what's the closest we've gotten to figuring out what comes after death? i don't have long and i need to know
What's the closest we've gotten to figuring out what comes after death? i don't have long and i need to know
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If meme magic is strong enough you should be able to exist on Veeky Forums for eternity
i don't want to
that's worse than dante's depiction of hell
I don't know what better minds have drempt up, but I've had a personal near death experience of mine was pretty pleasant.
I think you can have a pretty good time as your brain plays that last slide show and fades into nothing.
Sorry to hear friend I hope you had a good ride here, and if there is something on the other side I wish you good there.
what do you mean last slideshow?
Euphoria. But that's before death and after you lose consciousness and awareness.
As for the death, we know nothing at all.
People who had brain activity snuffed and then somehow rebooted, report it as nothingness, which is the most somewhat factual insight.
i can't handle that
we have to come back in some capacity, right?
psilocybin has been shown in recent medical studies to significantly improve terminally ill patients' end of life anxiety. when i ingested substances like dmt and psilocybin (very similar molecularly) i felt like i gained perspective on this. you just want to proceed with caution.
Go more in depth with your NDE. Tell the story.
Confess your sins and embrace Theosis so Christ can enthroned you on His Divine Council in the Kingdom of God.
Sure why not. Believe whatever gives you the most comfort.
Howard Storm's NDE
Generally when dying or close to it you enter a disassociate state. Your brain fills in the gaps.
Have you ever heard of the phrase "my life flashed before my eyes"?
I don't know what could possibly more comforting than simply not existing - I mean, not being able to help out your loved ones sucks and all, but you aren't going to be around to care about it.
Dunno if you've ever been put under full anesthesia, but it really does suppress your consciousness completely - no sense of the passage of time or anything like sleeping. So, probably kinda like that, sans the waking up part.
Or pic related.
But yeah, whatever floats yer boat.
>i can't handle that
This I can't really understand. How hard it is to handle inevitability: something that was set in stone for you before you were even born, and set in stone for absolutely everyone?
>we have to come back in some capacity
It's not a question of knowledge, but a question of opinion. I am a materialist, and as such I assume that my self-awareness is a property of a dynamic material system. Considering that such material system can be replicated in time - and even multiple instances of it at the same time, I come to conclusion, that either the consciousness is a universal entity, or, it functions non-linearry in space and time along with the others.
At any rate, I believe we "replug" after death, with complete loss of personality and memory, and at random.
Look into that DMT release-on-death thing and you'll find it's largely bullshit. But if you had a nice trip, I guess it's good as something to look forward to as anything.
Though if you know you're dying, there's probably some morphine coming your way, which is nice - assuming they haven't made it illegal where you are yet.
Maybe it could be deduced through analysis of other workings in the universe.
That forms as complex as ours are so rare that they aren't liable to repeat themselves sufficiently to be considered the same identity between now and heat death, and even if they did, two atomically identical objects are not necessarily the same object?
Cosmology is full of depressing "we live in the worst universe possible to live in" discoveries these days - dun really recommend that route.
Science in general won't help you here - can't yet say much empirical about consciousness, beyond the medical definition. You're down to philosophy and religion.
Life is suffering, and soon you will be free. Rejoice.
Heck, I'm jealous - I'd check out myself, but alas, I have responsibilities remaining.
at some point in the future humans or maybe other race can reach that level of technology when they can be able to rebulid everone of us
I've had several. Oddly enough the most violent and traumatic was the most pleasant as far as fading out of consciousness and accepting the fact I was "dying".
>ran out of cigs
>go to get more
>wrong convenience store
>waltz into an active robbery
>get shot in left lung
>very quickly go down
>feels numb
>think of my family and friends
>kinda just devolves into a dreamlike experience
> hs graduation and catching fish with my buddies at the same time
>making love in the moonlight
>christmas morning and making perogi with the family
>sad memories came but just kinda floated on by
>more powerful emotions/memories
>wake up in hospital
>owe $34,000
Overall a shitty thing that happened and a shit ton of pain and stress after, but dying on that dirty shitty floor in the wrong part of town wasn't so bad.
>Science in general won't help you here
Well, some hard sci-fi might.
Relativity and block universe suggest that the past and future exist every bit as much as the present, and while no known natural phenomenon can accomplish the bending involved, spacetime itself is capable of geometries that allow traveling its past.
Perhaps, should we leave this rock and one day become capable of such seemingly impossible feats of gravimetric engineering, we will be able to grab all those past years carved into the lines of time and explore them, and take them along with us.
Though, even should that not be possible or never be the case, you will always exist as a line carved in that past.
