How can you be fired from your own company?
How can you be fired from your own company?
t. steve jobs
shit libs
> what are shareholders
> what is board of directors
Yes, and when it happens you realize your company wasn't really yours.
By raping people, evidently.
Piss off the board of directors
Why would you have a board of directors?
He still kept his "shares" or whatever, right?
Why have a business? Why make money? Why not shit in your hands and masturbate?
have you heard the tape of him begging that woman to watch him shower. disgusting
indians understand life much better than us. ancient wisdom, user, ancient wisdom
All men in position of power get slandered by rape/sexual harassmen/pedophilia charges. It's sad to watch.
Slander is a false statement. There are tapes of him admitting to some of what he's done. I don't give a shit about him, it's sad he's assaulted I don't know how many women over the decades.
And obviously most men in positions of power aren't rapists. This fucker sure is, though.
I stand corrected.
If you can get away with shit until your an old ass man then you have already won
just a news story to get your mind off Las Vegas
Who honestly thought this WASN'T happening?
it's funny that all the women who got "harassed" came forward only after years and years having taken full advantage of his influential position and played all the movies roles they've been offered in exchange for their intercourses
Raping, that's how! Such a pos.
Victim shaming is gross behavior!
BACK to your echo chamber
he isn't a man, he's a jew
they run every film, tv, and music studio and you're going to get casting-couched whether you like it or not
Glad someone pointed this out. Biz is riddled with such useless junk.
im sure you were very focused on Roger Ailes religion/ethnicity when he was the focus of sexual harassment shit last year
calm down stacey go back buying l'oreal stocks
Fuck you're ignorant
Is this really the state of Veeky Forums - are there so many people who don't understand what Equity is. So many idiots who think that just because you're the CEO you somehow own the company?
kek, not far off
more or less this
so basically some stupid sluts hoped they would profit from having sex with this guy and after profiting they say they didnt want it in hindsight?
this is why i dont date western piece of shit women
dont get me wrong i hate hollywood and their jewry but i just hate european women as much
He was preying on them and bullying them. Have you heard the tape?
Women were literally afraid to talk bc he’d send a cadre of lawyers at them.
He also tried to rape/harass Gwyneth Paltrow when she was dating Brad Pitt (confirmed by Gwyneth and Pitt).
This wasn’t normal stuff. Listen to the tape and you’ll get an idea.
They should be applauded for setting aside their emotions to further their careers. You're only mad because they won't have sex with you faggot virgin garbage man.
>How can you be fired from your own company?
Looks like he's got a droopy mkultra eye. Didn't think they'd do that to one of (((their))) own.
>Weinstein is to get people's minds of Vegas
>Implying the media wants attention diverted away from Vegas
You're not very good at narratives, are you?
Come on man... We're all equal.
His brother is the CEO, cofounder, and on the board of directors.
Pretty much this, these women knew what the price of their fame was, i woukdnt be surprised if some were extorting him. The ones that came forward probably ran outof money and asked for moreroles, he called their bluff, now hes fucked
Its how show business works, you have to be fucking naive not to think this.
Also shows howweak these bitches are, wasent Ashley Judd at the womans march when Trump was elected, why didnt she come out then?
No, that isn't what happened. You must be ignorant of the news and are projecting from your own personal experiences.
Most of the women rejected his advances and lost roles because of it. Some weren't so lucky.
You have no heart, user.
"Lucia Stoller, told The New Yorker that in 2004, the summer before her senior year at Middlebury, she met with Weinstein and a female casting executive during the day at his Tribeca offices. Stoller said Weinstein dismissed the exec and talked to her about a few scripts before assaulting her. “He forced me to perform oral sex on him. I said, over and over, ‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’” she told The New Yorker. “He’s a big guy. He overpowered me.”"
Here is one account, and tell me if this is what you'd want a mother, daughter or sister of yours to endure in their pursuit of job opportunity:
In the meeting, Evans recalled, “he immediately was simultaneously flattering me and demeaning me and making me feel bad about myself.” Weinstein told her that she’d “be great in ‘Project Runway’ ”—the show, which Weinstein helped produce, premièred later that year—but only if she lost weight. He also told her about two scripts, a horror movie and a teen love story, and said one of his associates would discuss them with her.
