I brought you ELIX at 200 and 500 sats

i brought you ELIX at 200 and 500 sats.

now i bring you XSC. the shittiest of coins at 200k mcap. its very hard for this to go lower than that.

Buy where?

Another PnD. Fuck off pajeet.

These penny shit coins really get my dick hard

At least get the name right Bhavin. XSC is squarecoin. CybCSec is XCS

you passed the test

coinexchange my dear sir. the home of all shitcoins.

What does this shitcoin have on the horizon? If we're shilling might as well shill BLAS since it's at 50 sats and will have the update on the 15th.

BLAS will moon on that. Why will this one?

its a Norwegian coin so cant get more white than that.
looks like they are about to announce a partnership with a multinational chain of stores and or restaurants to accept this shitcoin as payment.
there is debit card in the works.
pos at 8% apr.

but most importantly it doesnt really matter why.

blakestar is already double mcap of this.

You made me lots of money off elix user, I will follow you to the front again

Should i buy in a 440?

Just stop sharing this shit OP, they moon too fast when you tell biz. You don't need to ruin everything for those of us that know how to find these on our own. Just stop being a faggot.

It's been on the exchange for a month now and we've alreasy seen some decent pumps. Why should it pump again

>its very hard for this to go lower than that.
Is it hard for it to go higher though?

my entry point was 423

im not a first hand source. i got introduced to the coin by someone else too.

its a gamble, but the fundamentals are solid

Should I throw 3k into this

Is coinexchange down for everyone?

ye, been lagging all day.

We are just doing some work to the website

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The lag fucked me over when i couldn't sell sic. I don't even know what the price is now.