Next waltonchain

>mfw made my gains finding good icos in their btctalk stage
>mfw found monero, zcash, antshares, walton chain before most people
>mfw found the next walton chain
>lurking in their telegram for updates

Lazy pajeets won't make it in this racket. Tell me a funny joke and i might tell you

Other urls found in this thread:

you don't know shit nigger

LARPing pajeet

move on boys

do your own research pajeet. i shared walton chain before their ico and people called it a shitcoin. look where we are now


>found monero before most people
If that's true you've been into crypto for years and should be worth literally millions at this point.

I'm sure you know the next moon mission Raj.

Don't forget to poo in the loo today.


hey op i heard this one today i hope you like it, whats a bitch on a diet?

nice dude!!!!!

do you feel important now?

a bitch?

no u

I feel happy retiring in thailand at the age of 30

a huge fat bitch

Don't be a comedian user. I will give you 3 hints. Small market cap. Good developer. Next walton chain.

Metaverse? Wow how did you dig that one up??

thanks op i guess it was more funny in french.

Metaverse is good but this is under the radar. Anyone who checks btc talk regularly knows

Is it a Chinkcoin?

Spell it out reeeee

I find it really hard to navigate BTC talk. There is way too much shit and not user friendly at all.

Any good boards and tips OP?

Is it Aeon? I think everyone is sleeping on it, price may rise before this rebase happens

Aeon already mooned big

I think I know what OP is talking about. It is pretty new but I am tracking it. Seems like it has decent flipping potential.

it's a shit website and research is a grind but it is rewarding for whoever persists

Which board do you recommend to start with?

I don't know if this is what OP is talking about but it fits his 3 clues...

I just follow announcements for ICOs

wtf my link is gone

devry college ico?

Thanks anyone proficient with google can find it using that image. It seems kinda mediocre at best.

This one looks kinda interesting, pretty similar to WTC in concept (inventory management/anti-counterfeiting).

I think it's that one. His 3 clues
>10 million cap

>Good developers
I don't know. I need to research them.

>next walton chain
Targets similar market to walton chain

The website looks nice at least...

the team lel

Wait, spoke too soon
>Andrew Rasheed
>Chironjit Das
>Jamal Ali
>Bokky "Grand" Poobah
>John Shi-nash

It will be a good flip if they play their cards right. Easy meme potential and low cap

lmao these are like computer generated names

>10,000 ecommerce orders in 2017
>10,000... 2017

Aint that a tadbit ... underwhelming? seeing as how 2017 is the year when people are literally closing down brick and mortar stores because online sales are booming?

generated by the golem supercompute

The team looks shit.

One of them has processed 10,000 orders WOW MUCH ORDERS

Yeah team looks kinda weak

>Bokky "Grand" Poobah

He is one of the big auditors in the ethereum space actually. I'll give this a look

>mfw people said this about neo and wtc
>mfw i believed the fud


>no individual cap
>good flip

pick one retard


It reminds me of DNT and that made me 15x

OP, I will literally pay you 30% of my gains if this is legit. Post your BTC address and I have 5BTC to play with. You make me at LEAST 50% gains, I will give you 30% of my gains. No joke.

Enjin coin

Please fuck off and die

pls be true

I get dnt vibes from devery too. The dnt team was nothing special and it was a good flip. I'll follow their telegram and ask them some questions. Walton chains success gives this hope

Bokky is big on the ethereum stackexchange. Too many new coiners on biz

Sure he's big, but I think it would be a stretch to assume this may work out just because Walton did....

You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!

It's still early. Airswap looked trash in its early days until it was memed. When you trade for a few years you learn that the best gains are made at the ground floor before everyone else discovers it.

Idk im going to grill them with questions on their telegram and btc talk page.

I don't like that there isn't a hard cap per person.

Honestly with Request Network coming up tomorrow, that's the best flip this month.

I don't see anything else promising this month.

If I do some more digging too and get good answers I might consider too. When do you think they will start the sale of tokens?

didn't he audit cindicator?
What ico are we talking about. I want in

looks similar to walton chain and dnt

if there no hard cap im fucking out but I can't find those details. ill ask in their telegram and report back.

devery. i saw them yesterday on the btc page. i thought it looked good desu

>I don't like that there isn't a hard cap per person.
Can anyone confirm this?

Dude when you go to whitelist and start signing up for notifications they ask you how much eth you want to continue and the final box is '2000+ eth or more' does that sound like a hard cap per person?

but every ico starts like that. has anyone asked in the telegram yet?


He answered perfectly. I'm fucking hype THANKS OP

I asked him he said this. Seems good

but walton hasn't even begun its moon mission yet?

wait what is this?


I don't see walton chain being an issue. If anything it will help us flip this like 0x did for airswap

what is the telegram link?

keep this under wraps for now. good work boys

here's some edgy jokes for you OP:

What is the best hotel in the world?
- Auschwitz, it got 6 million stars

How do you call a jewish Pokemon trainer?
- Ash

What's white on top and black beneath?
- Society

where do i find the most valuable info on btctalk?

thanks op. i am honestly very impressed with how they aere answering questions. 10x better than enigma and the other icos i have been in

Same. Pleasantly surprised. This is a diamond in the rough


So they practiced giving answers and have shillers asking "proctered" questions.

Congrats Veeky Forums, you are all cucks.

>tfw op is devery

alright. 5 eth at this arab ico

It's being circulated in my discord and telegram groups. Whales are watching this and shilling it

I tested it and asked them a question and they responded fine you paranoid cuck. Let this thread 404 anyway so we can dump on leddit

sage it

Can anyone ask the developers if they have partnerships at hand?

Shit looks too risky to put some BTC in even if the concept looks nice so I'm not hyped yet.

is this legit or am i about to get

>i shared walton chain before their ico
You didn't. As a walton holder I know this is a lie.


Ask yourself it's not hard. Stop asking people to do everything for you

Joke: Why 6 afraid of 7?

Answer: Because 7 have many friend Politburo

eh walton going back to ATH levels soon, or should I just's impossible for me to lose money on this, but it pains me to see my profits bleed away by the thousands...

waltonchain did its big moon. ico investors made a killing. get in early for big profits


I'm sold

it just feels like it's good for a last big pump after the BTC craze calms down a bit...

I recognize bokky's name from the stack exchange. Say what you want about the PAJEET but Bokky's github is lit af

>audited aion
>audited cindicator
>audited stox
>audited bancor
>audited santiment

>BAT crowdsale
>audited funfair

fuck the list goes on

>tokencard - this is what Andrew Pajeet prides himself of bestowing onto the world and needs $10.k.k to produce the next Amazon.

Herr Das is a crypto enthusiast and this fact only earns hiself a place on this moonship's executive board. #legit

Jamal is clearly the maketing brain of this operation as he has successfully founded Treeco and processed 10k orders already! Would that be the tree removal operation in Florida ? The tree removal in new zeeland ? Dunno, stopped after the 4th google restults page.

Worry-not though, they will pay 10k out of your hard earned cash to this guy who has a github account and another white person to provide suppervision on this amateurish scam job.

>he thinks any of that matters

yea and dnt had stellar credentials. newcoiner alert. youre not going to make it.
keep up the fud i dont want normies to get in on this

we all know you're talking about link


that actually looks pretty cool, has anyone tried buying a laptop off there?



funny joke:

>husband goes to wife
>says "honey pack your bags i just won the lottery"
>"ooh she screams. Should i dress for a warm or a cold climate?"
>"i dont care, i just want you to be gone by midnight"


fucking kek

>mfw almost fell for the fud again
>mfw it looks legit

Fuck you biz