Did this really happen?
Did this really happen?
Well they had a zoo. So much is certain. Pic related is the bear kennel
>this one anecdote might be bullshit
>guess the whole holocaust is a lie (but i wish it happened)
Oral history requires more intense techniques than a single quote in a newspaper article.
Survivors guilt is a hell of a drug
If Veeky Forums had a bear kennel I would certainly throw anons in there on a daily basis and watch them get torn apart by eagles.
Why do deniers always focus on some literally who rumors? Is it because they know if they actually try to debate actual arguments they will lose every time?
??? are you actually that dumb? its not about denying it its about realising how extremly blown up all teh holocaust stuff is. Of course the holocaust happened but not in the way its propagated by teh winning factions.
I mean, human skin lampshades, eagles and bears, masturbation machines bla bla bla.
Its astounding that a lot of people find this shit credible. the nazis killed hundreds of thousands of jews/gypsys/undesierables but why is its always the poor poor jews? ((((WhY))))
Nobody tried to deny the holocaust yet
No, but it is quite possible that man genuinely believes that it did. Memory is a very fickle thing.
Because nobody cares about gypos and the rest are not as easily identifiable as a group. Jews are relatively well organized and some Jewish people consider it important to keep the memory alive. Hence some Jews put effort into that.
Its not a conspiracy at all
>THAT anecdote is clearly bullshit but you can't just throw out every holocaust anecdote
Nobody ever says such things except for retarded strawmanning /pol/tards.
Did these crazy motherfuckers actually kept a zoo in a labourcamp? What the fuck? For what reason?
Not that I believe that happened but I don't follow the "that's so far-fetched so it can't have been true" logic either.
Need to give the SS guards something to do in their spare time
>human skin lampshades, eagles and bears, masturbation machines bla bla bla.
Find me a mainstream history book or school textbook that mentions these things.
He's not claiming they do, he's complaining about normies believing in it, read his post nigga
The earliest text that describes the Viking raid on Lindisfarne also mentions that dragons were seen flying in the sky shortly before. Does that mean that the Vikings never existed?
>normies believing in it
Do they?
> about normies believing in i
Neither him nor you have any proof that this is in fact the case. As it stands you are fighting a boogeyman.
No, but it means dragons did
If you copy a different country's concept you might as well expand on it.
Well they certainly buy the shitty grief porn holocaust novels
And do they have human skin lampshades, eagles and bears, masturbation machines bla bla bla?
Among other things yes, bayonetted babies is a staple of the genre
because the bear is a superior animal. as cute as it is deadly. who the fuck wouldn't keep bears around if they had the opportunity?
evidence is clear
>pulp magazines from 50 years ago are what modern people believe
I had a Holocaust survivor talk to my entire class about how she was forced to eat soup made from other Jews.
This was in 2011.
>Denier infographic #1: A fat Jew means he did not starve
>This picture is often brought up when one tries to debate a denier on undernourishment and starvation running rampant in concentration camps. When he is not busy spinning the tale of Allied bombs destroying German infrastructure and therefore being the cause of emaciated corpses found by the Allies by the end of the war upon the camps' liberation (or saying those corpses are all typhus victims), he will show you pic related instead, as an example of just how good those Jews had it in the camps.
>Except....this picture isn't even from World War 2. You heard right. The picture was taken by SS and Himmler's personal photographer Friedrich Franz Bauer on the 20th of July 1938, is stored in the German Federal Archives (Sammlung Berlin Document Center, Bild 152) and shows detainees of Dachau concentration camp which was operational years before WW2 started, standing for an Appell, a mustering. Even earlier, on July 16, 1933 Bauer wrote and published a propaganda photo report about the Dachau concentration camp in the journal Munich Illustrated Press. It was under the title "Die Wahrheit über Dachau" (The Truth about Dachau). This report was intended to refute criticism of treatment of prisoners at the concentration camp by showing photos of prisoners' appearances to be "normal" and "well dressed". Looks like Bauer's techniques keep working some 80 years later... Needless to say, we do not know how long it had been since the inmate was transferred to the camp. Heavy people don't turn into emaciated Muselmänner one day to another.
>see: commons.wikimedia.org
Really makes you think.
I don't think you know what that means. makes no sense in that context.
Wait, are you actually trying to pass these off as if they're supposed to be testimonial? They're just fap material for weirdos
What is so outlandish about starving people resorting to cannibalism to survive?
That the guards specially prepared it for them in 1945 and forced them to eat it, instead of leaving them to survive.
My bad, forgot the source:
Anyway, a quick search in Google lead me to the Wikipedia entry for "Muselmann", where you'll find this:
>Muselmann (pl. Muselmänner, the German version of Musulman, meaning Muslim) was a slang term used among captives of World War II Nazi concentration camps to refer to those suffering from a combination of starvation (known also as "hunger disease") and exhaustion and who were resigned to their impending death.[1][2] >The Muselmann prisoners exhibited severe emaciation and physical weakness, an apathetic listlessness regarding their own fate, and unresponsiveness to their surroundings owing to the barbaric treatment by the Nazis and prisoner functionaries.[3]
According to her the choice was the boiled flesh of her kin prepared by SS guard (in 1945) or nothing.
And if they were really that cruel why give them the option to live anyway. Might as well shoot the ones who didnt eat it, then shoot the ones who did.
To keep their workforce alive? "Le Nazis just killed every Jew instantly" is a childishly simplified version of the Holocaust you know.
