Hey you fucking morons. Redpill me on white rice

Hey you fucking morons. Redpill me on white rice

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90% similar to brown rice
great for bulking and getting your carbs

It looks like some kind of grain senpai.

healthy carbs. tastes good. easy to cook

love me some rice, all rice. but short-grained rice tends to be the tastiest. half-milled is great in-between of white and brown

GOAT when mixed with raw egg.

this shit is like crack

granulated cum of poor chinese boys
why not just eat the godsend of western civilization called bread?

Cheap and easy to store for long term if TEOTWAWKI occurs. Also easy to cook and is great filler for any kind of meal. Has a lot of carbs.

Staple food in Asia, 100g of white rice contain 7.1g of protein, 80g of carbohydrates of which less than 1g are sugars, less than 1g of Fat and an assorted distribution of micronutrients.

It was first planted in China around 8000 BC

Raw egg?

>less than 1g are sugars


it's basically a fucking meme. it's a simple carb with virtually no fat, and an insignificant amount of protein , it's obviously not as bad as eating white sugar, but there are far better things to eat.

What video is this?

I, too, am curious

yeah buddy!

I just really, really need a video of the Joost eating gummy bears. It's important.


Poorfags. KYS

Yeah, you are blatantly full of shit 1 gram of rice is close to one calorie, 80 grams of carbs alone is 320 calories meaning that would be about 320grams of rice. google that shit

>eating plants
>not a poorfag

only DYELs eat brown rice/quinoa/other ancient meme grains
why can't you just do what apparently works for other people and eat chicken with white rice?

>easy to cook

I've fucked up rice--especially brown rice--so many times that's pathetic at this point.

Fucking Veeky Forums privilege is being able to cook rice without it being too crunchy/undercooked or just straight up burnt

I get my carbs from pasta. Shit's so easy to cook

get a rice cooker you dummy

>Not eating a complete protein

Go for brown rice, or better yet a heartier grain like oats or barley



Yep, its called "egg over rice"

Kek people actually think white rice is healthy? It's a simple carb with barely any redeeming qualities, it's not terrible for you but it's basically just sugar to your body.

>food can be "healthy" or "unhealthy"
this is how I know you don't even look like you lift seriously

carbohydrates are useful for activities utilizing fast-twitch muscles, so yeah, love em carbs

I eat, at the very least, 2.25 cups of white rice per day (550 cals). It's the cheapest and easiest shit there is for bulking.
Though I do buy the premium short grain japonica so it's not that cheap, but still only $2.50/lb (600 cals/dollar)

Lmao what the fuck are you talking about you retard. I seriously hope you're not trying to measure calories in cooked rice which is full of water. He is discussing uncooked rice.

>Needing a rice cooker to cook the easiest thing on the planet

Food can promote health or it can harm you. Colloquially, we call that healthy or unhealthy food

nuts and chicken can harm if you eat too much of them. would you call them unhealthy?

Nuts promote health, chicken is harmful

On his defence it's just way easier, no need to pay much attention.


>nuts make you fat

Fucking lol

Rice cookers are pretty inexpensive. Plus mine doubles as a vegetable steamer. I use it all the damn time.

what's so funny?

He has a chikin cousin

carbs, no fat, etc

Kek of course we assume normal proportions when we call food healthy or unhealthy. Now you'll probably say "well what if the chicken is diseased or raw?" in that case yes it would be unhealthy, when categorizing food we assume you're eating it correctly (not raw meat or some shit like that)