Anglo-Saxon weapons and armour

What were the types of weapons and armour used by the early and late Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain? How did the late Anglo-Saxon warrior compare to a Norman knight? Pics would be appreciated and could someone verify if the picture in the OP is accurate?

google it

That picture says 'vikings 12th century'

Also if everyone here had the mentality "google it" the board would be dead.

a bit of chain mail

a bit of helmet

a bit of shield

and a bit of spear, or axe, or sword

I hope this answers your question )

chainmail, hand axes and swords mainly

How did they differ from Normans and vikings?





They didn’t differ very much from Vikings and Normans had horses.

They were basically the same as the norse vikings and they fought also in shieldwalls. One thing special about the normans was that they reintroduced combined arms of infantry, archers and cavalry which wasn't so prevalent with the anglo-saxons.
The rich had swords,spears,shields,chainmail,iron helmets and maybe a horse while the common levy would fight with shields,spears, maybe axes and an iron helmet,


Isn't that standard a dacian invention?
Would the germanics get them from rome who got them from the dacians themselves?

Those shields and helmets look quite Norman

Not much at all. The Anglo-Saxons and Norse both derived their technology and tactics from the old Germanic standards, and their frequent contact meant that any developments would quickly be shared between them.

For instance, the Anglo-Saxons took the practice of Huscarls over from the Norse, and these formed their warrior elite right untill 1066. Here's a pic of the kind of kit they would take into battle.

Meanwhile, the Normans had absorbed the idea of using cavalry, especially elite armoured cavalry, and they ran with it.

lose the "chain", it's just "mail"

enough with the chain already

you guys are all fucking morons
"chainmail" is the ultimate dumbshit detector

it's maille, you plebs

Why use that spelling over any number of other equally outdated ones in parallel use?

That ship has long sailed, chainmail gets used alongside "mesh" and "chain mesh" for PPE.

Late Anglo-Saxons took on a much more Norman appearance minus the horses. They adopted the kite shields for combat in shield walls too because they protected the legs much more than the round shield. They also stopped using face plates on their helmets because it was just as effective to protect their necks and faces with padded clothing or a mail coif.

Yes. Much of Anglo-Saxon warfare and equipment is actually copied from the Late-Romans probably because they served as Foederati. Their early helmets in particular are Late Roman Ridge Helmets with a cultural twist, this is a trend among lots of the Germanic groups that migrated in to Roman lands.

How similar were they to the late Romano-Britons whom they fought?