Going to $5+ when Japan and Korea wake up.
Trade volume is almost 50% of market cap LOL.
If you dont get in now, stay poor forever.
Going to $5+ when Japan and Korea wake up.
Trade volume is almost 50% of market cap LOL.
If you dont get in now, stay poor forever.
Other urls found in this thread:
this could end very badly. or amazingly. my body is ready
METAVERSE could literally make history in crypto tonight. This could be the biggest bull run in 48hours ever in crypto.
yet another pump and dump scam
did you learn nothing from signatum and digibyte?
GTFO, you had plenty of time to buy in cheap dumbass.
Based on market cap, current volume and TA based on the Bollinger bands, this could easily hit $10-15 dollars by the end of the week. This will knock NEO down a bit as well
Agreed brother. We're blessed, so is anyone that buys now.
STFU dude I'm waiting for my transfer. Some of us are trying to stack up quietly over here and YOU'RE FUCKING IT UP!!!
holy shit so many digits, kek is truly blessing ETP holders today
Sorry, pal. This rocket's taken off and isn't coming back down. You've seen it happen before (NEO, OMG, WTC), it's happening again.
Where do I buy?
I was being sarcastic lmao. this going to mars.
This will be the next Ethereum
Literally came here to post this. Sry NEO.
I wake up and its 2x what it was last night.
Why didnt I buy goddamit
lol calls this a "dump"
BEcause you didn't read nigger.
right now
No polonitrex
I love how every half hour people laugh that it's "dumping" and then it just keeps going up again.
Okay now check the walls on ETP
Boiz, I was the first one shilling this coin here on Saturday. I am very proud of this board. Yes, we got a lot of fud but some anons actually took the time to look into it and invest.
The moon mission is far from over, but congrats to the investers, especially the ones that invested in the 250-300k range. You are the ones who will drive a lambo one day.
Don't forget to unload your bags on the fuders that will fomo when it will hit 10$. Good night.
This is going to be a top performer of Q4 2017. I Initially avoided these threads assuming it was a scam.
Massive $3 sell wall
I was one of the retard calling it was dumping a few hours ago. Now I hate myself for selling my stack at 4650.
I want to buy...literally constantly at an ATH. Scared, sweating, memories of Library Credits
Zoom out on your time frame next time
A wall our friends in Korea and Japan will easily knock down with FOMO
Is there anyway a PnD group could even control this much volume? Is this legit? Literally why?
Not a pump and dump. People waking up. this will continue to pump this week.
I am not sure if they've already created a position yesterday during the initial rise and are looking to dump today. I'm giving it a few hours before potentially reentering.
>Marketcap of 120m+
The Iching says yes to all of our gains
Set up a buy order to try and catch the next dip. And remember scared money doesn't make money.
GTFO, obvious shill
Bout to buy in, but I swear to god if you let me down again biz this relationship is over!
believe in your digits, user
You will not regret it srs. This is Walton at 1$.
I put a loose thousand bucks in yesterday after the iching told me I'd get my dick zucced
you are so fucking dumb
gooks are waking up. dogs are boiling. soon.
Gooks can also sell bags.
Lots of sellers @ 300, hence the drop.
Bounced right on the trend line from our initial rise.
Pump is ended, sell now if you don`t wanna be a bagholder
Can see this classic step pattern going on for at least another 3-5 legs up. We've had 2 major ones so far. Walton had 6
I set a stop loss and bought the dip nigger. I'm not entirely retarded.
alright booys we fucking mooning i want to see more buy orders gogo
Sold half my stack at 100%.
Insurance = bought.
Ticket to the moon = free.
same bro good job
Thats the way to do it. I don't know why people are always "all-in" or "all-out" thats so illogical.
How buy? I went to their website and the only wallet offered is for 64 bit windows.
all in is the way to riches faggots BUY BUY BUY
same but I have FOMO still, why didn't I put so much more in yesterday