What did he mean by this?

Say you're sorry.

Holy shit.


He said what he said. link = love!

He means Veeky Forums will be disappointed by SIBOS as their expectations are already too high from the hype.

It mean's that Sergey isn't a fgt like the chink shiller of OMG

how do I get in the slack?

It's going to be hilarious if the announcements are actually as hype as the Link reports say.

>Great things
>Gets bought out by Ripple
>Announced at Swell

Why haven't you bought XRP biz?

because i wanna get gains bigger than 5% thanks

yeah i said the same thing to linkies but they are just delusional.


read up faggot

You don't. You simply can't. OG linkies only.

You do realize ripplenet is used for wechat payments right lmfao

>Me: Guy in closed slack among the top LINK wallets
>You: Some salty no-link faggot who knows infinitely less about the project

stay poor

already made my 3x off link, ill buy your bags once they crash to 30 cents after the 16th ty user.

>we don't have any news but when we have something we will share
And link tards think this is good
A red flag to anyone with half a brain and experience in business

They are not about that OG ICO LINK = $$$ life! Let them know!

whoa you turned your 100 bucks into 300?

3k into 9k but try again sweety

can you read? He's not allowed to talk about it yet. They've hinted at NDAs in past dialogue

if it crashes to 30 cents I'll still have made a greater ROI in terms of $ and % than you.