>put $100 worth of BTC in a BTC doubler
>pays out $100k in 10 days
how are normies poor?
>put $100 worth of BTC in a BTC doubler
>pays out $100k in 10 days
how are normies poor?
Other urls found in this thread:
What is a bitcoin doubler? How do?
100k in 10 days is not a doubler
idk guys i left $10k in there just cause
should be $10 mil in 10 days assuming no ponzi scheme collapse
>go to calculator
>type in 1-0-0
>hit the big X
>followed by the numerical value 2
>hit the '=' 10 times
pic related
Did you keep putting it back in over and over again or something?
fully aware
as long as i get paid ($90,000 for $100 so far) doesn't really matter
>BTC doubler
the one i used it holds it for however long you want
i did 90% withdrawl today
i got 42.328,6666666666666666... and so on
How do
this is the lowest effort shilling I've seen since esper, fucking come on
nice totty tho
You just have to download the sites Bitcoin doubler. You have to be in chrome incognito mode for it to download properly without encrypted hash functions. You go into incognito mode, click save as and select html.
The downloaded engine can then be modified by making it a nondoubler. You afterward run your private doubles engine via opening the hacked engine file.
Be aware that this might crash your pc if it doesn't find miner pools that are vulnerable to modified bitcoin doubler engines.
can i go back to waifu posting
what happens if i go in with 200$ for 10 days?
can we see any past transaction history to confirm that payouts happen 100% ?
how many BTC for gf like this
you know noone is going to fall for this right
deds nuts jahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah(nigger face)
She BRAAPPED so hard, the sand cratered.
Please sit on my face.
retarded replies, no effort to respond
fully aware it's ponzi, if i get paid why should i care?
her ass looks like
it smells like ass
why would you want that
on your nose
betacuck detected
you realise noone is going to believe you cos you don't have proof.
and you don't have proof cos you're just a pathetic shill or troll.
Hey OP show us exactly how you did this please.
one of the first (NOT THE FIRST) links when googling bitcoin doubler
site looks absolutely retarded, but i reiterate, it paid me
isn't that what matters?
>probably middle school
i feel dirty
>pajeets actually think this is real
link the transcation log from the ledge or noone here will believe you
oh wait you dumb ass discord pajeets dont know what a ledger is or how to monitor transactions you just know how to spam biz
anyone i reported this thread to the sec since your trying to get american citizens to fork over their assests
it's literally on the site
i just gave the best tip to Veeky Forums
>join ponzi
>get out early
>that's it
listen if you want to be poor and don't have the extra $100 i understand
do $50, get $50k
or don't
whatever you want
I love this gif.
I'm 100% convinced that bitcoin doublers are a fucking scam, but how does it work? I guess most victims will test the waters with a small deposit first, they get paid, now the victim trusts the system and sends more...I guess when the pot is big enough the scammers take everything and run?
hey do you have discord?
its a pyramid scheme/ponzi scheme yes you can make money but the risk is beyond high, Bit Connect is the biggest one right now go on you tube i hate those f you tubers, it will all come crashing down when there is now new money coming on or when the whales try to pull out
sorry, broke the news to some friends and we're gonna throw a party
will actually answer qs now
nah, ask your q here
have fun getting ripped of LOLOLOLOLOL
i got paid, read the rest of the thread
that's why i even bothered posting lmao
What website?
post your btc with proof
>post pictures of your virtual currency with no physical attributes
>if i post paypal will immediately get shilled with 'lol inspect element'
what is your preferred form of proof
wot site
How do you find them early? I only get to hear from them after they closed
literally anything. you can just post a webm of you refreshing the page with the balance staying the same.
got lucky i guess
idrc about potential loses at this point as i've already got a ridiculous return guaranteed, but if the $10k i left in genuinely goes to $10mil ill probably buy 5 women for my harem
okay will do later tonight, out celebrating
will be in a new thread around 1am EST
the transaction hash
it's on the website
found a working doubler that they haven't closed yet.
>When RuneScape becomes reality
ok im bored and will gamble 0.02 btc -_-
You haven't said the website
I finally found the doubler address. You just send some BTC there, and after 10mins it sends you back double.
>ridiculous return guaranteed
This one is fake. Notice how it doesn't begin with 1Doub
Don't fall for fake wallets
>no transactions
nice try tyrone, at least do some fake transactions next time
Who actually buys into this shit?
reading this i know its a scam but i cant deny i feel its pull, this is actually very good marketing on their part
me, sent
>the actual state of Veeky Forums
Instead of scamming newfags you should buy some BRK before the shit moons again
i took out $90k
that is now guaranteed
as in not even in coins anymore
my exodus wallet wont let me send my btc to this wallet adress on their website?
Op what website?
Lad, you havent posted a SINGLE piece of evidence, NOONE IS GOING TO BELIEVE YOU.
You can make as many posts as you want, but you dont post anything to prove your shitty website that you're clearly shilling.
Seriously, noone believes your bullshit.
cant send -.-
Just made 2 mill bro
You dont have to believe me, im rich either way
I take you pigeon sir, and I give you TWO pigeon back sir.
Fuck you OP, you're a piece of shit. Help your biz bros out before """""""""celebrating""""""""
you're an idiot.
getting laid is a priority of mine
okay then don't believe me
or just look for a transaction worth 90k
ya kno either one
why ?!
See OP, this is how you shill. Subtle.