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don't worry I'm sure the dev will fill that piddly bid with some of his 1 billion coins
dam sun
doesn't know the purpose of a buywall
Yeah, LINK is going to dump heavily.
Buy walls are huge red flags.
Looks like OP is new to crypto.. Bought a bag like the other scrubs that fell for the shills.
In this case its to buy 40 BTC worth of LINK, since its literally at the current price
This buy wall might we different, the whale agressivly sells into his own wall, other people get scared and sell into it, the whale does reverse physcology and get more links, we'll find out if this is true or not if he doesn't take it down
just to back my claim up with the previous order history.
what exxchange/site is this?
What the fuck did i just read?It sounded like some National Geographic commentary.
The best of them all, Binance.
The new bittrex
It's gone
no it aint
what kind of game is this!!>!?!! NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE
thats whales playing with your ass kid lel
this is what you get for daytrade
Explain a newfag what this means and what will happen with the pirce?
Is the order getting filled? Or did he cancel it?
every single time i sell this type of shit goes down. what the fuck
uhhh, guise. that's my order.
its getting filled atm
what is your endgame?
36 BTC and 100 ETH buy walls.... and a 200 ETH sell wall was eated like a pancake.... what does they mean by this ?
With an order this size he could have easily bought up the price till 98xx great Supportline if it will hold!
Nothing. This shit will go down. Buy walls = sell. Sell wall = buy.
what does this mean? should I wait to buy or buy now before it spikes?
>inb4 extra chromosome
also proofs
Make it bigger and higher.
Or better yet buy the entire sell book and see what happens.
more buy walls coming in
It means strap in your fucking seatbelt kiddo
theres a lot of bulls, running bears
then the bulls pays 1 btc to bears to fuck them
then, link holders get btfo
so I guess I should change my previous buy order at 7615? Will we ever see the 7000's again?
Buy now!
This is just to move the price because it really cemented lately.Its just manipulation to make people sell.When they sell he no longer buys his own Link.And he removes the buy wall so the people will be fucked.Thts my best guess.
its only partially filled :(
I just really want to get married to a kawaii girl that loves me. i havent even gotten my first kiss yet
Except the buy wall is at the current price.
>daily withdrawl limit 2btc
>estimated value, 37btc
Are you selling your own fucking walls right now? Let this shit ride to 50 cents please
The 1'000 orders is an arbitrage bot doing the eth and btc pair.
Everytime he sells on one he buys on the other at the same second.
Also the walls are real I guess. We'll need a shit ton of volume on either side to see movement this night.
sup cunt
at what % of profit do you sell your initial invest to rebuy it in btc? im planning on long term
The price will increase, its a legit buywall, whale wants to accumilate much more but the volume is too low
What's the next step of your master plan?
That only works if the walls don't get eaten.
pls 10k today pls pls pls
daily withdrawal limit 2BTC
why do you do it like this ? It won't get filled this way
are you jean ?
i withdrawed from bittrex and have no limit there
Got out of DGB at 1000% profit
Got out of ARK at 200%
Can someone post a pic with 5 decimals so we can see the bigger picture?! Thx!!
usually, but the buy walls had stay up while some sell walls had been eaten... so this could be whales are ready to drive the price up to 100k sats again....
Have to get into LINK before it hits a 200 mil market cap.
I estimate we'll reach 5 billion one day
More likely that he sold into his own wall. But we will see how this works out.
bitbean has a higher chance of reaching a billion market cap than chainlink.
and holded the rest in akr and dgb?
also what would happen if once it hits 500% profit, in 1 hour goes to -500% ? (hipotetical case)...do you work with stop loss or put your whatever price you want in the sell order and wait to the price hit it?
thanks, also nice trips
have fun withdrawing your BTC
this is what is to look like
this look to me is big whale eating little whales... 200ETH sell wall at 145k sats is getting rekt.
I literally only want to get rich so i can get married. I want gf so fucking bad more than anything in the world. want to have girl to read manga with.
It looks very 44ish to me
yes but why are you not slowly accumulating and buying in the sell order
also do half on the eth pair or the arbitrage bot will make a shit ton of profit on you
I guess you're not used to have so much btc in a low volume coin
do it slowly
Haha how cute, this chimp thinks hes an expert when its obviois he is just parroting memes. No, this buy wall is too close to the fire to be a prop. It is legit.
thisdaytraders get what they deserve. The LINK Gods will rewards only the loyal HODLers and the whales
This must be bait.
meh with that much money you are already rich bastard
Holy fucking shit dude. Money isn't going to buy you a gf or a wife, and if it does she's going to be a gold digging whore.
