What the fuck was his problem?
Euphemius of Sicily
He has amazing hair.
WTF Veeky Forums I thought you're Byzaboos
vikings is very historically inaccurate
this is vikings?
wtf picked up
>The Hymn of Kassiani is chanted only once a year during Holy Week, at the end of the aposticha at Matins on Great and Holy Wednesday, which is traditionally served in Tuesday evening. The music for the hymn is slow, sorrowful and plaintive. It lasts about ten to twenty minutes, depending on tempo and style of execution. It requires a very wide vocal range, and is considered one of the most demanding, if not the most demanding, pieces of solo Byzantine chant, and cantors take great pride in delivering it well. It is also sung by choirs in unison, often underpinned by Byzantine vocal bass drone.
>The faithful make a point of going to church specifically "to listen to Kassiani" that evening. In many places in Greece, the Bridegroom Matins service of Great Tuesday is popular with sex workers, who may not often be seen in church at other times of the year. They come in great numbers, in order to hear the Hymn of Kassiani, as the hymn is associated with the woman fallen in many sins.[7]
We've lost so much in the pursuit of capitalism.
>50% of any raid is women
>The Great Heathen Army instantly defeated Aella
>Ivar crawled around on his axe heads and murdered people
No shit
Bjorn Ironsides travelling the world.
Ivar is the cringiest of all retarded-looking sons of Ragnar.
>looks like a fagot
>sounds like an incel
>pubes on face instead of facial hair
>can't get his dick up
Don't talk shit about Ubbe
More like fuccboiUbbe
Don't make fun of Andrew from Neighbours cunt
Too handsome for this world
Why are they all Muslims in the show? Wasn't they byzantines? Was Byzantine and Islamic culture, art, dress and weaponry the same?
Byzantines wore some form of Turban too, you git.
Muslims don't have a monopoly on turbans.
If no one told you they were in Sicily then you'd think they arrived at some Middle Eastern town
user . . .
Thought Vikings is being played out in the late 700s though
No, the episode features Euphimius and mentions that Michael II rules in Constantinople, so around 820s-30s
lel alright, 30-40 years have gone by in the show. Guess they're not really that interested in trying to portray the actual age of the characters, I mean Lagertha looks exactly the same even though she is perhaps 60 years old now.
I really don't watch the series desu.
Byzantines adopted it from Arabs you retarded byzaboo subhuman
>Caravanserail in Sicily
>dried earth fort in Sicily
>those are supposed to be byzantine soldiers but look arab rather than greek sicilian or anatolian.
What the fuck.
>byzantine soldiers but look arab
Greeks are a mish mash of Arabs, Armenians and other m. eastern ethnicities. But if you're talking about their attire then you're right, they should have been depicted better.
>Greeks are a mish mash of Arabs, Armenians and other m. eastern ethnicities.
Do you shit on your balls with that mouth?
>mfw Greeks(Turks and Analbanians) get butthurt in the comments that they can't understand the Greek they are speaking
>he doesn't know that the Skutatoi operating in the Southern Climes resemble Muslim soldiers.
>And that the armies of early Islam took their cues from both Byzantine and Sassanid militaries.
Sniff sniff i smell a Gayreek
Stop being Armenoid then.
Imagine being a retarded Byzaboo subhuman
>we wuz Araps
Legacy of Emirate of Palermo
>Greeks are a mish mash of Arabs
No Greeks, are greeks. Roman "byzantines" were a mish mash though, sure.
And there may have been some semites still in imperial service by the 800s but I feel they would have been pretty few in number after the loss of the Levant, and I don't really understand why a garrison in Sicily would have semitic troops from accross the Empire.
>No Greeks, are greeks
>Be Islander Greek
>Be close to Levantines
>Be Pontian Greek
>Be close to Armenians
>Be Cypriot
>Be close to Levantines
>Be Northern Greek
>Be close to slavshits
>Be Athenaian
>Be close to Albanians
Well, Arabs sure as fuck didn't stay as rag-wearing desert barbarians following the conquests so their military culture following the period resembled what the "civilized" opposition wore.
His clothing pattern resemble pic related
I didn't mean their garb, I meant the of faces of some of them.
I mean their equipment is completely taken from the Total war Age of Charlemagne theme of sicily units, and I don't have the time or will to complain about leather armour. At least they have some gambeson underneath it.
>I didn't mean their garb, I meant the of faces of some of them.
Do you think you're white top kek Yunan mutt
I find it hard to believe this guy is ethnically greek, considering he doesn't look like a single greek person I've met, even in Crete.
Greeks have very little admixture from modern Arabs(Iberians and even Balkanites have mre). Original Greeks were of course nearly 100% Middle Easterner however(EEF/Anatolia_Neolithic+CHG+a bit of Natufian and Iran_Neolithic)
Modern Greeks are very similar but they have additional ANE admixture mediated through HG.
# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 25.09
5 EHG 9.31
6 SHG_WHG 3.59
>mediated through HG.
EHG and additional CHG from the Steppe.
Iberians, Italians and even Balkanites have much more.
Greeks become less near eastern and more Siberian/Indo-European over time like all Europeans post-neolithic.
>Original Greeks
They were Indo Europeans from the steppes nothing to do with your mutt ethnicity.
He looks probably similar to Minoans without steppe and later slavic admixtures.
Mycenaean reconstruction who already had steppic admixture but less than modern greeks. Skin color based on DNA.
>They were Indo Europeans from the steppes nothing to do with your mutt ethnicity.
Original Greek hereMycaneans were Minoans with like 10% Steppe admixture(indo-europeans themselves were around half middle eastern)
>original greek
more like assimilated neolithic farmer
>I find it hard to believe this guy is ethnically greek, considering he doesn't look like a single greek person I've met, even in Crete.
He looks like a Cypriot who are less admixed than mainland Greeks.
>Original Greek
>more like assimilated neolithic farmer
They also had substantial CHG+Iran
I'm not Greek but Greeks(and Sardinians) are less mixed that the majority of Europeans since they are mising most of steppic+siberian/east asian admixture other Europeans have. Greeks are similar to neolithic middle eastern Europeans, although East/North Europeans while more mixed have more WHG but also more ANE and mongoloid.
Most of that was actually built after the events shown in the tv series.
During the 9th century, the Arabs were still slowly conquering Sicily, it took them 150 years to finish off the Romans off from the island.
So the legacy you speak of comes later, in the late 9th and early 10th century and then of course, is resurrected by the Normans through the 11th and 12th century.
> Sniff sniff i smell a Gayreek
Tunisian actually.
You still have shit in your mouth.
Natufians didn't look like the guy in picture who has a lot of Iran_chalcolithic admixture.
Mesolithic ones were robusts. It's neolithic levantines who for some reason become skinny;
9000 bc Jericho man reconstruction. He should be prefominanttly natufian but might have some Anatolia. Skull artificially deformed.
You can still see those thick lips on some saudis.
Feels good to be Greco-Levantine Cypriot god with straight roman nose and 12 inch dong
>real ethnic Greek phenotype
>those are supposed to be byzantine soldiers
Euphemius was using an Arab force from Tunisia to hold the island and was basically just a puppet ruler, you're more or less right about the setting looking out of place though. Must've recycled some sets from Knightfall or something.
sicilianon here
fuck him
that doesn't look like sicily to me.
sicily's only strenght is that the land is very fertile,that looks more like a desert
About as fertile as Cyprus or Gibraltar. Summer dries up everything, user.