Ok listen up you broke suicidal cucks. Metaverse has mooned twice, the first time going up 70%, the second time going up 225%. It is stabilizing once more and this time it's going up at least 6-700%. This is your last warning. Metaverse will reach $10 today and $60 by the end of 2017
fuck it they'll buy when it's at 20$ and post pink wojaks when it drops to 10 these retards are literally subhumans, likely pajeets and chinks
sell now or cry later faggot this is no different than your weekly pnd
sorry this is the best dip you are going to get reddit.com
Lol look at those fake ass comments
Stay poor
stay poor
sucks to suck user
Anyone who wasn't monitoring this coin and accumulating sub 280k should just leave crypto.
even if they own some crypto, deep down they still have the soul and the dumbness of a nocoiner
Nocoiner here. Looks promising tho might and i could lose a couple thousands rn
wtf is this? it's like crypto buzzword salad. between that and the generic name and logo, this screams pnd/scam.
haha ok
LOL ok Veeky Forums keep getting all your info from this site and don't do any of your own research no wonder you are poor.
>literally does nothing new
Sure I'll buy your bags user
Veeky Forums will always be quick to say a coin is a pump and dump when it goes up and they haven't invested. Stay poor, cucks. Metaverse is a real coin and it's going to $20
And you guys thought linkies are delusional, this shit is much worse
It doesnt even have a working product aside from a wallet despite being older than ANS and QTUM. Yet it claims all these features
It was on a downtrend for months even before the China FUD and suddenly discord pump chats popup in Veeky Forums today then it miraculously pumps lmao.
And now you guys are baiting them with a $10 price. LINK has a working product, WTC has patents. This is obviously a coordinated pump and dump.
>discord pump chats popup in Veeky Forums
lol this shit again. You are beyond delusional if you think that could result in 25 million volume increase.
As for "muh working product" it's no different from many of the coins in the top 20. NEO didn't even have an ICO until several months after it mooned.
why are you fudding every thread senpai
:donald trump wrong:
this guy always FUDing with the same thing. He's a ATH LINK buyer. he holding bags and is mad, doesnt want to see anyone else gain money until he can sell his LINK bags at 11k and invest
Dont buy in now. Whoever pumped looking to sell it to u. DOnt worry it will drop in a day or two or even more, but it will drop. dont do the mistake or hold the bags. You will find entry point.
I trust you user. Been on this since yesterday and the charts don't look good no more. I made my money but it's time to go.
(Buy my bags please)
Let it go and fast. It wont moon harder no more for a couple of days for sure, its obvious. Better sell at top than see it fall and sell in the middle.
Oh yes I just sold. I was waiting for 8900 but figured it was way too risky for what it was worth. I don't doubt it will moon but my predictions aren't very good so I'd rather keep my BTC and buy something else.
1-3 LINK
4-6 TRX
7-9 SUB
0-0 ???
If dubs ETP crashes.
If Dubs ETP Mooooons
if dubs both of yall kys
dump is over taking my COINS WITH PROFIT BB SUCKERS
if trips it dies :)
I thought about buying this yesterday but with Link coming up soon it's kinda a risk to put money into this.
However this doubled the price since yesterday though so I made a mistake.
>hoping for a 1% chance moon mission of 10x in exchange for losing 60% the other 99% of the time
>oh anons, I would never gamble. only dumb niggers do that shit
I see that trolling is all the sweeter when you can make dumbasses lose all their shekels.