Every single shitcoin pumped here in the last few months is brought to you by pajeet cockroaches from discord p&d groups.
>Elix, coss, odsidian, flik, and now their latest scam metaverse
The only coin here that has organic support behind it is chainlink, which is very obvious when you understand how they run their scams. These subhumans only target washed up shitcoins like metaverse (in a perpetual downtrend and good for a quick spike), or sub $5MM market cap utter shitcoin scams like flik, elix and coss. How do we fight this infestation? When you see a cockroach in your house, what do you do? You immediately kill it by any means possible. When you see a pajeet shill thread you immediately call out the scam for what it is and scare away newfags from buying it. Make sure to call the subhuman a pajeet, they don't like that word very much. Until the mods wake the fuck up and ban multiple shill threads about the same coin, this is the only remedy.
Your daily reminder this board is infested with pajeets
Leave ODN out of this. It's truly a white man's coin.
Sir, youll regret this once Metaverse ETP reaches OMG and WTC and NEO marketcap.
It has better features than all of these combined.
pajeet spoted
Sir this is nothing than FUD
You know only pajeets say "sir" that's why you are using that word to have an inversal fud effect
sir, buy metvers, its like buying antshares at 1$
Im confused is this good or bad
You're so ignorant. Anything anyone says is a "shill" now on here. It's a fkn board for discussing coins, kys if you're not happy
Im sorry for shilling but its a very good coin definitely worth going all-in
Superior features
rofl sad!
thank you. I DESPISE pnd groups. I am a day one linker, and i am also trying to promote blockcat as well. that's IT - no one else is on my team like these whale group faggots.
I consider linkies honorary pajeets.
They're just as obnoxious in pushing their coin.
hello sanjay keep up good work u r doing gr8 ok please n thanking u have a gr8 day
bumping because fuck these guys for stealing my board from me.
First white man took America from the Indians.Trading it for some beads and smallpox
Now the Pajeets take Veeky Forums from the white man for some crypto monopoly money... how ironic!
Obsidian is legit undervalued
Basically BNB but on a less popular exchange but with better 'value'
The people behind this coin are extremely well known in normie land. You're a fool to disregard this.
>ELIX & Metaverse
Shitcoin. You're right here.
Learn to differentiate
For example
Hes mocking a pajeet
100% pajeet
Hes confusing american indians with pajeets, a truly redneck burger
Trump go back to America
The FUD behind ETP reminds me of the FUD behind WTC at 1.50 when they had a shitty website, and the whitepaper had a shitty translation.
I wonder if people will be asking if they should buy in at $7 dollars for ETP in a week?
>10 million dollar increase in volume over an 8 hour period is due to a few pajeets shilling on Veeky Forums
lmao you faggots are hilarious. It's always the same shit. Enjoy FOMO buying at 5 dollars, this shit is exploding.
I agree brother metaverse truly is a good investment
Hahahahaha i'm laughing right now. I made 45000$ this night sleeping with ETP while you roaches are calling me pajeet from your mom basement.
I tried to help you, I did all i could. This is simply Darwinism
Nice LARP Pajeet
Op is lying everyone. Metaverse is a very good investment. Please stop immediately with the FUD.
Please listen
That's why this board needs flags
Pajeet and other sand nigger scum would disappear overnight
I agree these pajeet linkies are missing the next rocket
Have you guys actually been to SEA or a place that they inhabit? In Thailand they are insufferable "sir special price for you" they smell so bad many prostitutes refuse to sleep w them, also because cheap
Indians are the worse race
Literally subhuman
They smell like shit
So much this.
>many prostitutes refuse to sleep w them
I can confirm that, Every Tinder profile in Bali had something like "No people from India, no locals" etc.
haha funny story OP
buy SALT