But yes, generally, science isn't real good for this sorta thing.
I find the concept of consciousness more baffling than the concept of an afterlife.
There's simply no reason why I should be here. Something shouldn't just spontaneously pop out of nowhere. It's bizarre.
Awareness, to me, makes less sense than an actual state after death. It really makes me feel weird when I think about it.
I've felt the same exact thing.
I find it so fucking odd to just be a randomly occurring fragment observing the larger whole.
>go to get cigarettes
>get shot in the lung
Talk about a sign. Thanks for sharing user.
Just memories that live on in human consciousness or artifact form, and the remenence, the semation of your will of action in the log of spacetime.
Aw, man! Tradesies?
I still have like, 50 years.
>durr so what if I don't live anymore, inexistence sounds great
This is the mentality of wagecuck slaves that have nothing to look forward in their lives but their 8 hour shift
>tee hee I wanna die to I'm like so depressed, me_irl, but what about my loved ones
If you weren't huge attentionwhoring faggots you'd go through with it at once and "muh loved ones" is coping coming from a spooked cuck
As for OP, take the PascalPill and get on with reading Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox accounts of saintly miracles to convince yourself that a divinity responds to Christian rituals and that it should follow that it should guarantee your afterlife.
Because lying to yourself is better?
>Muslims were right and you go to Hell / Jews were right and you don't to the World to Come because you didn't fulfill Noah Laws / Buddhists were right and you reincarnate for a long time before getting a precious human existence / atheists were right and nothing happen
Pascal Bet is only ok for lapsing catholics.
Still better than being deluded.
>My life is horrible but at least I know the truth as if somehow that mattered also
How can you be this spooked? Is this a lack of testosterone resulting in a lack of will to live?
>living in terror of death is better than being an easy person that takes great comfort and purpose in his faith
>People who had brain activity snuffed and then somehow rebooted, report it as nothingness
And others claimed they met angels and shit, it's hardly a consensus to build on
I never said my life was horrible, you probably confused me with another poster.
I don't believe in "noble" lies and you don't need to lie to yourself about an afterlife to not be pathologically terrified by death.
>I'm a sad fuck who is weighed down by his arbitrary principles
christians monks are bad meditators and christian non-monks are the most appalling people on earth=> christians are shit
>my beliefs only look good compared to a strawman
>I lost the quarrel
> what comes after death?
we donĀ“t know but before death your brain can release a massive dose of DMT specially kept for this purpose
>but before death your brain can release a massive dose of DMT specially kept for this purpose
I've never understood this and feel like it's possibly bunk. I've read studies about a last spike in brain activity, but when I look up the thing about DMT I've never been able to find anything on it other than some old, long since-debunked explanations for the mechanics behind near death experiences. It doesn't make any sense for your brain to have a "death store" of DMT, because there wouldn't be any evolutionary pressure for it. Quite simply, if you're literally GOING to die, it's not like having a DMT-filled death is going to increase the chances of your survival.
We have no reason what so ever to think that there is something after death. In fact the little relevant understanding we have suggests the opposite. We do for example know that a persons identity is connected to physical processes.
it makes sense only if you believe in the soul, that would be its purpose
user here who actually posted the "kinda like before you were born" image, rather than the user speaking on my behalf... I've carefully engineered my life so that I've never had to be a wage cuck, and I actually suffer medically from an excess of testosterone, which has caused me some issues. More importantly, however:
>Still better than being deluded.
No, no it's not. If some machination of a spook, be it religion or philosophy, can aid you in living a better life and push you towards being a better person, especially when it comes to something as unknowable as the afterlife, more power to you. When it comes to such unknowables, one story is as relevant as any other. It's only a matter of how well that particular belief system, or lack there of, performs for you and your interactions with those around you.
It's just, for me, the idea of eternal existence is absolutely horrifying. My life hasn't been too bad, I've been quite lucky, in fact - but eternity is a long fucking time, and I've yet to come across a presentation of the afterlife more comforting than the most obvious one - simply ceasing to exist.
IF AnonPost = "Pascal" THEN writeln ('call bullshit');
>pr*testantism is given an equal probability as other denominations
I call bullshit on you compsci soyboy, how does it feel to get cucked by the BRAHMIN?
based opinion desu
It depends. Most people are either buried or cremated.
only good post in this thread
That chart is neutral, that's the point.
And were you that meme sprouter arguing for believing in a afterlife you don't know is true just to reassure yourself? how can you argue about protestantism being less likely to be real when you obviously don't care about the truth anyway?
