If Atlantis was so much superior to us technologically why did it get destroyed?

If Atlantis was so much superior to us technologically why did it get destroyed?

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I have bad news for you : It never existed

Global Warming

The Atlanteans left Earth and travelled into outer space. They concealed their homeland using advanced technology, should they ever return. Plato was just pissed that he had wrecked Syracuse, so he decided to slander the Atlanteans to divert attention from his own actions.

Platos metaphors did not materialize upon the mortal plane, unfortunantly

Theh bult a massive pace station full of weapons to defend them from the rest of the world but its insane crator freaked out when he heard someone elses brain would be uploaded to the machine so he fucked with its prgramming leading it to destroy atlamtis rather than defend it, but some atlantian survivors managed to trick the space station into flying off into space before it could exterminate all humans

It will return soon to finish its work

the wh*te cave subhumans deceived the black gods ruling the space age atlantis

Learn to write, gayreek shit.

Friendly reminder that Hyperborean civilization > Atlantean civilization

There was a good documentary on archeologists who found the ruins. If you follow their excavation and study they slowly discover what happened. It takes some time so if you are not up for in depth science you might find PicRelated boring.

'us' as in Egypt 9000BC.
also - earthquake

>Hyperborean civilization
Also called "Proto-Nordics" and "Proto-Indo-Europeans" (those names are synonymous)

This thread is so confusing

They misused their technology. The sort of things they built can never again be tolerated on Earth, and they likely would not work anyways, because of changes to the air and Earth. Two important points... the water springing up from the ground, and the postdiluvian rainbow.

if we are so much superior technologically why a 3rdWW would probably destroy us more than 1stWW?

The Atlanteans built a magical ladder to the Ideal Plane but their kings betrayed them, retconned Atlantis out of existence and twisted reality itself to make it all about their absolute domination up to the metaphysical level of existence.

Atlantis is still remembered today and people think of similar utopias because the Platonic Ideals of the City still exist and resonate with the collective unconscious, Plato himself mostly "made up" the legend because he was a unconscious psychic deeply attuned to the collective human consciouness.

Many feel the need to deny the existence of Atlantis because they are psychically influenced by Them like and others like and are still interfered with enough to be inspired by corrupted versions of Atlantis.

Most people who can remember the truth tend to go at least a little crazy because they can feel that things impossible in the now revised reality were real back then and so are more True, flat-earthers are a good example.


They got pulsar blasted in the finno-korean hyperwar


Flood killed all the ungodly people, as well as all the angel/human hybrids.

Something I find really ironic is that Plato in The Republic talks about fiction being harmful. He then creates are fiction (Atlantis) and more people know about Atlantis than they do Plato.

He's not against fiction per se and he admit that some parts of his ideal system are based on noble lies (like caste being based on the quality of the soul), he just think most fictions as done by artists are degenerate

Its underwater. They couldn't handle the shit talking of the ancient and created a whole myth around their destruction to hide the fact.

>The point
>Your head

Nigga that is the plot to Mage the Awakening

Psychically sensitive people always rediscover the truth.

Is the Abyss true? Is that a contradiction?

Maybe it was Tenochtitlan

Plato points that fiction is only good when it is used to adoctrinate the population with certain virtues

Yes. Wizards are responsible for the world being such a toilet.

The Atlantis / Hyperborea myth is a bit difficult to understand because it touches on the primordial truth of the universe which is the fact that reality is made up out of two elements, the physical and the meta-physical (in most ancient traditions the "mortal" nature of humanity and the "immortal" nature of the gods). So Atlantis / Hyperborea was not only a physical place where men resided, but it was also a metaphysical place where our thoughts reside even to this day.

What those men managed to do, was to create a society that conformed 100& to the principles of truth and justice. Essentially, to put it allegorically, they created "heaven on earth", a civilization that corresponded in an optimal way to the mode in which a civilization should be strucuted in order for everyone to live in peace and harmony. The reason why they managed this was because civilization was a new thing, they did not know what they were doing, it just kind of happened in a natural way. What was to come later, was what every single civilization in the world has a myth of, and has passed on this myth even to this day, which is the story of the great flood.


The great flood is real, it happened. But not as quickly as it's told in the story. You see, in the Vedas, the oldest text on earth, the Atlantid / Aryan civilization is referenced. It is said that they live in the Arctic, or polar regions of the world, because of the stars that they saw in the night sky. However, the real location of Atlantis was what is known as Doggerland. It is the area of land between the UK and mainland Europe, now submerged, but back in that time it was above water (look up Doggerland on wikipedia). It is confirmed that people lived in Doggerland, because artifacts have been hauled up by fishing boats.

This was the physical location of Atlantis, the place where men managed to create heaven on earth. This is also the origin of Aryan or Indo-European peoples.

>a wizard did it
Fucking Casters.



"The boars are too fierce, run for the towers!"
"What is it, Kemset?"
I love that game.

more technological advanced culture wiped it out.

The end of the Younger Dryas, Meltwater Pulse 1b and isostatic depression.

It's under the Azores now.

probably g*rmanics washed up their coast...

The ayys had better technology.