Either kill yourself or get your priorities in order.
>stop limit
idk. I held ARK even when i went down 70% from my buy in cause i believed in the tech that much. And also, i distracted myself with drawing anime girls. i drew (pic). Do you like?
I believe in the exchange. Ill just get as high tier as possible. Idk, since link is eth token. Does that mean i can transfer it to my coinbase wallet
Whatever you do, don't let on you have any money, especially in crypto.
ok 100% bait
there's 140k link for a good price on the link/eth pair, go buy there
with this wall you'll just push the price way too high and will lose money
jesus fucking christ.
ye and you can't put stop loss on it. It's great...
not bait. i was rejected by chinese female friend last night, and i begged her to maybe hook me with one of her friends one day.
not even close to rich. My goal is to raise 2 million dollars and live off of stock dividends.
i know. I want to find kawaii girl who loves me the way i am. I only give her money cause i love muh future wife and want to treat her well
well thats not the answer i was expecting kek
Like this?
search for the IRL whales for your future wife
i will literally sell you my gf for marriage in exchange for your crypto bags
I love you, whale-senpai. Thanks for pumping this.
yeah. but its hard. the last time a girl even liked me was 8th grade, and im freshman in college now.
not bait. heres comic i drew back when hodling dgb
well, i have it at limit buy anyway. so i lose anything.
i really want wife. its the only reason i started browsing biz and didnt go to an art school
also don't listen to haters, live your life how it feels good
don't chase girls, they'll come to you fast enough if you show your value (not money but confidence)
keep working on your drawing too, that's a nice beginning but you'll progress fast with motivation
>My goal is to raise 2 million dollars and live off of stock dividends.
Same here, weird friendo. I'm going to reach that goal before I'm 27.
well, goodluck with that i guess. holding long term (say q4 2018) link will at the very least go to 5 usd so that's an easy x10. your 180k will become 1.8m, along with your other investments, good enough?
still think this shit is bait
I'll be your gf if you want
100% bait. but nice try
Dude.join a social club or something to meet more girls, you sound awkward as hell. You need some practice talking to chicks without being interested in them
not buying a succubus (male) instead of an wife
You're my hero, user.
Have faith and keep a good heart. A lovely lady who wants to have cute fun with you waits in your future.
he's not baiting you guys, i know him. i had to talk him out of setting the buy order at 9k sats
You got to put your heart and soul into a coin if you really want to profit off it.
Ill marry any girl that loves me... okay maybe not a landwhale.
But if i had to admit, i get really turned on by scientist girls and girls in the military, like kawashiro nitori: shes muh waifu
I believe in LINK. ARK is a meanie. I sold it at this recent dip, and it didnt dip anymore for me. I have no respect for a coin, who just moons without me.
i dont want that. I might as well just buy a mail order bride. i just want.... i really want to find true love.
im not a whale. 1 million buy orders only makes you a whale
larpers should kill themselves.
You already pushed the price up 1% and now there are other buy orders for 100k before you.
If you're not careful it'll go even higher and if you buy you'll lose already a few thousands $.
Your comic was actually fun kek.
Don't worry you'll find your waifu, my best friend was a virgin until 29 and now he found the love of his life.
what wut whoa
Do you have money from inheritance or from crypto investing? Could you do a quick run down on your investment strategy?
girls wont love you for who you are.
they only love you for what you do.
unless you get a virgin.
thanks~ i try not to browse Veeky Forums that much. must spend that time reading manga. Im currently marathoning one piece manga.
yeah. dividends, dood.
its not bait. im thinking of cancelling my order and setting it higher so i can get LINK faster.
you only know me for my money and not irl, so i think youre tainted. :(
I met my female asian friend through karate. I really want to meet more engineer and army girls. I might switch to an IT major though, so maybe that way. I could also go into charity and other sports club.
ive been hit on by guys on the internet before who offered to be cat boy for me. i do not want. I only want to get married to kawaii girl that loves me.
nice meme
i hope. i was thinking of killing myself in november cause no girl likes meh. but i guess i could stick it out a few more years.