For those of you who are unaware, Link will hit 85 cents within the next 8 hours.
You have been warned.
17500 Satoshi Link
In current pace it will hit 9700 max
It tests the all time high tonight, mark it.
So naive.
it’s going to $1.
- Merk
No it can't happen. I need more before sibos
Better buy what you can now.
it will dip again just need to be patient
We are less than a week out until Sibos my man.
Its going to steadily pump to 2.25 by then.
I would make 300k if this happens..
man i dont know after yesterday it was around the same price and just fuckin died. really hesitant to put in anything if its at its all time high.
Its not at its all time high.
Its down like 25% from its all time high.
Perfect timing, i'm going to sleep and i'll rub it in your face in the morning.
How do you know how much you'd make? Like what's the calc?
if link goes over $2 i wont be in debt and ill be able to afford a loft for my girlfriend and i to live in
Plz be true
Your happiness will be short lived if you sell at 2 dollars. Will be able to get a nice house when this hits 32ish bucks by end of year.
Count me in. Eat those sell walls boys.
Serious question. Why has the volume dropped off so significantly? I suppose the optimistic view is no one wants to sell?
*blocks your path*
Volume has dropped because so many people have held, but also because this past week people have been chasing their individual coins like metaverse and flik.
Once they see this start to moon they will jump on and it will hit the price predicted before and volume will boom. And thats not just from you 4channers.
Lmao nobody gives a fuck about the ETH pairs that one is manipulated as fuck. Start trading in BTC there are less whales.
Are you serious?
How much LINK for her?
That's what kick starts the moon my man.
Sets a new floor.
That's not that big of a wall
It's getting weaker!
goddamn it boys, should i buy in again at this price? im a linklet holding 100% link
Every buy helps fuel the moon mission friend
yes please! Activate the linkmarine protocol and buy some more!
The up trend is happening whether he buys or not.
No, there hasn't been any walls or dumping going on and it couldn't break out of the 9.3k range for two days now.
We're going to retrace down to 8k.
Selling now gonna buy back in the high 30s like i do every day this week
>Thinks it's going to fall as we get closer to SIBOS
Okay man, don't say you weren't warned.
SIBOS isn't going to do shit to the price upwards or downwards everyone knows about it it is already prices into the coin...people thinking it will dump right after or pump right before are retarded...
Sergey did say there are announcements to be made after SIBOS though that could impact the price positively. Either way I would not buy in here, or maybe just a small position in case.
Well I Sincerely hope you are wrong.
Well actually I know that's not possible due to volatility alone.
It will get up into the 4 dollar range after Sibos.
Holy shit you are retarded if you think this could make it to $4 by the end of the year, let alone in a couple weeks.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I hope you're right. I only sold half my position so I still have about 35k coins and would be fucking rich if it hits $4, but it would have to 10x with a market cap of 1.5 billion.
you missed OMG as it seems
Cause yeah neo could never ever get to $30
What a delusional retard
lmao i be i could have sold 90% of my stack and still have more link than you morons
also i've been trading since june and had omg at $1.50, neo at $6, bnb at 30 cents, and walton at 75 cents so you can all fuck off
calling me delusional for saying your last hope dream coin isn't going to 10x in a week, yeah i'm the delusional one faggot. sorry you missed every other moon but these things don't happen overnight especially since china left
>Muh Credentials
>Crypto is not a bubble
Hey lets calm down with the salt. If you dont think it has the potential then say why when it comes to the coin. Your history means nothing.
>when you talk shit but you are legit the poorest person in the conversation
A bubble, but not nearly big enough to burst
Not the other user but Neo has 1/7 the circulating supply of chainlink and omisego about 1/3. I'd say 3$ is very realistic.
Someone who gets it.
>inb4 photoshopped
Sauce please.
The 168k wall is getting eaten slowly but surely before our eyes!
Eat that link! They want some of that link.
Bless you all
Is being a thigh man a thing?
>"Yeah the only SIBOS comp winner to be invited back, which was launched with a highly restrained ICO, which has the broadest use case of any coin this year, which has existing industry connections, which has a super low barrier to entry for business, which is about to present to the big boys already working technology, which can automate ISO 20022 messaging and link external data to blockchains..."
This sums up their potential pretty well.
I mean you guys do realize that Chain Link LITERALLY connects all the current Block Chains to the real world financial infrastructure right?
They don't, hence the FUD. They'll learn the hard way.
Only for ubermensch, son.
>early 2018
>1 LINK is $854
The fact that OMG hit a billion market cap on skateboard promises makes this even sadder.
Thank you to whoever just made this string of buys (at made at 10:39)
Buy high sell low
"Link can only go but up. It is already silently being adopted (Request), pending SIBOS news, only listed on RetardDelta and shitty Binance, and the team has not say A SINGLE WORK for FOMO, not a single pic with a skateboard with GE/Cisco/Microsoft stickers.
The moment that the team just hinted a positive news, or that is listed on another exchange.... shit is going to explode!!!
If you are not seeing this, you will not make it."
gotta throw fuel on the fire
I'm in the exact same boat, friendo. Not sure wtf to do from here. What's even worse is that I'll still be at a net loss overall from crypto until link hits ~49 cents.
Still not too late guys.
Notice how it keeps going and ate that wall.
I'd be happy
but you have to think about think
>yfw taxes
>Move to place that doesn't tax crypto
>cash out
m8 I have no money to move to some shithole with no capital gains tax
Wait for bitcoin/(or its succesor) to be adopted better over the next few years and you wont have to cash out. I mean most of my living needs will be met once Amazon accepts bitcoin.
Does anyone have the one where the two arrows are piercing his eyes?
found it
If you bought all those so cheap why are you skeptical that LINK can do the same? I bought OMG at 78 cents and held most of it all the way to $14. Why couldn't LINK go 8x in the next ten weeks? We've seen faster pumps before.
why so many fucking sell walls???? let us moon for fuck sake
Eat them! LINK is still dirt cheap at it's current price.
Where can you buy link?
I'm only on kraken.
Of course. Extremely common actually
Fuck it has broken every sell wall and there isn't shit ahead. This thing is going to the fucking moon.
I told you guys.
Let's keep stacking up some link.
No news is not a good thing no matter how you try spin it in that little brain of yours
Deluded Linkie
I'm a fan of LINK but this will have to dump hard again before any sort of real moonening can happen. Price is being held up by toothpicks at this point.
are you talking about btc or eth market because btc one is irrelevant atm
LINK is going to moon hard in the run upto SIBOS and then continue to mainly go up as Sergey and the team release tons of good news.
Screencap this.
Link is going to dump during and after sibos because all you newcoiners are too hyped
Whales and the pnd groups know what to do.
I got just over 1m LINK, I'm holding long term and accumulating more on dips.
BTFO newcoiner who is going to get rinsed
Both fags screencapped.
Ugh just let the price fall. Its not going to 10k this pump. Some autists are trying to push the 9500 sat mark but that's been giving resistance.
Let it fall and scoop up cheap LINK. Its just going to keep trading sideways until it does.
Find out where you can buy tickets and housing in crypto lol
I look at it like this: is it more likely that the huge majority of Veeky Forums is about to see massive gains all in concert, or is a single whale whose "wallet hasn't changed" throughout the dips going to completely wreck these people completely expecting "free money". I'm personally in and out of LINK during swings but am not buying anywhere near the current price.