>Matthew 16:18
Matthew 16:18
Who is this hobgoblin?
Brazilian Marxist cuckold
Reminder that Peter never actually set foot in Rome, and his founding of the church in Rome is just something Catholics made up in the late 2nd century to gain legitimacy.
Reminder that Matthew is a Pro-Jewish gospel in which the Law is still in full effect.
Reminder that Peter was a known Judaizer (cf the Incident at Antioch).
Reminder that what Matthew is essentially saying here is that Judaism is the rock of the Church.
> Luke 23:4
>implying its not
get fukt. There is no road to God but though the Jews.
>Matthew 16:23
It's amazing how s/his/stains could quote bible verses but can't quote other sources when making points.
>Matthew 21:17
Yeah. Think about it.
What other sources? This religion exists only in their imaginations
>like gravity
>gates of hades
the antichrist
Reminder that Paul is attributed with writing most of the NT and yet, he never physically met the man. Damascus road LSD trip doesn't count.
>Matthew 23 9
this is why Paul is the only trustworthy source and Marcion was 100% right to disregard everyone else
A false prophet
>Luther was write
I think the council of Nicea or whoever decided to edit the Bible really fucked up. They pretty much took a bunch of books that were popular or kind of know at the time regardless of source or target-audience, and stitched them together into a contradictory mess.
You know he rejected that, right?