Hey Veeky Forums has Trevon actually broken the game?
Come on, someone please comment if his strategy is actually any good, I'm a noob so can't tell if good, or nigger tier.
getting desperate bump
This is a great way to get yourself fucked over in a crash trying to catch a falling knife
Too lazy to watch 20 minutes. What's the strategy
We just had a crash and I caught VRM on the way down. Waited 2 days and now I'm up 40%.
Basically he puts avg. price indicators on his charts, two of them to be precise, one is at 13 the other at 34, then he waits for them to cross each other, and depending on which crosses which he either buys or sells, like if the 34 avg. line crosses the 13 on the way up he gets ready to sell since it's going up.
Yeah he pretty much said that's the opposite of what other people do. What I'm really wondering about is why exactly 13 and 34?
He just did a manual MACD
So it's the BUY THE FUCKING DIP in short?
It was a crash for me. Terrible timing on a certain coins. I mean terrible timing. I got in 5 hours before the bottom fell out and was down many percents. It was like July all over again.
Okay, why those numbers?
Well, pretty much everything is about buying the dip, the point is the indicators should tell him when it's coming a bit before it get to the lowest point of the dip.
As I said, I'm a noob so just want to hear opinions.
I was happy with this sort of strategy until someone dumped hard and the coin didn't recover. Had to hold bags for 3 weeks. Pain in the ass if you're trying to day trade.
Yeah, I can see how a whale dumping, can fuck shit up. Is the best crypto strat just to follow fucking whales?
If something is moving generally upward for the day, I just put my buy order a satoshi or two in front of the huge buy orders on the order book. It usually catches the dip and the whale buy order freezes the price and keeps the momentum moving forward.
But the most reliable strategy for me has been trading on Twitter hype. Follow all the coins/big speculators, and lurk that shit hard for important updates.
If you're a beginner just invest and hold. You'll get rekt daytrading
Thanks for the advice user, but that much I already know ;^)
If it was this easy everyone would be a millionaire, this shit don't work. There's no secret tricks and you'll never "never lose a trade" no matter what you do or how good you are
>Can't tell if nigger tier
Did you get at look at the presenter?
I hate that cunt, I hope he slips in the shower and breaks his neck
I was talking about the logic behind his strategy. I know his appearance is nigger tier, because he's a nigger. ;^)
Tell me more!
Well, I know it's just a clickbait title. That doesn't automatically make it a bad strat.
Trust me, he's nigger tier. I've been watching him every now and then to test my hypothesis that niggers will be niggers. Turns out yes they will.
He has hardcore underperformed the market and the only thing he's done alright with is shilling affiliate links to cloud miners.
He has a special talent for talking to people with IQs below 90 mixed with the luck of being in the right place at the right time. If you can take him seriously you have a lot of reading to do. And for the love of God don't read anything written this year because it's 99% bandwagoner scammers.
Any good read you can recommend?
I'm still reading stuff on pipsology and investopia, and watching stuff on youtube, don't worry I'm not taking them serious, I'm way to new to even form an opinion, at least that's what I think.
Brainlet here. I want to learn, but besides the absolute basics of trading the only thing I learned so far is not to blindly trust anyone. It's hard to figure out who's actually giving good tips for free and who's just trying to manipulate. Would you please throw me a bone? Is there even anyone on YouTube you'd recommend me to watch to actually learn how to make some profits? Or maybe where to find good lecture on the subject? Or at least how to tell good advice from bad advice?
>daytrading crypto/fiat
top kek
same brother, but even with my noobie eye I can see the real lies of every Youtuber, some of them probably give out some actually good tip every now and then so I guess there's no harm in watching them, you've already learned not to truest 'em, the part with distinguishing good tips from bad tips is where I'm stuck at.
Fuck off trevon
I dare you to call me a nigger again!
Probably a reasonable place to start for complete noobs that want to trade. It's from 2017 but the guy has been around a while.
You can make good money trading but the future billionaires will be holders (traders could also be holders but you don't have to trade to hold).
Read Satoshi's white paper, read about Monero and then hold those two until one of the dominates the world. Easy peasy.
Take that back, you fucking double nigger!
We're all going to make it but trading is a zero sum game. We have to thank Trevon for delivering fresh morons who want to lose all their money. Just having watched it, that video was seriously retarded and the comments were even worse.
>We have to thank Trevon for delivering fresh morons who want to lose all their money.
Yeah my current life goals are to save up money to seriously invest, and not daytrade, there's still a shitload of normals coming crypto's way.
Also, yeah the fuck is up with those comments, holy kek.
>we daytrader now
sauce on that semen demon?
Space lion?
No idea, some Russian cosplayer, but I took her off 4chin some time ago, so that's about as much as I can tell you.
nigger scammer
I found some more actually
>his name is Trevon
there's your answer OP