That's even before analysing a source relayed 60+ years after the events happened and determining what biases and internalised beliefs they may have...
That particular story? I know better than to investigate every single testimony. Out of hundred of thousands or whatever. I know there are couple not very believable. But the fact alone that I've seen them so many times on /pol/ lead me to believe that they literally have no proof to support their thesis if they best they have is a couple sentences from some random articles.
It's not hard to believe. The Holocaust lasted for 5 years. They had a lot of time on their hands to do crazy shit.
>5 years
you mean 6 months?
You really think they managed to murder 11 million civilians in 6 months?
Im pretty sure everyone knew what was gonna happen by late 4'' let alone 45' it wouldnt have been a question about keeping the workforce alive at that point.
If they really wanted every Jew dead they would've shot them.
It was double troubling for me since my olderfar was in a concentration camp from 43' until liberation (Theresienstadt) and told my fafa and father personally the death was from no supplies not cruelty.
>If they really wanted every Jew dead they would've shot them.
Hmmmm, almost like the holocaust was significantly more complex than that...
Cheers mate, you learn something new every day. I was only aware of the general meaning, muslim
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Third paragraph from original text:
Ann. dccxciii. Her pæron reðe forebecna cumene ofer norðhymbra land . 7þæt folc earmlic bre?don þætpæron ormete þodenas 7li?rescas . 7 fyrenne dracan ?æron ?ese?ene on þam lifte fleo?ende . þam tacnum sona fyli?de mycel hun?er . 7 litel æfter þam þæs ilcan ?eares . on . vi . id. ianr . earmlice hæthenra manna her?unc adile?ode ?odes cyrican in Lindisfarna ee . þurh hreaflac 7 mansliht . 7 Sic?a forthferde . on . viii . kl. martius.
In present day English:
Year 793.
Here were dreadful forewarnings come over the land of Northumbria, and woefully terrified the people: these were amazing sheets of lightning and whirlwinds, and fiery dragons were seen flying in the sky. A great famine soon followed these signs, and shortly after in the same year, on the sixth day before the ides of January, the woeful inroads of heathen men destroyed god’s church in Lindisfarne island by fierce robbery and slaughter. And Sicga died on the eighth day before the calends of March.
So they let Starving Jews live, reproduce and make more Jews when they couldve killed them in 1945 when everyone knew the war was lost, to make it more complex?
Allright then...Guess they must be hiding in Antarctica to be playing such 43rd dimension chess.
>Ignore first hand accounts of a concentration camp survivor story
>hmmmm musta been human lampshades
kk m8
You do realise that a single eye witness account is generally considered to be unreliable unless other witnesses or evidence corroborates them? Hence why outliers like masturbation machines and deathcoasters don't appear in books and papers written by actual historians?
>hmmmm musta been human lampshades
I'm not sure what you are getting here. I'm saying human skin lamps are an example of something that has been debunked and is no longer part of the mainstream narrative.
Sopa de macaco wasn't really uma delicia?
Im not sure what youre getting at since you were defending a human soup story from an old lady. But wait it was complex right
>they let Starving Jews live, reproduce and make more Jews when they couldve killed them in 1945 when everyone knew the war was lost
Yes. A starving prisoner can still work for you. Hence why they depopulated most camps and marched the remaining healthy prisoners away from the collapsing front lines. Again, you seem to be under the impression that the plan was just "lol kill all the jews as fast as possible for no reason".
>to make it more complex?
Yes, clearly they designed their autistic racial policies for the sole purpose of confusing school children and teachers 70 years later.
I was suggesting that her single eye witness account is worthless on its own without further corroboration...
>But wait it was complex right
Yes, turns out that both history and the analysis of primary sources is actually quite complex.
Even if it was a camp photo, it wouldn't be evidence that the camps were nice places. There is no reason why, for example, a bunch of prisoners who had just arrived by train from Hungary would have been emaciated.
>we'll never get pregnancy fetish pulp fiction comics where a nine month pregnant Anne Frank gets rescued by a Marlboro Man-looking cowboy drawn by Mort Kunstler himself
Just fucking kill me now
>it is quite possible that man genuinely believes that it did. Memory is a very fickle thing.
This. It's pretty easy to see who that rumor could get started. The people there knew the camp had a zoo, and a bear, and they knew fellow prisoners were being killed. It probably wouldn't take long for people to start conjecturing and spreading rumors that some prisoners were being fed to the animals. Sixty or seventy years later, they remember it explicitly happening, because memory is an incredibly easy thing to have manipulated.
The same thing happens with every conflict and disaster. It's why oral histories are always treated with scrutiny.
That's literally one of the points raised there, dude. The source calls Holocaust deniers out on their denial.
I don't think the Holocaust was a lie, but why would they lie about such a minor thing?
You're first
Why do you assume it was deliberate?
>lying isn't deliberate
>welp guess all the soap, lampshades, holocoasters, numbers, etc are real
Not him but your pic is about semantics (what deaths are considered part of the holocaust) and not about what did or didn't happen.
And no, there's no reason to think it's deliberate. You have car crashes with just a couple of witnesses and contradicting views. Here you have an event that involves millions of people, extremely traumatic events, rumors, and the living survivors were children at the time and are very old now. Yes, you are going to get some silly stories. And some might also be trying to get attention by lying, why not.
I'm saying lying IS deliberate. Why do you assume that it was actively made up and not what they heard through the rumour mill?
>get put in a camp
>hear all sorts of rumors about whats happening
>repeat rumors years later when interviewed
its really not that complicated