches have been off lately? Could my hips sense the distress?
The Chinese have been getting cucked, the Norks failed
When he goes back to best korea he's getting put in a work camp
>Just fucking push him along and get the next participant.
He was the last participant you knee-jerk retard.
Caucasians >>>>>> slant eyes gooks
It's funny whenever weightlifting is on TV idiots like you come along acting like they know what's going on in the sport
The amount of dumbasses here recently saying things like no lifts and how we should 'get to the next participant' is ridiculous so for all you non lifting faggots please stfu until you know what's going on
This holy shit. Religion has no place in a world class event
Lads, what's the name of the fat American female weightlifter?
That was the world record m8o
it was an olympic record but tian lifted it first so
>current year
>not realizing the whole Olympics is a religious cult for itself
World record total m8
Why do 150kg people cj only 40kg more? That's pathetic dyel tier
because 105+ is a joke category
kavkaz masterrace
Based Aryan btfo the chinkssss
Any weightlifting today? Or is it over
Why is Russia with like, no medals at all? They barely won any
I read somewhere it's because all their athletes got busted before the olympics due to drug control but I have no idea if its true or not
>tfw the chinks actually might be natty
they dont even have much progress plus miss everything
because everyone at 105+ is a lanklet, lanklets are shit at lifting weights
Also the reason why they have to get so fat af. We saw how a manlet Ilya performed while being fat too. Could get a medal at 105+ competing as a 105 kek
they're natty for sure
barely any improvements from the last couple of years