Should the Chinese be able to tout their millennia long history if they tried to reject it and destroy it all in the their Cultural Revolution?
Can't really champion your nation having Confucius if you're the same entity that knocked over his tomb.
Should the Chinese be able to tout their millennia long history if they tried to reject it and destroy it all in the...
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I’s not like you can make them stop. And the Chinese learned their lesson for the most part. Still a shame that the “culture” of knuckledragging peasants was championed because “muh workers” while high culture was thrown away.
Still, footbinding was a savage practice and needed to go.
wish children's pee-flavoured eggs would go too
They're not communists
They should get invaded and sacked. Its only fair.
Wu people =/= Chinese
They’re barbarian half-japs
Confucius and all that not very important, just for a sense of history. The party is important.
>Should the Chinese be able to tout their millennia long history if they tried to reject it and destroy it all in the their Cultural Revolution?
Yes because its their history.
>profess an internationalist, ideology that champions class consciousness to the point of rejecting nationhood as a product of the bourgeois
>reject all of past China and it's history and culture as counterrevolutionary
>try and tout all that you reject and persecute as actually something that is yours and worthy of respect
>le not real communists
Im sure any good party member would love to have him as son in law
Short answer for this question: No, they shouldn't be able to tout it. China has been a victim of invasion high on 800 years now with no tangible victories over any foreign entities. China's spent more time in internal conflict than external conflict. When peasants weren't massing together in secret lotus clubs to murder child-emperors ran by sycophants they were getting high or trying their hardest not to advance culturally, economically, or scientifically.
You could still own a shitty history.
But leaving your history at the city dump, and THEN claiming it's yours?
Shitty and gay.
If China hasn't been run by "Chinese" for 800 years is it still China?
>People don't change derpderp
I guess Russians can't be orthodox now.
Besides Asian communists were always more nationalistic than what European Marxist Idealists wanted.
Kinda sorta,
If greatgrandpapasan said this do this, but if grandpapasan was "inspired" to do this instead...
The Russian Federation at least makes amends to the Russian Empire, even if they didn't exactly revive the Tsar's family.
But would the Soviet Union have rights to the past glory of the Tsardom and Orthodox Church? Fuck no.
Meanwhile China is still Red.
>The Russian Federation at least makes amends to the Russian Empire, even if they didn't exactly revive the Tsar's family.
>I-its not the same!
Funny you mentioned the Tsar. The Chinese didn't even kill their last Emperor. He was "rehabed" and lived the rest of his days as a gardener in Beijing. There was also the fact that the Red leadership didn't entirely agree with the Cultural Revolution (jesus, some of them were even the victims of it), and you had scenes like Zhou Enlai telling PLA surrounding the Forbidden City to prevent Red Guard vandalism of the old royal palace.
And guess who's spending for current day China's cultural preservation efforts? Exactly.
>But would the Soviet Union have rights to the past glory of the Tsardom and Orthodox Church? Fuck no.
Yes they can. It's their choice.
Hell Soviets kept the Russian Empire together compared to the Modern Day Russian Federation.
So if 2% of your population rejects its culture then 100% can’t claim it’s their culture?
No. Chinese define Chinese culture and Chinese have Chinese culture. Red guad maoists were a tiny minority in China, and they didn’t “reject” Chinese culture. They explicitly stated “out with the old” not “out with all Chinese culture.”
By your logic, the USA has no culture because its youth rejected the conservative parts during the Sexual Revolution.
>Herpherp I get to decide what other people can/cannot do!
>comparing the Cultural Revolution to the fucking sexual revolution
>reading comprehension
He didn't say culture, OP said history. All you idiots in this thread have been answering the wrong question.
OP's question is fucking stupid to begin with.
I wouldn't expect literally every single person in the whole of China to follow right in step with the Cultural Revolution.
But the CR fell right in step with their Communist aspirations, and if you're going to call yourself Communist and be the same Chinese Communist Party that orchestrated it to begin with, you ought to own it.
>Yes they can. It's their choice.
That's stupid though. Their ideology is in conflict with those institutions, and in following fashion, they destroyed them.
I can pass judgement on wether it is right or wrong to do so
I would mean to say rather that would it be right of them championing their history, having professed it their enemy?
Only 5% of Chinese call themselves Communist though.
Yeah and you can also be a retard. That isn’t good for you.
>Only 5% of Chinese call themselves Communist though.
Is China not a single party state?
>Yeah and you can also be a retard. That isn’t good for you.
Not an argument
>But the CR fell right in step with their Communist aspirations, and if you're going to call yourself Communist and be the same Chinese Communist Party that orchestrated it to begin with, you ought to own it.
It's like you're actively ignoring Chinese history past the 1980s, and not knowing that the CCP doesn't give a shit about ideology anymore.
Really stupid of you, desu.
>I can pass judgement on wether it is right or wrong to do so
And an entire people couldn't care what you think.
>The Chinese should be like us cool self-hating Westerners.
This isn't about Veeky Forums sending an envoy to the CCP to tell them their poopyheads.
This is just for the sake of the argument.
While they still call themselves the Chinese Communist Party, the only party of the People's Republic of China, I'll treat them as such.
More like communists should lay in the bed they make
Then it's a pointless argument. Chinese could do whatever they want. And we just wasted each others' time.
>I come to Veeky Forums for only the most earthshaking endeavors
>Why can't we celebrate our own culture. I bet it's the SJWs fault!
From what did you derive this message from
It's simple:
People who protect and cherish their culture and history ought to be able to tout it
Those who do not, ought not to
It's like beating and disowning your son until he runs away, and then claim him when he becomes governor.
>People can do whatever they want with their culture.
>Random foreigner: "Hey they can't do that because muh analogies."
Not everyone has the luxury of being cucky westerners, my friend.
elaborate please
I replied to that post you shitposting mong
>China has been a victim of invasion high on 800 years now
the Qing invasions were 350 years ago, not 800