Chainlink Swift Wellsfargo
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I'm all in on Link and this has nothing to do with them.
What makes you believe they're talking about ChainLink?
"Meanwhile, gpi banks are exploring the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) to speed up the reconciliation of their nostro accounts. In this session, gpi banks will share this exciting roadmap and highlight upcoming innovation you can expect from SWIFT gpi in the future."
LINK confirmed going to Uranus.
This is something else entirely. It's another blockchain PoC swift is working on. Link is going to be huge but the whole goddamned conference isn't about it. They have several other DLTs and PoCs in the works.
But chainlink isn't the only dlt
the new wave is coming, forget about LINK...
What other projects are gonna be shilled at SIBOS? All we've been talking about is LINK. There may be more potential winners at this conference.
Chainlink isn't a dlt, it's the thing that makes the dlt's work. You don't deserve a lambo
In order for banks to use swift gpi, they need a bridge to ocnnext to it and that bridge is chainlink
No other external blockchain projects.
You are righr. You want my link?
SwiftGPI uses chainlink, dummy
(like OP)
SWIFT's premier blockchain project consists of two main pillars:
1) Distributed Ledger Tech or DLT (basically a blockchain)
2) Smart contracts
Like said, the smart contracts are meant to bridge the gap between external data and blockchains.
SWIFT is pretty far along with the first pillar (DLT), but has nothing at all yet for smart contracts; except for Smartcontract.com/Chainlink of course.
The "gpi" thing in OP's pic is a global payments initiative, and the third phase of gpi also involves DLT and related options.
This may very well include Smartcontract.com/Chainlink, of course; but the partnership is still in its infancy.
>SWIFT's premier blockchain project consists of two main pillars:
Source: swift.com
Very first line of that SWIFT document:
>Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Smart Contracts (SC) promise to transform automation in the financial industry, and are generating huge interest amongst financial institutions and technology providers.
Nicely outlines the two main parts as listed in my previous post: (1) DLT and (2) Smart Contracts.
Thank you for spoonfeeding these biztards
It's like they want to be poor forever
Nice ID lol.
>PoC swift
People of color? They have blockchain tech now? More like BLACKchain hahahahahahahahaha
No it doesn't you retard. Two separate things.
Nah there was an article or video specifically mentioning poc and link in the same context. Wish I could find it again.
Chainlink is an external party doing a proof of concept for smart contracts, there are also internal PoCs for other blockchain-related things.
No other external party is going PoCs for SWIFT, and SWIFT does not have any other smart contract projects ongoing other than LINK.
SWIFT also considers smart contracts to be the second pillar of its blockchain efforts; i.e. very important. See Connect the dots and win a prize.
To be fair, the third phase of gpi revolves around blockchain (DLT) and related "overlay services".
Chainlink can very accurately be described as an "overlay service", since it's pretty much a plug&play add-on to several blockchains.
See pic related.
It's tenuous, but certainly very plausible that this third phase of gpi will involve Chainlink/Smartcontract.com, but that the partnership is not developed enough yet.