“At that point, after that, is when he assaulted me,” Evans said. “He forced me to perform oral sex on him.” As she objected, Weinstein took his penis out of his pants and pulled her head down onto it. “I said, over and over, ‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’ ” she said. “I tried to get away, but maybe I didn’t try hard enough. I didn’t want to kick him or fight him.” In the end, she said, “He’s a big guy. He overpowered me.” At a certain point, she said, “I just sort of gave up. That’s the most horrible part of it, and that’s why he’s been able to do this for so long to so many women: people give up, and then they feel like it’s their fault.”
Honestly being blown out of proportion. This is how the industry works damnit! You give sex, you get a job, you get fame, you get money. It's prostitution basically. It's a small price you pay for what you get. If you don't like it, don't go for it, it's simple. This situation is basically being blown out of proportion because of the recent feminist whining that is being taken seriously everywhere. Fuck those whiny bitches like they did not know it before. Fuck off.
The majority of this will likely end up being labeled as some generic harassment and not actually rape. Why? Because most of these women likely consented. This is typical casting couch Hollywood shit.
Women have no issue being prostitutes when it means they will get million dollar contracts. It's not until years later that regret kicks in for being whores.
Not to say he isn't a sleezeball but fuck. These women could have completely cut ties if he was in any way threatening.. You know, take responsibility like an adult and move on to the next opportunity that doesn't involve sleeping your way to the top...but we all know they wouldn't be anywhere without casting couches.
If people like you ran the world we'd still be living in the Stone Age, cracking each other over the skull over minor transgressions, and refusing to better ourselves because it's "how things are".
Some of us want to build a better world where our mothers, sisters and daughters shouldn't expect to be raped to succeed in life.
What a joke of an account.
Walk out of the room. Cut ties with him. File a report. Act like an adult. Seriously, just leave the fucking room.
Hell, she described situations many people, men and women, have been in. Sex is a messy thing and it's often regrettable. You've never dealt with a rapey, forceful woman? I certainly have. Only difference is, I didn't get a million dollar contract out of my regretful sexual experiences.
Its just how it is buddy, women depend on men, and men only want one thing.
Dont get on your knees if you dont want to suck dick.
Simple as that desu
You obviously are totally unaware of this news story.
That's what happened. The majority of women did leave and weren't assaulted - but they also lost out on roles that were initially offered to them. Reports were filed. A tape was recorded and he admitted his wrongdoing.
That's why his own company - with his own brother on the damn board - fired him.
Do you have more sympathy for this man than these women? How can that possibly be?
Retarded roastie. It's not men's responsibility to white knight for the entire fucking world.
Last time I checked, women are strong and independent. They can do anything a man can. So perhaps they should try meritocracy and being responsible instead of sleeping their way to the top and then acting surprised afterwords.
Stop wadting your time and go check out
All this guy was offering was sex in exchange for movie contracts, the women knew
It's so sad. I'm on this board getting tips that are leading tremendous profits with crypto, but I look at seemingly most of you and you're all so morally degenerate.
If any of you have mothers - and let's be honest, most of you live with them - I want you to consider saying what you're typing out to their face, to look them in the eyes and imagine them getting raped so you could have food on the table, and consider if that's an acceptable society to you.
So true. Gross behavior all together.
No you fucking idiot, how long has this been going on for 20 years? why didnt Gweneth Paltrow come out 20 years ago and save hundreds of women from being subjected to his behaviour.
All of hollywood knew, yet he stayed in business, and kept trading sex for movie roles
I agree with you, user, although the emotionally stunted children here will never get it through their skulls.
Who is
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Savile
Edward Heath
Dennis Hastert
Anthony Weiner
Ed Murray
Cyril Smith
Bill Cosby
Dominique Straus-Kahn
John 'skippy' Podesta
And this is only the shit that gets out.
Weiner only got busted because he twittered a dick pick instead of snapchatting it.
You dont get in power if you're unwilling to put yourself in a position to be blackmailed.
>44chan hurt muh feelings
You must be new here. Back to ledit, fagget.
Btw I would tell my mother/daughter/sister to find a field where they don't prostitute themselves to climb the ladder. And perhaps get associates who aren't complete slimeballs. We share the same beliefs because they are women who take responsibility for their careers and the people they associate with.
Not everyone shares your feminist retardo worldview. The world isn't a utopia, be more responsible, roastie.
In your idea of justice, would this man continue to run his business even after these stories came forward? Setting aside what could have or should have happened, what was the ideal outcome in 2017?
Delayed justice is better than no justice.
A significant fraction of the people on this board will become very wealthy. I know you'll squander it. You're nihilistic barbarians who found a treasure trove, not philosopher kings.
