Post age

Post age
Your daily routine

>wake up
>grab a granola bar or some shit to eat on my way to work
>lift if I have time after work
>restless sleep
Life is suffering

>wake up
>load bag with bricks and documents
>ride bike to office
>lift after work

>wake at 7, breakfast and hobbies and chores and shit
>gym 10-12
>work 12-9
>hobbies and chores and shit till 12
>sleep and repeat

>Wake up
>Turn on both computers
>Sign in for work for the next 9 hours
>Sometime around 9-10am make breakfast
>Back at work
>Around 12, head outside and go run some errands
>Back after lunch, back online for the rest of the workday
>Around 4-5pm, edible cannabis
>Get high out of my mind
>Come to Veeky Forums

> 23-24
> 7-10am: Cardio or weights (depending on day) and healthy breakfast
> 10-5pm: Go to office and have loads of caffeine
>5-6: Study and manage my budget and finances
>6-10: Go on tinder dates or chill with friends, or go visit family
>10-12: Practice my hobby and get everything ready for tomorrow (including chores)

Get on my level n00bs

>wake up at 6am
>school 8am - 4pm
>gym 4pm - 5/6pm
>shower and dinner
>study for an hour
>go out/roadtrip with friends/gf until ~midnight

>wake up at 11am
>turn on pc and waste my time on useless shit browsing and videogames
>cry my self to sleep at 4am

I was doing the same shit at your age, except I was lucky enough to have a 12+ yr older gf that maintained me and provided me with daily sex, then I got fat and she dumped me, ooh well

>Wake up 7 am
>take muh vitamins, fish oil
>meal prep for day
>go to uni
>large postworkout meal

Go to work 9-530
Boxing gym at 6
Smoke weed at 8
Eat light dinner
Fap to DPs
Sleep at 10.


>wake up 0600
>turn on tv, put the morning show on
>turn volume up so I can hear it from the other room
>make coffee
>take multi, fish oil, vitamin D3
>eat oatz
>brush teeth
>put gear on
>head off to class


wake offspring
water/putz in garden
walk offspring to school
return home and load bicycle
bicycle commute 10 miles
walk to lunch
cycle 10 miles home
wife has dinner ready
eat with family do the father/husband thing
goodnight to offspring
Garage gym
post workout snack
sexytime with wife

lol they aren't your children are they? hahaha

wake up
some online work

regular everyday normal guy


on the road 30+ weeks a year but when I'm home

>wake up between 7:00 and 8:00
>have a shit
>make coffee
>walk 20' to my office
>work until 11
>go to gym
>go to market
>home to shower
>eat first meal
>work until 8:00
>walk dog
>bed 11:00

i turn 20 in 2 months btw

>Wake up at 6
>Coffee, browse news
>Run for 40 minutes
>Lift, burpees, crunches, etc
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Sleep at 1

At least I've lost 50 pounds since February. Am I gonna make it, Veeky Forums?

>wake up at 630 feeling like shit
>wait for epic bowel movement
>freebase heroin to eliminate withdrawl symptoms and do it after sitting to avoid constipation
>make healthy breakfast/coffee
>take shower and shave
>put on a suit
>do more heroin before the commute to work
>pwn newbs all day at the office being mad productive sales machine
>do some.more H at lunch
>go to gym
>go rollerblading
>go home eat a healthy dinner and get ready for the next day
>do a fair amount of heroin as it's the days end and I can chill
>in bed by 10

On the weekends I hang witg my 9/10 qt or my mistress

Dude won't H duck you up over time?

Where's the part where you search for a job ?

I take a testosterone booster to negate the testosterone lowering effects and eat a high fiber diet to negate bowel disruptions.

>wake up
>go to the gym
>get home
>go to work
>get home
>go to bed

same bro

what happens when you can't get your fix or you get caught up in jail

can't really judge though cause i cruise on TRT, only difference is if i can't get supply i can always plead with a doctor

Can't get a fix? Lol its cheap as fuck. How would I get caught? Driving a new model euro in a suit on my way to and from a professional job? I don't even get pulled over... Plus I have a script and a stash of oxy for when I travel by plane.

I guess if I couldn't score I'd have shitty withdrawl symptoms, it's whatever, sometimes I'll take a week off for a tolerance break.

>wake up at 5:00
>breakfast (three eggs, two pieces of toast w/light butter, glass of V8, glass of skim milk, two cups of coffee)
>leave for work at 6:35
>work from 7:00-3:30
>on Sun/M/Thr/F go to gym at 4:00 (5/3/1 and BBB)
>leave around 5:00
>go home
>cook or order food around 6:00
>play either dota 2 or hearthstone, on Mondays I go to D&D group
>on Fridays and Saturdays have a couple beers
>go to bed around 9

lel I'm leaving for the Navy in a few months, not enough time to get set with a job just to leave them right after I'm hired.


>wake up late because I'm a nightowl and like working late
>light jog/walk before breakfast, 30-40 min
>"breakfast" around 12:00-13:00
>work for a bit, do some other hobby stuff like playing guitar
>work out at sometime around 16:00-18:00 usually: either lifting or cardio (alternating every other day)
>big post-workout meal
>maybe do some more work or spend time on some hobby
>brotein shake + light snack at around 21:00-23:00
>watch movie/play games/read a bit
>bed, probably late at night

Feels good having not set work schedule, but can get lonely sometimes...