At least for catholicism, this is incomptatible with their faith anyway.
pr*testantism is patently made up bullshit for wh*te people that's why
The works of Plato and Aristotle represent the height of human knowledge when it comes to metaphysics. It is a known fact that we will eventually be reconstituted and born again, so don't sweat it, OP. Death is a temporary inconvenience.
Have you got cancer or something
Ideally, I'd quite like it if you lived through your life again, preferably with some subconscious knowledge of your life. Then a good person, who truly wants the best can fix all those mistakes, and life gets better everytime (e.g. that car accident that gave you back pain for the rest of your life, you now take the bus. Where you snuck out to buy cigarettes at night and ended up at the pub, causing your gf to leave you, you now wait until morning) however, a bad person who refuses to learn would be condemned to repeat their mistakes for all eternity.
Probably the same stuff that was happening to you before you were born.
Yes, we already heard this in the thread and in every other conversation about this topic. You don't have anything new to say.
I don't understand why are you so upset about an answer that makes the most sense.
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
the sky is blue
>the sky is blue
My family, wagecuck coworkers and teachers all told me this so I'll say it too.
I am so observant!
To use an analogy, the brain is the material TV and energy from food is converted into electrical signals that power the TV and gives us the means to think.
The mind, consciousness, soul, whatever you want to call it, is a projection by this TV we call a brain, a channel if you will that can only remain focused and non-static and exists only when the TV is working and even then sometimes not at all in the case of coma patients. 'The lights are on but nobody's home' adage works well in this case.
I don't believe the mind can exist without the brain, but as of yet we can never know, although far into the future we may be able to upload our consciousnneses onto a computer essentially rendering us immortal.
But that time is far from us, my friends. Enjoy the time you have because all evidence points to only one ride on this one-way plane ticket we call existence.
It's both incredible and terrifying that we are made up of the same stuff as the rest of the universe and yet for some fucking reason the perfect set of random path integrals led us from a soup of elements to a single bacterial cell all the way to a multicellular complex organism and even then the only one self-aware enough to contemplate its own existence.
I'm a filthy heathen atheist and even I find the odds so astronomical that we are effectively a collection of self-aware atoms that a higher plane intelligence creating us (life in general) is not so far-fetched.
Sometimes the only winning move is to simply not play the game.
but what created the higher plane intelligence
What is the evolutionary pressure that produced the sensation of "dreaming"?
DMT releases when you're sleeping, so being unconsciousness and injured could produce a similar effect, not saying I know but that would be my guess, your body is pushing you into a deep sleep like state when you're close to death, and the DMT plays so part in that.
Who knows.
I personally enjoy Asimov's short story "The Last Question" as a possible explanation: a superintelligence created from the previous universe that exists outside of normal spacetime as we know it, in which it answers the eponymous final question of what happens after the universe is in a complete state of uniform entropy with creating another Big Bang.
Physics is much more ridiculous than any branch of religion in the absurdity of its claims, and yet the whole belief system would fall apart if the theories weren't true, so fuck it it's the best we got.
>find the odds so astronomical
i never understood this, how can a human assume anything about probability if the probability in question is in a sense total, what does it mean that a thing on a cosmic scale is or isnt probable, and by this i do not mean the onld law of big numbers shit i mean it literaly means nothing, for all we know we might be one of the most improbable universes because some things that are seemingly even more improbable or from a human perspective completely impossible accidentaly did not occur in our universe which makes it a improbbable exception
ultimately what is is, the probability of it is a moot point, obviously the only more improbable thing would be that a thing that is isnt
then stop playing spooked cuck.
>inb4 muhh loved ones
just an excuse
the process continues, one self-construct deconstructs others reconstruct, one body disolves others reconstitute, the process just goes on
if you dont have a lot of time left take as much shrooms and/or acid as you can find, and observe keenly
it will show you things that will make you less scared, namely you will percieve whatever you identify as a you disolve and rebuild itself, this will inform you about how temporary each you realy is, and they are all more temporary than you think
>What is the evolutionary pressure that produced the sensation of "dreaming"?
There's some good answers for that, if you bother Googling, but far be it from me to take the magic out of dreams.
There's actually a number of proposed reasons for dreaming, many of which involve a means by which the dreamer might be able to review and sort information or otherwise strengthen memories. And once again, there's jack shit on DMT being released immediately before death, I think it's a bogie rumor started because of an ancient study suggesting that it was released during near death experiences.
Yes, because being in pain and fearing death is not a sure fire formula for a bad trip of terrifying insanity.
considering that time is endless, I find it hard to believe that consiousness will be gone forever. it might take gazillions of years before you experience consiousness again but because time is infinite I am convinced that you will one day be able to observe the universe again
You're never going to figure it out until it happens, so try to accept that