Uh donating to Trump 2020 and buying water filters is not squandering it.
i didnt read the news i just know not to trust white women most of them are sluts and deserve whats coming to them
Unfortunately he cant, his and his companies reputation has been irrevocably damaged
His punishment already has already outweighed his alleged behaviour
I know you probably hate black people too but Terry Crews came forward about how his privates were groped by a high level male executive and he didn't do anything because it'd end his career (he had no proof).
These are human beings. Their gender doesn't really come into it too much psychologically, though it's obviously much more likely to happen to women.
A bad thing happens but unlike a physical assault there's no evidence. You either grin and bear it and carry on with your career or come forward and know your voice was heard and then end your career.
It'd be a shame if you invested ten years in, say, accounting, and it had to come to an end because you didn't suck your boss' dick.
It's not a fucking crazy leftist statement to say maaaaaaaaybe this isn't how things should be, maaaaaybe let's expose these creeps and hopefully this will happen less often.
I was sexually assaulted by one of my own students (a faggot), but that alone makes it hard to report, not to mention that he was the nephew of a world famous gay poet and had shittons of money. Rapists are the scum of the world.
>I said, over and over, ‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’”
>I said, over and over, ‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’
They both said word for word exactly the same thing? How wierd.
Yeah. She changed her last name after getting married. The two articles used different last names.
This. The easy solution would be to legalize one-party recording consent laws universally, but the government and mafia don't want that.
Lol, Did he force you to suck his dick? did you say
>‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’
Do you even know how promotions work at some places? Jeez, we do not live and will be in an idealistic world you want.
See there is the problem in this world. Fucking white knights like you. You think the same thing does not happen to men? You obviously have no idea how promotions work at some companies.Women execs can abuse men too motherfucker. Please kill yourself, the world will be a better place without people like you.
You wouldn't want to work for a company where you just had to take it up the bum to get a promotion. Y'all love the free market and shit, I'd say I would hope that we'd seek work at other places and shut down the businesses that demanded ass fucking.
I for one would consider that unprofessional at best.
It's not crazy to say "We shouldn't have a culture where you must take it up the ass to get promoted. It should be based on job performance."
I would, in fact, say my boss is being a bad boss if he demanded bum fucking to do well in his company. I wouldn't see the connection between that and driving the company's growth, it's blatantly self-serving and demeaning.
This sounds ridiculous but do I actually have to spell it out to you morons who throw your hands in the air go "Well, that's life!"
If you're talking to me I gave an example of it happening to men (Terry Crews). Of course it happens to men, this issue doesn't really have to do with gender, although it does statistically happen to women more. It's evil either way.
Another solution would be to legalize prostitution and say up-front in an employee's contract that sucking dick is an expected service in return for pay. As long as it isn't coercive.
Sure, I agree.
The problem is that it is coercive.
Make no mistake, what happened with Weinstein isn't just a sort of networking with the boss where you sleep with the dude and get a movie role and you're cool with the sex and you get a great film role.
The guy would invite people into his room for a business meeting and he'd come out naked swinging his dick.
I know you know that but jfc this board
>Come on man... We're all equal
Fuck yourre stupid
Show us your tits or gtfo
When you dont own at least 50.1 percent of the company you can be kicked off anytime
By auctioning your equity off to Jews.
i would dump a girl who did that and i would never date a girl who sells her body for gain
not to mention people who cheat on their partner no matter the circumstance deserve to die anyway
the reality is tho that women cheat more often
The guy whose photo is in the original post cheated on his partner by raping or assaulting several other women. He was fired from his own company and his wife just left him this past week.
Yup. There was an interesting study came out a few months ago that showed being married made men less likely to cheat...but made women more likely to.
i think women should face jail time and pay reparations when they try to deceive the husband with another mans child
it hurts the man financially and socially it can ruin the mans life
Jesus fuck, I've grown used to the pajeets in the other threads but when they voice their backwards opinions instead of just shilling I want to kill myself. What happened that made you so bitter and retarded? Your child bride beat you around the head so she could escape?
>He’s a big guy
for you
im german and i have a comparison between european hoes and asian girls raised in asia and european sluts arent worth even looking at
they lose in every way they look worse smell bad more often and have a bad attitude compared to asians
unfortunately my mother and sister are way too dumb to capitalize their bodies to the fullest and get weinstened, however i'm not judging those whores because they decided to sell their bodies in exchange of some big movie roles, i'm just calling out their hypochrisy for ruining the life of an innocent man after they've taken advantage of him for all those years and while they claim to be feminists despite how they've whored their way to the top and the only thing they've been good at was commodifying their bodies